Topic: Furry and 40k fans please read. Assistance and support would be greatly appreciated

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My name is Michael, I have been a avid lover of the furry lifestyle for sometime now, one of my other passions is all things WarHammer 40k and for some time now I have been contemplating the idea of somehow incorporating Furries into my favorite concept of the 40k universe; the Adeptes Astartes. Recently I began work on an origin, background, and creation biography for one such 'chapter'. While completely non-canon to the 40k universe it would be a dream to see it completed with artwork and biography included, but as much as I hate to admit it I am a horrible artist, like so bad I struggle with stick figures (kinda sad honestly lol) so I am in desperate need of help if I'm ever to complete this 'chapter'. I know there are many 40k fans out there now simply cringing at the idea of a furry Adeptes Astartes chapter, and I know there will be more than a few completely opposed to the idea, but I am truly going to give it my all to make the bio believable and as close to possibility in 40k as possible and I hope there are some out there who will not only enjoy the idea but want it enough to help me as well. If anyone would be willing to help, through art, research assistance or the like, I hope you would contact me via email at this address [email protected]. Now I do work a full time job so my time cannot be completely devoted to this, but I do hope some would be willing to help me when I get time to work on this. Thank you for your time E621.

Updated by Tangent

Good luck finding some help. Your pitch could use some work though. You come off like a salesman and it's kind of off-putting. Here's some tips:

  • Separate your paragraphs. Walls of text are unpleasant to read.
  • Don't write so much. More is not always better, and you could have gotten the idea across in just a few sentences.
  • Don't only invite people to contact you through email or on another site. If you're not going to start a conversation on this forum, you're not contributing to this forum, all you're doing is advertising.

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
Yeah, no-one cares about action figures.

you mean you don't care about action figures. There are bound to be at least a few 40k fans here.

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
Yeah, no-one cares about action figures.

And if you knew what 40k was you would also realize it's a lot more than just 'action figures' hundreds of books, graphic novels, games, and even a full length movie have been made and all revolve around the WarHammer 40k universe.

Wyvrn thank you for your advice I do appreciate it, I've never asked for help in this side project of mine or any so I honestly had no idea where or how to start and was honestly just hoping that the first post to this wasn't going to be someone bashing the whole idea and calling me an idiot. So again thank you

Updated by anonymous

headcase37 said:
And if you knew what 40k was you would also realize it's a lot more than just 'action figures' hundreds of books, graphic novels, games, and even a full length movie have been made and all revolve around the WarHammer 40k universe.

Wyvrn thank you for your advice I do appreciate it, I've never asked for help in this side project of mine or any so I honestly had no idea where or how to start and was honestly just hoping that the first post to this wasn't going to be someone bashing the whole idea and calling me an idiot. So again thank you

I've seen the mmo, I know it's not all action figures but that's what he used, admittedly I worded it a bit wrong though.
I'm not very familiar with 40k lore but making a believable back story and setting is my specialty, and why I like writing, my real problem is when it comes to making an ongoing narrative.

Updated by anonymous

Most of the books are crap, if we're talking the codexes. >_> The stories of the world, and the tabletop RPGs by Fantasy Flight, though- My god yes. Sandy Mitchell's Ciaphas Cain series is beautiful, and Gaunt's Ghosts...? yesplz.

Most of the games are pretty meh, and the movie felt like a cheap, rushed early-90's CGI cutscene, from like, Red Alert or something. We had much better art in Warcraft, why is it so bad in this? Bah. Cheapass Games Workshop, I swear.


The biggest problem you're encountering right off the bat is the removal of purity from the genome in creating furry Adeptus Astartes. Much more minor corruption of the genome of a chapter than would be required for this typically results in an immediate purge of the chapter for fear of Daemonic influence.

Personally I think a gene factor that basically causes a wereanimal shift (with the animals separated into sub-chapters that keep the gene pure internally) on a controllable basis would be the best bet for this to fly externally; Internally, it should be a chapter that is greenlighted by the High Lords of Terra (or at least one of them, quite possibly the High Inquisitor Terran) as an experiment in controlled chaos to fight chaos.

Updated by anonymous

Sollux said:
I've seen the mmo, I know it's not all action figures but that's what he used, admittedly I worded it a bit wrong though.
I'm not very familiar with 40k lore but making a believable back story and setting is my specialty, and why I like writing, my real problem is when it comes to making an ongoing narrative.

No harm by your wording, just glad you weren't against me as well :)

For now this would simply be just that, a simple back story and the most likely way (that I can conclude) a 'furry' (whether they are alien or mutant race I haven't fully decided but I'm leaning more towards alien at this point) would come to be an Adeptas Astartes (A.K.A space marine)

I've thought about just going all out and simply writing a book and while I have written one before (never published) it took so long that with me working as much as I do now this would never be completed, so for now it's just going to be a back story/origins for how they came to be.

Like I said I'm also trying to make it as believable for the 40k universe as possible, and since humans (A.K.A The Imperium) are xenophobic to the core and almost never co-operate with anyone but themselves it's proving difficult, but my hope (and personal opinion) is that it is doable

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Most of the books are crap, if we're talking the codexes. >_> The stories of the world, and the tabletop RPGs by Fantasy Flight, though- My god yes. Sandy Mitchell's Ciaphas Cain series is beautiful, and Gaunt's Ghosts...? yesplz.

Most of the games are pretty meh, and the movie felt like a cheap, rushed early-90's CGI cutscene, from like, Red Alert or something. We had much better art in Warcraft, why is it so bad in this? Bah. Cheapass Games Workshop, I swear.


The biggest problem you're encountering right off the bat is the removal of purity from the genome in creating furry Adeptus Astartes. Much more minor corruption of the genome of a chapter than would be required for this typically results in an immediate purge of the chapter for fear of Daemonic influence.

Personally I think a gene factor that basically causes a wereanimal shift (with the animals separated into sub-chapters that keep the gene pure internally) on a controllable basis would be the best bet for this to fly externally; Internally, it should be a chapter that is greenlighted by the High Lords of Terra (or at least one of them, quite possibly the High Inquisitor Terran) as an experiment in controlled chaos to fight chaos.

Never considered that route, I'll have to look into that deeper, would probably work much better than my original thoughts, but my original thoughts were coming to the same end result, in the 'chapter' not an actual chapter but rather an experiment expected to fail but succeeding and proving far too useful for the high lords to condemn for the time being until proving a threat instead of an asset.

I was also considering the possibility of a renegade but still loyal chapter, but anyway, thank you very much for that suggestion I'll start looking into that this weekend hopefully (provided you're ok with that of course and not planning to use it yourself or something)

Updated by anonymous

headcase37 said:
No harm by your wording, just glad you weren't against me as well :)

For now this would simply be just that, a simple back story and the most likely way (that I can conclude) a 'furry' (whether they are alien or mutant race I haven't fully decided but I'm leaning more towards alien at this point) would come to be an Adeptas Astartes (A.K.A space marine)

I've thought about just going all out and simply writing a book and while I have written one before (never published) it took so long that with me working as much as I do now this would never be completed, so for now it's just going to be a back story/origins for how they came to be.

Like I said I'm also trying to make it as believable for the 40k universe as possible, and since humans (A.K.A The Imperium) are xenophobic to the core and almost never co-operate with anyone but themselves it's proving difficult, but my hope (and personal opinion) is that it is doable

again, I'm not familiar with the lore, but how about a privately funded team of human scientists were trying to design the perfect warrior from sources native to earth, (because of an aversion to life originating anywhere else.)
humans would almost have to be one of the species in the mix because of thumbs and developed brains, and many animals were spliced to see what would work. Because they were being made to be warriors they would have the resources and training. Eventually they decided they didn't like how the humans were carrying the experimentation and made an uprising, taking over the facility in which they were made. The way the genes were spliced allows them to interbreed, with a chance of the animal half of either parent being inherited, in the same way as eye colors ( which could lead to awkward moments when both sides carry a recessive gene). the tech there would have all of the information and resources to create arms and armor, and any space faring ships they might need, so eventually they start interacting with other races and boom, there's a back story. Inb4 there isn't even an earth in 40k and that was all pointless.

Updated by anonymous

headcase37 said:
No harm by your wording, just glad you weren't against me as well :)

For now this would simply be just that, a simple back story and the most likely way (that I can conclude) a 'furry' (whether they are alien or mutant race I haven't fully decided but I'm leaning more towards alien at this point) would come to be an Adeptas Astartes (A.K.A space marine)

I've thought about just going all out and simply writing a book and while I have written one before (never published) it took so long that with me working as much as I do now this would never be completed, so for now it's just going to be a back story/origins for how they came to be.

Like I said I'm also trying to make it as believable for the 40k universe as possible, and since humans (A.K.A The Imperium) are xenophobic to the core and almost never co-operate with anyone but themselves it's proving difficult, but my hope (and personal opinion) is that it is doable

Alien Adeptus Astartes? Nope. They could very well be a Tau analogue to the Adeptus Astartes, but they could never be an actual chapter of Space Marines. True mutants outside the codified mutations manifested and kept pure by the already existing chapters would also be a no go, as that would be seen as corruption, unless, as mentioned, it was a secret project on the side to experiment with expanding the pool for the gene grafts' functionality. Beastmen are already seen as being abhorrent mutants that are hunted down with extreme prejudice, and so many seek Chaos, so... that's about as close as you're likely to get normally, I'm afraid.

EDIT: Sollux, no offense intended, but without knowing the lore of the WH40K universe, you'll be mostly taking blind shots in the dark and likely be very off base on your suggestions. I'd recommend doing some research into the basic storyline for the WH40K universe over at the Warhammer 40k Wiki and/or the Lexicanum though the latter often is down due to not being very well run for the amount of traffic it recieves.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Alien Adeptus Astartes? Nope. They could very well be a Tau analogue to the Adeptus Astartes, but they could never be an actual chapter of Space Marines. True mutants outside the codified mutations manifested and kept pure by the already existing chapters would also be a no go, as that would be seen as corruption, unless, as mentioned, it was a secret project on the side to experiment with expanding the pool for the gene grafts' functionality. Beastmen are already seen as being abhorrent mutants that are hunted down with extreme prejudice, and so many seek Chaos, so... that's about as close as you're likely to get normally, I'm afraid.

EDIT: Sollux, no offense intended, but without knowing the lore of the WH40K universe, you'll be mostly taking blind shots in the dark and likely be very off base on your suggestions. I'd recommend doing some research into the basic storyline for the WH40K universe over at the Warhammer 40k Wiki and/or the Lexicanum though the latter often is down due to not being very well run for the amount of traffic it recieves.

Never said my original idea was a good one X3 but my thought had been (very rough explanation) secret experiment not know to anyone but those participating, on a recently discovered race that had some naturally occurring benefit in combat, experiment succeeds but then is found, all those who participated in creating the 'marines' yes put to death no trial or question, but the 'marines' themselves rather than being wasted the High Lords (or possibly even a lord general making split second decision) basically assuming they're no good just attempt using them as cannon fodder (and the 'marines' are of course completely loyal from physical, mental/psychic conditioning when they were created) but in using them as cannon fodder they turn the tide of some unwinable battle for the Imperium. But that was as far as I got with that idea, reality started throwing curveballs when I started going deeper sadly lol.

As I said though I love your idea, so work permitting I'll be looking into that this weekend so long as you're ok with it.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Alien Adeptus Astartes? Nope. They could very well be a Tau analogue to the Adeptus Astartes, but they could never be an actual chapter of Space Marines. True mutants outside the codified mutations manifested and kept pure by the already existing chapters would also be a no go, as that would be seen as corruption, unless, as mentioned, it was a secret project on the side to experiment with expanding the pool for the gene grafts' functionality. Beastmen are already seen as being abhorrent mutants that are hunted down with extreme prejudice, and so many seek Chaos, so... that's about as close as you're likely to get normally, I'm afraid.

EDIT: Sollux, no offense intended, but without knowing the lore of the WH40K universe, you'll be mostly taking blind shots in the dark and likely be very off base on your suggestions. I'd recommend doing some research into the basic storyline for the WH40K universe over at the Warhammer 40k Wiki and/or the Lexicanum though the latter often is down due to not being very well run for the amount of traffic it recieves.

Also another part of it was, let's face it space marines are so rare because the creation process kills most applicants, and the requirements to be considered as a possible applicant are equally rough. so perhaps this race somehow (never got to the how) has a much high success rate than your standard humans, I mean not everyone can come from medusa right? Lol iron hands would be on your ass for stealing their peeps X3 (bad attempt at humor X.x) but like I said, not the best idea, but not bad for something I only really had 3 hours a day to think about lol

Updated by anonymous

Honestly the best bet I can see with them would be some type of Kroot analogue, that has through consumption over centuries developed a natural, Kroot-based form of the Adeptus Astartes gene forms. We already know the Kroot Hounds are one such genetic divergance, so they could even be portrayed as Kroot Marine-Killers, organically designed specifically to fight Adeptus Astartes one-on-one. Potentially they could even be a pet project of a Shaper with Krootox to re-integrate them into the Kindreds' Gene Matrix so that they are no longer an evolutionary dead-end.

Updated by anonymous

It's all rough ideas and possibilities at this point in time, nothing set in stone, so just having others to throw ideas around with is quite honestly relieving, I'm just glad you're atleast trying to help and lend support and not being like some other 40k fans I know who are so headstrong that at the mere mention of this idea would berate me and curse my name -.-

Updated by anonymous

I realize my profile picture would never happen no matter what but the closer to that I can get, the better.

Updated by anonymous

Sollux said:
you mean you don't care about action figures. There are bound to be at least a few 40k fans here.

People like playing fighter-dolls still? You could just play vidya-games there are like hundreds of games like devoted to what 40k/any other thing at games workshop can peddle out...

Updated by anonymous

40K is just about my favorite thing ever. I never played the tabletop game with the expensive little dolls, but I love the novels and RPGs.

So naturally much berating and cursing of names could ensue. Happily, I am multifariously and quite pleasantly inhebriated at the moment, so I will take the nice guy route and just say no.

However, in keeping with the topic, the idea of a Kroot Shaper ingesting a large amout of progenoid glands interests me. This though, seems unlikely as well. No other kroot would go along with the insane idea of hunting Astartes, and in sigle combat, no one kroot would last very long (or at all) either.

TL;DR if you reeeeealy want to insert super-snowflake furry 9000 race into your canon, just make them xenos, or better yet, beastmen on an isolated planet left to thier own devices. The latter might even stand a chance of not being branded 'OMZGHERETIIIC' and winding up on the wrong end of a boltgun. I'm just sayin'.


Updated by anonymous

Spess_Muhreen said:
But the Space Wolves already exist

Space wolves aren't furry, just the name.

Updated by anonymous

My basic thought behind using an alien race instead of genetic mutation or the like is that the imperium doesn't destroy every alien race it finds, only those deemed a threat are wiped out, so let's say the imperium finds a race of 'furries' who have some unique advantage, for instance maybe they're akin to the Tau in the fact that they are untouchable (or over looked as with the Tau) by the forces of chaos and the warp, AND this race is willing to swear complete loyalty to the imperium and even assist in battle? I highly doubt the imperium would be so uptight as to say "nope screw off" and bomb them too oblivion.

With that said I'm also not so blind as to believe they would find this race and imediately say "sure! come on and let's turn you into Space Marines!" But who's to say that maybe 500 years or so of fighting alongside this race the imperium doesn't say "hmm let's just give you a few implants that could really help you fight" and then tack them on with an exsisting chapter just as an experiment?

It's all theory at this point so ideas will come and go, but that was my first idea so I guess I just kinda wanted to get the basics of it on the table

Updated by anonymous

1) Beastmen.

2) If not killed outright, they would be used as shock troops, but would NOT be anointed as Space Marines. the Adeptus Astartes are basically paladinic orders. Now, imagine a daemon trying to join such an order. It just... doesn't work. If it isn't based in Man, it is to be exterminated. Lesser races of aliens are ignored because they cannot put up a threat to the Imperium, but will be dealt with once the Tau, Eldar, and Daemons are dealt with.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
1) Beastmen.

2) If not killed outright, they would be used as shock troops, but would NOT be anointed as Space Marines. the Adeptus Astartes are basically paladinic orders. Now, imagine a daemon trying to join such an order. It just... doesn't work. If it isn't based in Man, it is to be exterminated. Lesser races of aliens are ignored because they cannot put up a threat to the Imperium, but will be dealt with once the Tau, Eldar, and Daemons are dealt with.

I never said they would be made true marines, simply that they would be added on to the roster as a supporting force. But I suppose you have a point, I suppose what drew the idea out is that there have been documented cases of the imperium making temporary military alliances with even the eldar, a known and major threat themselves. so if an alien race not yet encoutered were found and willing to swear fealty to the imperium and God Emperor and proved useful against a unifying threat like say tyranids, it could possibly develop into something further

Updated by anonymous

Also what did you mean by the "1) Beastmen" (sorry it's been a long rough day so I'm a bit behind x.x)

Updated by anonymous

headcase37 said:
I never said they would be made true marines, simply that they would be added on to the roster as a supporting force. But I suppose you have a point, I suppose what drew the idea out is that there have been documented cases of the imperium making temporary military alliances with even the eldar, a known and major threat themselves. so if an alien race not yet encoutered were found and willing to swear fealty to the imperium and God Emperor and proved useful against a unifying threat like say tyranids, it could possibly develop into something further

Having them attached to a Space Marine corp (wolven furries attached to Space Wolves, I can see it already) as a sort of elite imperial guard shock troop/ meat shield/ lackey squad almost sounds doable.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Having them attached to a Space Marine corp (wolven furries attached to Space Wolves, I can see it already) as a sort of elite imperial guard shock troop/ meat shield/ lackey squad almost sounds doable.

Exactly, im not saying they be true marines, but a few implants and specialized armor, lets say you wolven furries like you mentioned, attached to the Space Wolves as a heavy melee unit and vanguard it could be a very easily believable outcome, i hate to bring up an entirely different thing but it could be just like the Salarians and Krogans from Mass Effect without the rebellion part of course. Imperium sees the use in this race and therefore helps them to in turn help themselves

Updated by anonymous

heck they could even be a forerunner unit, sent in before the full chapter is committed so that chapter resources arent wasted where they arent truly needed

Updated by anonymous

The only way I can see this happening is if they're some sect of traitor marines whose geneseed is all whacked to give them beast attributes. They may have split off during or after the heresy not due to falling to Chaos, but to escape the strict doctrines of the Imperium.
They might not be aligned with the Imperium, but they don't have to be "bad guys." Similar to the Thousand Sons, but without Chaotic influence.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
lol you guys are dorks

Wow, look at all the neeeerds!

Updated by anonymous

Spess_Muhreen said:
They might not be aligned with the Imperium, but they don't have to be "bad guys."

Relictors and Soul Drinkers chapters come to mind here, but if we all know this is completely unfeasable, then we're just flogging a dead heretic here.
Something to think about might be taking this is a new direction entirely. So, lets look at your little list of wants here (and please correct me if I'm wrong).

-Enhanced physiology
-Combat oriented
-Power Armour(?)

The easiest, most generic thing that I can imagine unbidden would be something along the lines of:

Rogue Trader with a radical disposition/Xenos Hybris High Inquisitor visits a planet in the Koronus Expanse or Halo Stars or somewhere, finds planet is inhabited by <anthro race of choice> operating at <technology level of choice from Dark Ages to Industrial Revolution>, and thinks "Hmm, maybe not just lance strikes and drop-chapels?"

Bro-ogue Trader/Lord Inqcrazytor and his retinue make planetfall, are surprisingly not hideously ambushed upon exiting the lander for whatever reason, and parley with a leader of some sorts. Now, this would be the important part; the deal would have to sound good. Maybe even actually BE good.

Dudebro makes a show of ostentation for the leaders, treating them to dinner and drinks far in excess of thier normal fare, and then lays down the laws of SPESS. Genehancements, techno-arcane augmetics, powered armour, contemporary weapons, and (possibly most importantly) safety in return for fealty and the agreement to raise arms against any who would harm them or thier benefactors. They wouldn't be Astartes, but they'd be close-ish. Boom. Capable, loyal, and quasi-disposable armsmen and garrison troops.

One last thing. Astartes have no libido whatsoever, and it takes a huge amount of resources to make just one Space Marine. Depending on their level of enhancement, you'd have to decide if they'd be able (and allowed) to proliferate of their own accord, or if Guyson Brodude needs to go back every so often and collect a 'warrior tithe' of some sort from the planet.

Just some quick conjecture.

Updated by anonymous

Fucking LOVE drop-chapels. Target the chieftain's hut, crush it underneath. Instills the fear of the God-Emperor in them!

That said, I like where this idea is going. Why not have it be a particularily strong species or sub-species (if it's an abhuman) from a Death World? I mean, Krieg produces some of the hardest, most elite Imperial Guard regiments out there; They are often given a sign of respect for their strict lifestyle and unwavering faith from Adeptus Astartes. They could even be a species that is naturally adaptive like the Kroot or Tyranids, but with a more anthropomorphic bent to their evolutionary chain rather than towards a more alien view- perhaps even because of human influence that touched them once and changed how they evolved? Mutation and adaptation within short successive generations (something that would be required on a typical Death World), especially if traits selectively breed true (Don't steal the eating DNA lets them change from Kroot, though... That's just too close).

Rogue Trader definitely sounds more like he'd pull something like this off, considering he's effectively outside even the Inquisition's purview (as much as they like to ignore that particular aspect of the Writ, heh). He'd also have the resources to pull this off, and be mostly immune to issues arising from claims of heresy.

Definitely see more of a "Warrior Tithe" concept working out over proliferating of their own accord, either way.

Updated by anonymous

Death World. So totally out of left field for me and yet so, so viable. Krieg horsies have talons and are scary. Catachan tries to kill all the little Ramboes that hang out there.

So abhumans, then? That works nicely too, in the 'not too extra heretical' department. All this should be an absolute goldmine for the OP, either way.

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
Yeah, no-one cares about action figures.

>Painstakingly painted models with no movable joints
>Action figures
Looks like your response was intended for the Bionicles thread and was posted here by mistake.

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
Wow, look at all the neeeerds!

Speaking of which, has anyone else noticed the relative dearth of Torture-device artwork on here?

Updated by anonymous

I was thinking it be 4 different evolutionary divergents on this planet, one for each separate environment present, like wolves in the forests, reptilian in swamp lands, that kinda thing, death world honestly fits perfectly to the idea, but then the question arises if we go rogue trader are we simply going to make this race part of the rouge trader's personal retinue or should we work deeper to have them fit directly into the imperium battle groups as some sort of heavy elite unit? I can see either working and making perfect sense but the latter would possibly require an explanation as to how they came to be part of imperium battle groups.

Second it's also important we consider what the imperium's view of these people is. Are they reluctantly accepted or easily welcomed due to the advantages they carry?

Updated by anonymous

Granted I know they would never be welcomed and loved with open arms, in my mind the imperium is too xenophobic (and let's face it, quite headstrong as well) but I would hope there's a way that the very ground they walk isn't spit upon by the imperial guard/Adeptes Astartes or whoever they fight along side of. I think if they can truly prove themselves in combat and show their worth that they could at least be accepted if not welcomed on the battlefield as a friend.

Updated by anonymous

headcase37 said:
I was thinking it be 4 different evolutionary divergents on this planet, one for each separate environment present, like wolves in the forests, reptilian in swamp lands, that kinda thing, death world honestly fits perfectly to the idea, but then the question arises if we go rogue trader are we simply going to make this race part of the rouge trader's personal retinue or should we work deeper to have them fit directly into the imperium battle groups as some sort of heavy elite unit? I can see either working and making perfect sense but the latter would possibly require an explanation as to how they came to be part of imperium battle groups.

Second it's also important we consider what the imperium's view of these people is. Are they reluctantly accepted or easily welcomed due to the advantages they carry?

The Imperium as a whole is intensely xenophobic. It doesn't matter how useful they are, they will hate them for not being Men.

Remember Rogue Traders are effectively an entire battlefleet unto themselves. Some even gather more ships and power than a system commander. Having them as a personal retinue would be most appropriate. I mean, what Rogue Trader would not squeal with glee and prance about like a fairy at the thought of commanding his own personal corps of Space Marines?

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
The Imperium as a whole is intensely xenophobic. It doesn't matter how useful they are, they will hate them for not being Men.

Remember Rogue Traders are effectively an entire battlefleet unto themselves. Some even gather more ships and power than a system commander. Having them as a personal retinue would be most appropriate. I mean, what Rogue Trader would not squeal with glee and prance about like a fairy at the thought of commanding his own personal corps of Space Marines?

Agreed, and depending on which rogue happens to stumble upon them they could very well be his/her own Space Marines, limited only by the trader's personal resources.

Updated by anonymous

I can also see one of the more "eccentric" traders calling them his 'trader marines' and laughing his head off when an inquisitor miss hears him XD

Updated by anonymous

Alright, now that I'm getting a better idea of the little backstory here, the fun part (tentativley) begins.

Namely, someone gets butthurt.

The Ecclesiarchy? If this is a just a sector or subsector scale thing, an over-zealous Confessor and his horde could get all crusade-y for "suffering the xenos" and all that, and go henceforth purge-happy.

The Inquisition? There's bound to be an Inquisitor who, for reasons ranging from simple piety to heirarchal power-grabbing, may try to intervene. Since anything is possible, really, there could even be some who would support the Trader, or try to steal or subvert the race themselves (or just exterminatus).

What about other Rogue Traders? An opportunistic one might have been spying from the fringes of the system the whole time, and could move in to take advantage of the situation (violently if need be), to abduct, control, or eradicate the species entirely.

I kind of enjoy thinking about this when I'm bored at work, or how my characters in the setting would react. Also that there's 40k nerds here, thats always a bonus. storeez r gud lol

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
Alright, now that I'm getting a better idea of the little backstory here, the fun part (tentativley) begins.

Namely, someone gets butthurt.

The Ecclesiarchy? If this is a just a sector or subsector scale thing, an over-zealous Confessor and his horde could get all crusade-y for "suffering the xenos" and all that, and go henceforth purge-happy.

The Inquisition? There's bound to be an Inquisitor who, for reasons ranging from simple piety to heirarchal power-grabbing, may try to intervene. Since anything is possible, really, there could even be some who would support the Trader, or try to steal or subvert the race themselves (or just exterminatus).

What about other Rogue Traders? An opportunistic one might have been spying from the fringes of the system the whole time, and could move in to take advantage of the situation (violently if need be), to abduct, control, or eradicate the species entirely.

I kind of enjoy thinking about this when I'm bored at work, or how my characters in the setting would react. Also that there's 40k nerds here, thats always a bonus. storeez r gud lol

I believe that could depend on where this planet is. If it's way out there on the outer fringes or even not so charted space then the main threat would be other traders, now granted this whole idea depends on a planet being discovered, so outer fringes is also required unless it's an area previously cut off by warp storms, but let's face it if it was cut off by warp storms then there wouldn't be planet fall without heavy bombardment before hand out of caution by the trader (9 times out of 10 at least)

Personally I think a bit of conflict might be good though, kinda gives the "anthro marines" some validity to their combat effectiveness. Now if inquisition find this first then I think that could escalate to be friggin Horus heresy 1.1. So another rogue trader sounds like it could work out there, without the immediate threat of major escalation.

And yeah I'm just glad there are 40k fans not trying to call me a heretic for mentioning this idea :D

Updated by anonymous

Psh, heavy bombardment on a planet cut off by warp storms? that sounds like a heavy-handed Inquisitor more than a Trader. I mean, all that bombardment could destroy valuable resources that can be exploited! Besides, many Warp-enclosed areas contain vast, untold riches in ancient Imperium technology hidden away from Imperium and CHaos alike.

Having the planet- or even system! Imagine a whole solar system of death worlds with each race predominant upon one of them, seeded there in the past, currently without local space capability!- hidden away behind the Warp sounds like the best plan, for both their continued existance and to ensure/retain rarity. If they were easily replacable, then they might be used like an Imperial Guard regiment in the presence of an Adeptus Astartes squad, to soak up fire while the Marines do the real work. Yes, we want them to be able to soak fire, but we don't want them to be easily replacable to maintain that similar feeling to true Adeptus Astartes chapters.

Further, if it's hidden away and can only be reached every so often, the Trader turning his genetic lineage into a God-King setup (similar to Egypt, sorta) would ensure that his bloodline would always have a strong base of operations and a form of exemplary military might available to them, within limitations. Coding the destination into his genome would also allow all future scions of his house to be able to locate the planet/system by decoding their inheritance rom their own genetic makeup. Thus only a legitimate heir to his house, be it a long-straying seed or a direct heir, could return for the tithe. Translating the genetic scanning functionality into these beings at the religious level, be it through their own inherant morphological functionality or through the same sort of veneration as the Tech-Priests towards technology would also help with indoctrinating them towards complete loyalty and obedience.

If you do go with the genetic code concept, then have multiple scions arrive over the generations, and have it be a standard measure of their competance that they must fight to surrender or death to determine who is the legitimate leader of the House, so even fourth cousins twice removed might end up as the true heir instead of a direct descendant. This also keeps the House strong and helps prevent decadence and corruption, by making it so you must compete for the succession. This concept could be expanded upon further by making it a function of the furry marines, in that not just do they compete against the rigours of the Death World they live upon, but also against each other for dominance; If it were to be an event that occurs during a special scenario, say perhaps during a solar eclipse, or simply every few years or so, so measurement of time that seems reasonable, that the current leader can be challenged for the right of dominance by a legitimate heir (as noted above)... Eh, all just ideas that are flowing from brain to fingertips right now, take them or leave them (Love stream of consciousness concept posts :D).

Also, considering that Beastmen and Space Wolves' Curse of the Wolfen already exists, the fact that you're not being called a heretic is chump change. :P

Updated by anonymous

I just thought of this potential problem (not sure if it's gonna be big or small) but if we're talking putting these guys in power armor where are they gonna get it from? If there physiology is a bit too off it'll all have to be custom made (say for instance if they have Digigrade legs and not plantigrade) I might be hard to have that arranged without someone outside this getting wise and trying to muscle in or put an outright stop to it

Updated by anonymous

Well, Rogue Traders are not above working with Tau or Eldar, or even having forge-world level capabilities. This said, ceramite is a rather low grade armor material in general, as it's just a composite of ceramic and titanium (We already use superior composites today). Most of its effectiveness comes from the fact that, as a ceramic, it's basically immune to heat, and that the composite sandwiching helps with ablation.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they had their own armor that is equivilent or better, if they've been hidden away for long enough. Imagine if they'd never heard of the Horus Heresy, because of how long they've been out of touch.

Updated by anonymous

If these guys would already have better armour and stuff, then whats the point of joining the Imperium anyway? Space Marine implants? If you start putting progenoinds into xenos people are going to get upset. In fact, I think the whole process of stuffing more guts into them is sacred and hidden away in the first place.

Also, I forgot to even mention the Mechanicus' take on all this. Augmenting an extra-blasphemous xeno? Tech-heresy!

As for power armour, just get some reshaped heavy plate, have it made out of advanced materials, and then add powered systems to it and deck out the helmet, or do the same with a suit of stormtrooper carapace. Works for me in Rogue Trader when I can't get my hands on (or afford) the real thing.

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
If these guys would already have better armour and stuff, then whats the point of joining the Imperium anyway? Space Marine implants? If you start putting progenoinds into xenos people are going to get upset. In fact, I think the whole process of stuffing more guts into them is sacred and hidden away in the first place.

Also, I forgot to even mention the Mechanicus' take on all this. Augmenting an extra-blasphemous xeno? Tech-heresy!

As for power armour, just get some reshaped heavy plate, have it made out of advanced materials, and then add powered systems to it and deck out the helmet, or do the same with a suit of stormtrooper carapace. Works for me in Rogue Trader when I can't get my hands on (or afford) the real thing.

Always looking for a fight to test themselves on, leave a legacy and all that?

Honestly, the whole gene seeds portion of the Adeptus Astartes has been the one thing I've tried to avoid touching, beyond a vaguely-Krootish/Tyranid concept, because of how sacred and secretive it is.

Mechanicus would only care if they were given blasphemous xenotech or other heretical tech, really. If it's not daemon-tainted or solely xeno-produced (xeno materials reconsecrated by the ships tech crew would be perfectly fine for example) it would be fine, for the most part.

Re: Power armour- First, hello fellow British English typer. Secondly, that's what I was implying. Superior materials- as of current concept, they do live on a Death World (or multitude of), and Ceramite is far from the best material they could create, being a ceramic-titanium composite. Even something like the Xenomorph exoskeleton would probably be superior. :P Heck, their fur/scale/scute body covering could even act like a natural armoring, with the hairs/scales/scute-plates made out of a super durable substance that basically renders any one of them naturally armored, so they could wear lighter armor over that but still be better armoured than one might otherwise be prepared for. Relatively primative societies generally do favour speed and agility over heavy armor and trading blows.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Always looking for a fight to test themselves on, leave a legacy and all that?

Honestly, the whole gene seeds portion of the Adeptus Astartes has been the one thing I've tried to avoid touching, beyond a vaguely-Krootish/Tyranid concept, because of how sacred and secretive it is.

Mechanicus would only care if they were given blasphemous xenotech or other heretical tech, really. If it's not daemon-tainted or solely xeno-produced (xeno materials reconsecrated by the ships tech crew would be perfectly fine for example) it would be fine, for the most part.

Re: Power armour- First, hello fellow British English typer. Secondly, that's what I was implying. Superior materials- as of current concept, they do live on a Death World (or multitude of), and Ceramite is far from the best material they could create, being a ceramic-titanium composite. Even something like the Xenomorph exoskeleton would probably be superior. :P Heck, their fur/scale/scute body covering could even act like a natural armoring, with the hairs/scales/scute-plates made out of a super durable substance that basically renders any one of them naturally armored, so they could wear lighter armor over that but still be better armoured than one might otherwise be prepared for. Relatively primative societies generally do favour speed and agility over heavy armor and trading blows.

The natural armor property sounds like a good fit, if you're going to survive on a death world you gotta have something already going for you am I right?

Now as far as species of this race I'm thinking we just play it simple and use 3 (maybe 4) different divergents each with some unique special property, and if we have multiple planets involved then that works out that we can have each planet a host to a different evolutionary chain, like world A might be a volcanic ash wasteland, so something with scales there and their scales are naturally heat resistance, and larger kidneys, liver (possibly some naturally evolved organ akin to what space marines are implanted with) to make them naturally immune to toxins. Next world could be savannah plains and such, so felines with light bone structure, and tight muscular system and such so their quick and agile. 3 planet dense forests, wolves possibly. Dense bones and muscle fibers for high strength and over charged cardiovascular and respiratory systems for high endurance

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Always looking for a fight to test themselves on, leave a legacy and all that?

Then why wouldn't they just fight the Imperium when it shows up?

And oh yes, the Mechanicus are reeealy picky about who gets their shit. Unmutated humans, ogryns, and ratlings. The only folks more anal retentive and overpossesive about tech are Van Saar gangers.

This is getting kinda mary-sue heretical by this point, but the racial trait thing is interesting, becuase if they're going to be a shock-troop force roughly between guardsman and skitarii then specialties are a very good thing. And I'd love me an ashwaste lizardgirl.

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
Then why wouldn't they just fight the Imperium when it shows up?

And oh yes, the Mechanicus are reeealy picky about who gets their shit. Unmutated humans, ogryns, and ratlings. The only folks more anal retentive and overpossesive about tech are Van Saar gangers.

This is getting kinda mary-sue heretical by this point, but the racial trait thing is interesting, becuase if they're going to be a shock-troop force roughly between guardsman and skitarii then specialties are a very good thing. And I'd love me an ashwaste lizardgirl.

Morrowind Argonian. Yum.

Fight to test themselves on doesn't necessarily mean they just attack anything and everything that they encounter. Pick your fights, and all that. I meant it more in the sense of a driving force, always looking to prove themselves. Think of it more like the Norsemen with their Vikings and proving themselves in battle, yet there were plenty who lived relatively peaceful lives. Just ratchet it up to Death World levels. :D

Mechanicus are quite picky about who gets their stuff, aye. But if a Rogue Trader secures a trade agreement for materials and/or weapons and/or armor, he doesn't need to specify who exactly is going to be wearing it. :P Especially if the deal is made on the down low with a contact amongst the Mechanicus that owes the Rogue Trader, or otherwise simply sees the benefit of making a profit and having the Rogue Trader owe them a favour cashable in the future. Corruption is often hidden in the most unlikliest of places, after all. Reminds me of the Tyranid v. Tyranid battle in the Ciaphas Cain series, and the root of the issue that started it all.

This all said, I wasn't meaning for them to literally have an Imperium Forge World under their control. ._. More just throwing out there the possibility of having the ability to outfit them without involving the Imperium directly.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Morrowind Argonian. Yum.

In higher resolution, hopefully.

123easy said:
...wasn't meaning for them to literally have an Imperium Forge World under their control. ._. More just throwing out there the possibility of having the ability to outfit them without involving the Imperium directly.

Alright, thats more what I was going for. Maybe he could find a Malatek to help him (maybe one who owes him a favour?). If it's small scale, anything can happen and be kept relativley kosher.

...currently without local space capability!

Just remebering this now. Does this mean the races won't know about each other?

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
In higher resolution, hopefully.

And more like the Oblivion/Skyrim Argonians in style. I think Skyrim took it a bit too far, distancing it from how they looked in Oblivion, myself.

Alright, thats more what I was going for. Maybe he could find a Malatek to help him (maybe one who owes him a favour?). If it's small scale, anything can happen and be kept relativley kosher.

Rogue Traders are renowned for gathering Hereteks and other ne'er-do-wells as part of their crew. have a small scale manufactorium on board a cap-ship, churn out own gear is about what I was thinking would be right. Maybe even creating one on-world after everything had been worked out, so the ship-side capability isn't as important; Would give them greater reason to serve, as well, by reducing casualties.

Just remebering this now. Does this mean the races won't know about each other?

Was more thinking there would be one dominant species/planet, but they'd exist on each planet. So jungle lizardfolk minority, iceworld lizardfolk minority (warm-blooded/heat-producing), wasteland lizardfolk majority, for example. I'm thinking something in the range of 7-10 taxanomical orders total- Canids, felids, reptiloids, chiropterans, etc. with only three main races and minorities of the others, varying with terrain.

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:

Just remebering this now. Does this mean the races won't know about each other?

I think we could pull off multiple planets in contact with one another and still be believable. Few decades or so and we'll probably be landing on mars, maybe this race is just past that point and has colonized these other planets themselves? Or perhaps these other planets were pre seeded as well and they've recently begun communications with each other but don't yet have the means to reach each other?

Updated by anonymous

7-10 tax orders sounds ok. I just don't want the whole "if it breaths then there is a bipedal version of it somewhere!" Concept. Not even close to believeable and even if we tried it for shits and giggles it would be overly complicated and honestly a bit comical in the grand scheme. But yes, specialization among each group is key (I believe). It makes more sense that way as to why a rogue trader would bother making them fight with him. I doubt if they had nothing spectacular going for them that a trader would toss 'em a lasrifle and a helmet and say "let's go kill something! :D" sure he would trade with them and such but I don't think he'd waste his time/profits making them soldiers unless he was in true need of more troops (then again anything is possible with some of the more enthusiastic rogue traders)

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
And more like the Oblivion/Skyrim Argonians in style. I think Skyrim took it a bit too far, distancing it from how they looked in Oblivion, myself.

Oblivion was my favorite for so many reasons. I'll admit I had a bit of a crush on Dar-Ma. Skyrim made them look like dinobirds, and it was kinda scary seeing them for the first time.

123easy said:
...have a small scale manufactorium on board a cap-ship, churn out own gear is about what I was thinking would be right. Maybe even creating one on-world after everything had been worked out, so the ship-side capability isn't as important.

Brother, I give you the Goliath-class Factory Ship. The Mechanicus thought of everything.

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
Oblivion was my favorite for so many reasons. I'll admit I had a bit of a crush on Dar-Ma. Skyrim made them look like dinobirds, and it was kinda scary seeing them for the first time.

Brother, I give you the Goliath-class Factory Ship. The Mechanicus thought of everything.

I know! That's actually my favourite thing about reading Prequel- the Argonians look /right/. >_>; Dinobird style is awesome and intimidating, but it lacks that softness, that personality, that they used to have.

Already aware of it, was trying to steer away from having an entire ship dedicated to it... but why not? It's just a merchant vessel.

Updated by anonymous

I had a character with one of those ships. He was a rather heavyset fellow who worked mostly on his own, and kept a dim, age-forgotten bridge with minimal crew. He orbited a lonely star, collector vanes unfurled against the twinkling radiation, and refined weapons, fuel, ammunition, and raw supplies to trade for ore and foodstuffs as well as liquid assets, kind of acting as a one-man gypsy operation. I have a bit of soft spot for certain ships, for one reason or another. I didn't think you ignorant for a moment.

But in all seriousness, these are deathwords we're talking about. As in capital 'D' for capital death. With a 'D'. To try and set up a manufactorum on one would basically cause the planet itself to go "Oh hell no", and get all creepervines and razorshits and vein-bulgey poison whatnots. Unless this superfurry master race has some sort of indigenous defense against these, the planet is going to be super uncooperative. And apex predators on a deathworld? I wouldn't expect anything less than Clawed Fiends riding Catachan Devils.

Updated by anonymous

I'm not talking like a Hive sized manufactorum. ._. Something small; a compact mini-forge drop building, for example. Ashlands you run the issue of clogging vents and other wasteland concerns; jungle worlds the risk of corrosive poisons, sap, overgrowth, and predators; ice worlds... Well, everything we deal with up here in Canada, times a thousand. Remember that it doesn't need to churn out suits constantly to match a Hive World's production quotas. So long as enough are able to be outfitted come the tithing period, it's fine. As for poisons and the like, they'd HAVE to have some sort of defense against them ifthey live with constant concern for them. Adapt or die is the Death World motto.

That said, again, factory ship isn't that bad an idea, since it's just a merchant vessel.

Updated by anonymous

Alright, now that I'm satisfied with the scale, I'd like to figure out how they'd be outfitted. Since they obviously can't be equipped with actual Astartes weapons without everyone being put to the torch, we should work something out. I'm sure you'll remember the Archaeotech Boltgun from the Hostile Aquisitions book, and how its pretty analagous to the Space Marine one. Depending on the Trader's prederelictions and resources, and if these fellows were scaled back to an elite retainer or honour-guard size, this might be feasible. It's just that these weapons are so heartbreakingly rare that you can't really equip more than a squad with them.

Power Armour is a given. Human sized suits are still extra-boss, giving the user more strength, size, and sensory acumen while looking pretty much the same as Astartes stuff, but without the need for Black Carapace. It also comes in all sorts of flavours. Reshaping the helmets and cuirasses (and greaves and everything else) would come at the cost of parts commonality and such, of course, thereby driving the price up considerably. Still shouldn't be a problem.

Another point to think about; Xenos of any sort on board a ship that the crew are aware of tend to decrease morale.

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
Alright, now that I'm satisfied with the scale, I'd like to figure out how they'd be outfitted. Since they obviously can't be equipped with actual Astartes weapons without everyone being put to the torch, we should work something out. I'm sure you'll remember the Archaeotech Boltgun from the Hostile Aquisitions book, and how its pretty analagous to the Space Marine one. Depending on the Trader's prederelictions and resources, and if these fellows were scaled back to an elite retainer or honour-guard size, this might be feasible. It's just that these weapons are so heartbreakingly rare that you can't really equip more than a squad with them.

Power Armour is a given. Human sized suits are still extra-boss, giving the user more strength, size, and sensory acumen while looking pretty much the same as Astartes stuff, but without the need for Black Carapace. It also comes in all sorts of flavours. Reshaping the helmets and cuirasses (and greaves and everything else) would come at the cost of parts commonality and such, of course, thereby driving the price up considerably. Still shouldn't be a problem.

Another point to think about; Xenos of any sort on board a ship that the crew are aware of tend to decrease morale.

They don't necessarily have to have boltguns but I do enjoy the idea of a single squad/platoon/company seperate from the rest of the group honor guard idea. If we use a clan organization for their homeworlds maybe the "honor guard" is made up entirely of the clan chieftains? Or every clan donates it's finest warrior to be taken into the honor guard? These guys can get the first pick from th best weaponry and armor and maybe even specialized training? If the clans aren't exactly friendly with each other I can see the trader doing that the kinda help make peace between the clans so they aren't just killing each other. Competition is the name of the game on death worlds and resources are precious so it makes total sense that the clans might be enemies, and if you're going to use them as soldiers you want the to shoot your enemies instead of themselves right? The rest of the troops can get more standardized mass produced armor and weaponry. And not all bolt weapons are sacred and such, heavy bolters are used by IG regiments all the time and if these anthro marines are stronger than humans (and in power armor) they can easily use a heavy Bolter like any Astates devastator, I mean sure they can't have Astartes grade but there are variants out there, the imperial guard has their own variants, if we're talking about someone in the mechanicus owing our trader a favor maybe he helps clear our trader a set of plans so he can make bolters for the anthro marines?

Updated by anonymous

If we're going with the championistic lifestyle (fight to be the best), then best fighters from each tribe sounds good. Have them all compete in a form of olympics that tests the best of each tribe to gather only the truly elite; think hunger games within the tribe that then have their best contestants sent to another hunger games, which then determines the ones that get chosen for honour guard. Chieftains would likely be the older ones, either those who survive the longest, or who survive their tour as a member of the Honour Guard.

Regarding weapons... These are -Death Worlds-. They most certainly have some sort of unique resource that can be weaponized into unique weapons for this honour guard. "Ice" that doesn't melt even when exposed to melta fire, for example- or that GROWS when exposed to fire, violently and fractally. Ashlands powder that when it contacts bare flesh desiccates the tissues almost instantly, turning the affected area to dust in a moment of blindingly agonizing pain. A cacti-alike that has a poison so virulent that even Adeptus Astartes aren't completely immune to its toxins, by the factor of being highly corrosive as well, could be another example.

Death Worlds are fucking FUN to conceptualize.

Re: bolters; they certainly are sacred. Imperial Guard are STILL Man. They are Man's sacred implements. Auto guns and las weapons aren't, same with meltas, but almost if not all Bolt weaponry is (Only the bolt pistol is a possible exception). Do remember that one marine's storm bolter uses 100 psykers burned to ash to create and consecrate EACH ROUND (It's a daemonhunter, but still).

Also, DEFINITELY NO to giving out a blueprint. NEVER EVER.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
If we're going with the championistic lifestyle (fight to be the best), then best fighters from each tribe sounds good. Have them all compete in a form of olympics that tests the best of each tribe to gather only the truly elite; think hunger games within the tribe that then have their best contestants sent to another hunger games, which then determines the ones that get chosen for honour guard. Chieftains would likely be the older ones, either those who survive the longest, or who survive their tour as a member of the Honour Guard.

Regarding weapons... These are -Death Worlds-. They most certainly have some sort of unique resource that can be weaponized into unique weapons for this honour guard. "Ice" that doesn't melt even when exposed to melta fire, for example- or that GROWS when exposed to fire, violently and fractally. Ashlands powder that when it contacts bare flesh desiccates the tissues almost instantly, turning the affected area to dust in a moment of blindingly agonizing pain. A cacti-alike that has a poison so virulent that even Adeptus Astartes aren't completely immune to its toxins, by the factor of being highly corrosive as well, could be another example.

Death Worlds are fucking FUN to conceptualize.

Re: bolters; they certainly are sacred. Imperial Guard are STILL Man. They are Man's sacred implements. Auto guns and las weapons aren't, same with meltas, but almost if not all Bolt weaponry is (Only the bolt pistol is a possible exception). Do remember that one marine's storm bolter uses 100 psykers burned to ash to create and consecrate EACH ROUND (It's a daemonhunter, but still).

Also, DEFINITELY NO to giving out a blueprint. NEVER EVER.

Yeah I forgot the whole xenos/man barrier for a minute x.x alright so weaponized local items/life, maybe this honor guard could even have some sort of mount? Like so many movies and such it could be part if their induction into the honor guard's rank that they tame a certain beast? I mean I think that would be pretty bad ass, and ranged weapons are great but I think an honor guard from a death world would be quicker to grab some form of meele weapon

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Do remember that one marine's storm bolter uses 100 psykers burned to ash to create and consecrate EACH ROUND (It's a daemonhunter, but still).

wat. That sounds more psycannoney than anything. Bolters are just the iconic weaponry for the Imperium, being loud, assertive, and extremely unsubtle. There are totally regular-ass bolters for Acolytes, Throne Agents, and the rich enough to afford and stupid enough to beggar themselves for them. It's not that they're beyond manufacture, the Imperium just has a case of Thugnificent syndrome.

I'm also not on board with the anthros > humans mentality. Reading shit like Titanicus, Death World, Fifteen Hours and the like gave me the impression that humanity had extremely varied stratas of what was considered 'normal'.

Also lol power armour would give them strength enough to heft heavy weapons, but the backwash from a flamer would torch a furry in a hurry. Perhaps they might all have racial weaknesses of a sort.

Updated by anonymous

(also off topic for a sec, OMG 123easy your profile picture looks so familiar but for the life of me I can't place where I know it from X.X it's been bugging the hell outta me lol sorry back to topic)

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
Also lol power armour would give them strength enough to heft heavy weapons, but the backwash from a flamer would torch a furry in a hurry. Perhaps they might all have racial weaknesses of a sort.

that could be were species/race traits come in, sure, a wolven couldn't use a flamer he'd die before he ever got to torch a thing, but one of his more scalie friends with heat resistant scales could easily use one, if the wolven are the strong ones then they end up being heavy weapon specialists wearing some of the heavier varients of the armor, the quicker more agile race/species become a sort of scouting unit, light armor and long range weaponry. It also gives a sense of competition among their ranks without stepping on each others toes trying to fullfil the same rolls, just like how Sternguard and Vanguard Veterans kinda compete with each other in a true Astartes Chapter, but they also realize that each of them play a vital role and help the other where they can.

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
wat. That sounds more psycannoney than anything. Bolters are just the iconic weaponry for the Imperium, being loud, assertive, and extremely unsubtle. There are totally regular-ass bolters for Acolytes, Throne Agents, and the rich enough to afford and stupid enough to beggar themselves for them. It's not theat they're beyond manufacture, the Imperium just has a case of Thugnificent syndrome.

I'm also not on board with the anthros > humans mentality. Reading shit like Titanicus, Death World, Fifteen Hours and the like gave me the impression that humanity had extremely varied stratas of what was considered 'normal'.

Also lol power armour would give them strength enough to heft heavy weapons, but the backwash from a flamer would torch a furry in a hurry. Perhaps they might all have racial weaknesses of a sort.

Totally regular-ass Bolters, yeah. I was just using one example that stuck in my mind, something you will NEVER see for any other weapon. It's not that they're beyond manufacture, but they annihilate with prejudice if Mankind's weapons show up in the hands of Xenos, you have to admit that. Autoguns and lasguns and meltas and the like aren't unique to Mankind, and are damn near universal. Bolters could be considered Mankind's Unique-To-Xenos' weapon.

The anthros < Humans mentality is shown with the reboot of the fiction that removed Beastmen with violent purging to the point that they've been driven out of the Imperium almost completely. Abhumans in general have been purged from Mankind's domain. Originally they were just fine, since they bred true, but its become a lot less open in that regard through the years, unfortunately. While the average human's opinion might be different, it's the people in power that really matter in this case, and when they hand down the order, well...

headcase37 said:
that could be were species/race traits come in, sure, a wolven couldn't use a flamer he'd die before he ever got to torch a thing, but one of his more scalie friends with heat resistant scales could easily use one, if the wolven are the strong ones then they end up being heavy weapon specialists wearing some of the heavier varients of the armor, the quicker more agile race/species become a sort of scouting unit, light armor and long range weaponry. It also gives a sense of competition among their ranks without stepping on each others toes trying to fullfil the same rolls, just like how Sternguard and Vanguard Veterans kinda compete with each other in a true Astartes Chapter, but they also realize that each of them play a vital role and help the other where they can.

Ashlands folk would be immune to flames basically; If it's not just a simple keratin extrusion like our hair is (perhaps a naturally created ceramic-like material? thick enough layering of fine filaments would provide good protection. It could also be a protective coating layered over skin and hair) it could be naturally heat-resistant. Any lizardfolk in general too, though maybe not icelands or water-based lizardfolk like salamanders. World adaptations need to be taken into consideration there, as well as the difference between furry races. Probably best to have each race cover scouting, assault, and heavy infantry primarily based on which planet they hail from, and have each planet give its tithes in rotation, so one tithe will have Forestworld wolves, cats, and lizardfolk with the Wolves being heavies (apex predator, largest of the three planets' wolves, most aggressive individually), cats being assault (drop and strike is standard cat operating procedure), and lizardfolk being scouting (camouflage adaptation would most definitely be a forest adaptation for lizardfolk), while another might be Iceworld cats (large relatively solitary cats, sabertooth probably), lizardfolk (hot-blooded and scaled to trap and vent heat as a natural offense/defense mechanism), and wolves (pack animals, small but work together to take down prey. Work together to always be aware of their surroundings).

Note the above are just examples, not necessarily how they function exactly. Just my vision of how they could work.

Updated by anonymous

In 40k, Humans > Everything else according to Imperial dogma, yeah. I'm more a fan of the Rogue Trader era, where it was less grimdark and more hair metal. I meant the general consensus here that Anthros > Humans, this being a furry site and all. I get that its part of the fantasy, but for some reason I can't help but think this highly specialized mixed-species race wouldn't exactly roll out the red carpet when a little pink ape-man comes caroming down from the sky.

Updated by anonymous

Implanted imperative to obey at the genetic level, as I noted earlier, perhaps? A fight for the right to rule? Most Rogue Traders are exceptionally strong and skilled fighters themselves; Have you ever heard of the manga "Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There!"? If not, you might want to look it up. If he came intending peace but can totally decimate with military might and displays that strength appropriately, I think he could sway them to follow him.

But yeah, I'm much more of a fan of the earlier era of WH40K. Much more accepting, even if Humans > Everything has always been the Imperial credo, they still had some tolerance for xenos and mutants. Damn Horus.

Updated by anonymous

I tend not to read manga/watch anime. Sorry dude.

I was tossing a little narrative around in my head about all this in an admittedly Jamaican shower, and it all came crashing to a halt the minute the character went to talk to them. they speak Gothic?

Then I re-read that big text obelisk of yours back there just now and hilarity is ensuing. The Galaxy is ooold, and time is nothing to the Warp, so just having them walk up to Trader Joe and straight up kneel before him and give benedicions to the Emperor in High Gothic makes perfect sense. Then it would be the scion's turn to have his mind totally blown with an eve of feasting and wargames and concubines and tales of old.

The original guy, though, would have to be quite the rugged fellow to tame these beasts. A patient polyglot, a fastidious fighter, and a salubrious sojourner all to be sure.

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:

A patient polyglot, a fastidious fighter, and a salubrious sojourner all to be sure.

After a short detour to for a refresher course I now know what you said XD I think I actually heard my brain crying out "stop showing off!!"

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
I tend not to read manga/watch anime. Sorry dude.

I was tossing a little narrative around in my head about all this in an admittedly Jamaican shower, and it all came crashing to a halt the minute the character went to talk to them. they speak Gothic?

Then I re-read that big text obelisk of yours back there just now and hilarity is ensuing. The Galaxy is ooold, and time is nothing to the Warp, so just having them walk up to Trader Joe and straight up kneel before him and give benedicions to the Emperor in High Gothic makes perfect sense. Then it would be the scion's turn to have his mind totally blown with an eve of feasting and wargames and concubines and tales of old.

The original guy, though, would have to be quite the rugged fellow to tame these beasts. A patient polyglot, a fastidious fighter, and a salubrious sojourner all to be sure.

Text obelisk? Which one? >_>

Updated by anonymous

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