Topic: Just a general question

Posted under General

Selren said:
Is there any way to see every picture in order from most up voted to most down voted?

yes, order:score

Edit: for the opposite, order:score_asc

And you can add that to searches, so if you wanted to see images of foxes ordered by score high-low, you can search "fox order:score"

Updated by anonymous

I hope this doesn't come off as insulting, but can you explain why you didn't find out this information on your own on the tag cheatsheet page (accessible by clicking the (Search help) link above the search bar)?

We're trying to do everything we can to make users aware of all of the tools available to them when searching, but the information clearly isn't accessible enough because we always get people asking how to do something that's explained on that page.

So like, did you not click it because you're on a mobile device and didn't feel like loading too many pages, or you just didn't notice the link, or you did look at it but it looked too long/complicated to bother? If you could explain to us why you couldn't find that information and what we could change so that you could have found it, that would be extremely helpful to us :)

Updated by anonymous

I'm not him, by any means, but I will say in my past experience I didn't ever see that link.
The first time I knew it existed is when it was pointed out to me in these forums, when someone asked a somewhat similar type of question.

To make it more in line with things people would regularly see elsewhere, perhaps change the link name to "Advanced Search" Or "Advanced Search Options", and stick it underneath the search bar, as opposed to above.

Updated by anonymous

...There's a search help link? Huh.

Also, agreed with Halite's suggestions.

Further, might be nice if the greater than at the top of the pages actually got the word "More" put beside it. I and others who have been here for awhile might know what it is, but I don't think your average new user will know that it contains more information (a lot more, in fact, given the links it contains)

Might also want to make the Dtext Syntax Reference link (the name of the link visible) a bit more mundane, like "Post Formatting Guide". I'm rather wordy, and even then I still forget exactly what the link contains, because I never remember what the heck Dtext is until I click the link (which I rarely do because I can never remember what Dtext means... >_>;) even if syntax reference makes sense to me, it might not to someone who isn't very fluent and knowledgable in the english language.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
...There's a search help link? Huh.

Yep, it's there, above the search box, in gold color, which some may think that is not clickable, specially on mobile/tablet where you don't have any kind of pointer that changes when it's over a link, maybe if it looked like a link, or worded differently, or underlined, somebody would notice it, wow, so many, commas.

Also, agreed with Halite's suggestions.

Further, might be nice if the greater than at the top of the pages actually got the word "More" put beside it. I and others who have been here for awhile might know what it is, but I don't think your average new user will know that it contains more information (a lot more, in fact, given the links it contains)

Might also want to make the Dtext Syntax Reference link (the name of the link visible) a bit more mundane, like "Post Formatting Guide". I'm rather wordy, and even then I still forget exactly what the link contains, because I never remember what the heck Dtext is until I click the link (which I rarely do because I can never remember what Dtext means... >_>;) even if syntax reference makes sense to me, it might not to someone who isn't very fluent and knowledgable in the english language.

"DText is the name for Ouroboros's custom text formatting language. It's a mishmash of several markdown languages including Textile, MediaWiki, and BBCode."

Also, the » should be called "Site map" given that it is, in fact, the whole site

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Yep, it's there, above the search box, in gold color, which some may think that is not clickable, specially on mobile/tablet where you don't have any kind of pointer that changes when it's over a link, maybe if it looked like a link, or worded differently, or underlined, somebody would notice it, wow, so many, commas.

"DText is the name for Ouroboros's custom text formatting language. It's a mishmash of several markdown languages including Textile, MediaWiki, and BBCode."

Also, the » should be called "Site map" given that it is, in fact, the whole site

Site map! That's a good one. I couldn't think of what that was called on other sites all of a sudden.

And like I said, I never remember what the heck Dtext is until I click the link, because it says it there, and nowhere else. It's not common, considering it's specialized for Ouroboros. Thus the recommendation for changing the words used in the link itself.

Updated by anonymous

I never liked traditional "site map" links because they were always relegated to a least unused corner of the homepage and should be necessary only as a last resort. Mostly personal stigma. Even "Site Resources" sounds better to me.

Agreed on all mentions of "DText." Find and replace them with context appropriate words.

As for the "Search Help" link, I was able to make the initial mental leap and found what I wanted when I first clicked it. I personally think "Search Help" is fine as a label for its contents, but a more Internet standardized label may help others recognize its contents, like "Search Options," "Advanced," "Advanced Search," or "Advanced Searching."

On that note, the Tag Cheatsheet page could be revamped into more of an "Advanced Search" page. Include a (floating/overhead?) search box where the individual metatag options, provided with explanations intact, are clickable, or have +/- symbols, to add them to the search box, possibly with fields and dropdown lists to define the metatags' parameters. Anyways, that's the germ of my idea. An "Advanced Search" page seems more intuitive and user friendly than a fully enumerated list of search options and tagging syntax.

Lastly, I think it would be just awesome if every page had a search box (for uploads) somewhere sensible, so most likely on top.

Sure, this belongs more so in the suggestions sticky, but I contribute so little, so my thoughts are here.

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
We're trying to do everything we can to make users aware of all of the tools available to them when searching, but the information clearly isn't accessible enough because we always get people asking how to do something that's explained on that page.

Though this is exceptionally admirable and I definitely don't think you should stop striving to make the site better and more easily used by all, you will never, ever make it easy and simple enough for people to stop asking questions.

In my experience organizing groups and events, even if you put up the when and where three times, there will always be the one person who chooses to only see that something is going on and instead of reading for themselves they will prefer to ask you when and where. I'm not saying this is what OP did.

So keep on doing what you're doing, man, I've loved how much this site has improved the last few years, but don't be surprised when you make it better and easier and people still ask.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
I still think a forced first-time tutorial when joining the site would be for the best.
I dunno, maybe like 3-4 pages of the basics to keep things like this from happening, not that it's a big deal.

Forced tutorials don't work. People will literally read up on a site how to blast through the tutorial the fastest way possible so they can get to the actual game... without actually remembering any of the reasons why or how to do things, just that during particular section A, they do this. It HURTS.

Updated by anonymous

I'm writing a bit of code to add a sort method selection menu below the search box. That would help a little, if Tony wants include it. Otherwise I'll put it in a greasemonkey script or something.

Found a neat little Easter egg too while poking around: Hold shift and F and click the » link at the top right of the page. Boop the nose!

Updated by anonymous

Wyvrn said:
I'm writing a bit of code to add a sort method selection menu below the search box. That would help a little, if Tony wants include it. Otherwise I'll put it in a greasemonkey script or something.

Found a neat little Easter egg too while poking around: Hold shift and F and click the » link at the top right of the page.


Updated by anonymous

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