Topic: Thank you message to those on e621

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I just had a bushfire come past my town and home. I had a few people on here messaging me on whatsapp. Since there's too many to thank, I would like to make a post here.

Thank you. I'm safe back at home and I'm alive.

Updated by TheHuskyK9

Patchi said:
I just had a bushfire come past my town and home. I had a few people on here messaging me on whatsapp. Since there's too many to thank, I would like to make a post here.

Thank you. I'm safe back at home and I'm alive.

Hells coming for you patchi, you can't just cheat death like that...
Ever see final destination? I'd watch myself patchi...

Updated by anonymous

Bushfire? What? o_O

Anyway, good thing you're okay!

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Bushfire? What? o_O

Anyway, good thing you're okay!

Live in Australia. It's summer here.

Updated by anonymous

Holy crap, people "care" about other living people on here? Well color me pleasantly surprised!
Congrats on not burning to death.

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
Live in Australia. It's summer here.

What temperature's there!? The highest we've gotten (last year) where I live was 48°C (about 118°F), according to accuweather.

Wait, summer?

Updated by anonymous

Bushfires are fucking scary. I lost communication with some family due to one for a few weeks and we all thought the worst. They survived, because they were conveniently out of the house. Glad that you're fine.

Xch3l said:
Wait, summer?


Updated by anonymous

Seven_Twenty said:

Okay, no need to get rude... j/k

Had to look for Australia in a map when you said that (yeah, I'm that bad at geography). Then I was like "oh, that's why".

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
What temperature's there!? The highest we've gotten (last year) where I live was 48°C (about 118°F), according to accuweather.

Wait, summer?

Got to 43C here. Highest ever here was 48C back in 2009 when we had Black Saturday

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
Live in Australia. It's summer here.

space Australia is best country.

Updated by anonymous

Glad you are ok. lost most of my stuff in a house fire last year, I wish it on no body.

Stay safe :o

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
Woah, even the bushes try to kill you in Australia.

This is a good point. I feel like the reason Australia manages to avoid any wars is a) no one can ever find it and b) no one really wants to start a fight with a people who live somewhere where *everything* is dangerous.

Updated by anonymous

Northern hemisphere is experiencing temperatures as cold as Mars. Southern hemisphere is suffering temperatures as high as the equatorial deserts (Some places as high as 50*C). Global warming is hitting us hard, my friends.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Northern hemisphere is experiencing temperatures as cold as Mars. Southern hemisphere is suffering temperatures as high as the equatorial deserts (Some places as high as 50*C). Global warming is hitting us hard, my friends.

its at least partly because humans are wreaking havoc on the environment to promote our market based economies, with planned obsolescence and neglecting to use clean energy because it would "cost too much money" even if the resources to clean everything up are still abundant.
this is what pisses me off, we have the technology and resources to completely fix global pollution, fix world hunger and have everyone on equal footing with a future that can only get better as technology further develops. But people nowadays are so fucking concerned with making a profit and screwing other people over, that any reality where money isn't a factor seems like a goddamned blasphemy that could never take place.
only one man I know of sees any amount of rationality to our dilemma, and his name is Jacque Fresco, founder of .
I'm not going to rant anymore or explain what the Venus project is, but if you want to know of the only viable solution to the situation we're all in, follow the link, and maybe watch some of the videos posted there.

Updated by anonymous

CamKitty said:
Could we not do this in patchi's thank you thread?

I'm in agreement. I was just making an observation about the extreme heat and cold that we're experiencing this year. ._.;

Updated by anonymous

Don't worry about it guys. Thank you for the well wishes.

It's another extremely hot day here. Already on alert and its not even 10am yet.

If anyone needs support, its our fire fighters!

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:

It's great that you're ok. How's the air quality?

Lots of smoke in the air. There's about 200 fires going on here but its all up north and away from me.

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
Lots of smoke in the air. There's about 200 fires going on here but its all up north and away from me.

Well that's good. Well, better then it could be anyways.

Careful down there :o

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
Lots of smoke in the air. There's about 200 fires going on here but its all up north and away from me.

at least its not like china where in places the car exaust literally puts a grey haze on cities.

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
Lots of smoke in the air. There's about 200 fires going on here but its all up north and away from me.

Oy. At least it's fa away.

Updated by anonymous

Sollux said:
at least its not like china where in places the car exaust literally puts a grey haze on cities.

Again . . .

Updated by anonymous

Sollux said:
at least its not like china where in places the car exaust literally puts a grey haze on cities.

You cannot compare China's pollution to smoke. That's stupid.

Anyway. Gonna be 44C tomorrow. Another fire nearby so I'm preparing to defend the house with my father. Lovely.

Updated by anonymous

Good luck to you, and be careful. We don't want to lose our favorite siamese.

Updated by anonymous

edidaf said:
Good luck to you, and be careful. We don't want to lose our favorite siamese.

Haha thanks. I don't intend to die in a bushfire nor will I. This happens ever year but sometimes one year can be worse then the others.

And true to Melbourne style, it was 42C today and now its 28C and bucketing down with rain.

Adelaide tomorrow (different city of Australia. In the state called South Australia in case no one knew) is going to hit 46C. I would assume parts that are more into the desert will hit 50C.

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
Haha thanks. I don't intend to die in a bushfire nor will I. This happens ever year but sometimes one year can be worse then the others.

And true to Melbourne style, it was 42C today and now its 28C and bucketing down with rain.

Adelaide tomorrow (different city of Australia. In the state called South Australia in case no one knew) is going to hit 46C. I would assume parts that are more into the desert will hit 50C.

I don't think I could handle those temperatures, here in north Carolina (east coast of the U.S.A.) a few days ago it was about -8C, and the highest I remember it being here is about 40C so yeah...

Edit: why is the us like the only country that still uses the imperial measurement system? Its terrible, 12 inches is 1 foot? 5280 feet is a mile? Metric makes so much more sense, and celcius is based on waters freezing point so its super easy. I had to convert those temperatures from Fahrenheit, which isn't fun.

Updated by anonymous

On the bright side, Patchi, at least you finally have some competition for something as hot as you.

badum psssh

Updated by anonymous

Eh, I know people who've been injured burning their lawns. Add to that the number of deaths that occur every year here in Maine due to people being careless with wood stoves, and you have a good example of what can happen when you get complacent dealing with fire.
I mean, shit, most of us Mainiacs grow up with wood stoves. It's hard sometimes not to say "stupid idiot" when you hear about it on the news.

Updated by anonymous

The only thing that catches fire in Arizona are the homes. Everything is sand and cacti, neither of which burn too well.

On that note, why am I living in a state that spends 7 months of the year above 100F?

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
The only thing that catches fire in Arizona are the homes. Everything is sand and cacti, neither of which burn too well.

On that note, why am I living in a state that spends 7 months of the year above 100F?

No earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanoes... *somewhere in AZ too* :3

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
No earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanoes... *somewhere in AZ too* :3

We get earthquakes. Well, technically, we get CALIFORNIA'S earthquakes, but all the same.

No volcanoes, but did you hear that rumor going around that the Valley is actually the crater of an ancient massive volcano?

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
We get earthquakes. Well, technically, we get CALIFORNIA'S earthquakes, but all the same.

No volcanoes, but did you hear that rumor going around that the Valley is actually the crater of an ancient massive volcano?

Yellowstone is one. And it's due for... some activity(sometime). :3

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
We get earthquakes. Well, technically, we get CALIFORNIA'S earthquakes, but all the same.

No volcanoes, but did you hear that rumor going around that the Valley is actually the crater of an ancient massive volcano?

There's also a rumor that Yellowstone is also the home of a massive 'super volcano'

I would love to go to Arizona though and see Death Valley. I hate the heat though.

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
There's also a rumor that Yellowstone is also the home of a massive 'super volcano'

I would love to go to Arizona though and see Death Valley. I hate the heat though.

Death Valley is between California and Nevada :)

We have the Grand Canyon, both can get pretty hot though.

Updated by anonymous

Sounds like you guys need a tour of Cali. I'll be your guide!

Updated by anonymous