Topic: Inkbunny

Posted under General

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Is it just me, or is a blank white page for everyone?
The fact that it loads at all makes those "down or me" websites unreliable.

Updated by TonyCoon

God damn it, why won't it load for me then...

Edit: question pretty much answered, so admins can delete/lock/etc. or just let it die naturally.

Updated by anonymous

Out of curiosity, what was the problem you were having?

Updated by anonymous

Wyvrn said:
Out of curiosity, what was the problem you were having?

Beats me, still won't load, but I wanted to know in the thread if I was having a problem, or the site was.
So, question answered.

Updated by anonymous

Nah, let's keep this thread going. Anyone here about the FA drama lately?

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Nah, let's keep this thread going. Anyone here about the FA drama lately?

here, as in coming here, or hear, as in hear about?

No, and yes, but don't care at all.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Anyone here about the FA drama lately?

I hardly ever go to FA. What's going on?

Updated by anonymous

Suineder said:
I hardly ever go to FA. What's going on?

Disclaimer: This is partial knowledge gathered from the news post about it, and various journals/comments regarding the drama in question.
Someone brought up that one of the FA employees was accused of raping someone. Not sure if it's in the past, or more recent, dunno. I do know that no criminal record resulted.
The idea that the accusations were there cause all sorts of dramas, including, "How can we trust a criminal with our personal information", and "The admins are excusing rape because the person is a friend of theirs" etc.
I would like to say that whether the lack of criminal record is because the allegations were false, or the prosecutor simply lacked the evidence for formal charges and/or a conviction, the end result is that nothing would have shown up on a criminal background check for employment.
On top of that, using such information, assuming they somehow had it, to influence a hiring decision, when the crime was not actually proven true in a court of law, would open up FA to a lawsuit.

TL;DR rape is bad, but if there's no conviction, you can't expect someone to get fired over it

P.S. As a side note, I was convicted of a crime(not rape) and served time in prison. After getting out, I somewhat recently worked as an IT contractor at a large bank(not telling you which one). As a part of my job there, I had full administrative access to all of the banking and personal information of all of the customers and businesses that banked with that bank. At any point I could have taken, and used that information for all kinds of illegal activities.

Guess what?
I didn't.
So, maybe don't assume that just because someone is labeled as a "criminal" that they have a complete disregard for any and all laws.

Updated by anonymous

Wasn't that old news? For what I know, FA has had that drama since a long while

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Wasn't that old news? For what I know, FA has had that drama since a long while

Beats me, if so then someone brought it back up.

Updated by anonymous

Halite, well said, and good job for proving the haters wrong that criminals are forever unable to re-enter the bondable workforce without reoffending.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Halite, well said, and good job for proving the haters wrong that criminals are forever unable to re-enter the bondable workforce without reoffending.

In the US the recidivism rate is around 60% for felons.
And while some people think that's a high number, what they fail to take into account is that it means that out of every 10 felons, 4 of them never commit another felony in their lives.
They still have to live with the stigma society places on them for being "criminals".
Add to that, less than 20% of non-violent crime in the US is ever solved with an arrest(less get an actual conviction, didn't look up conviction rates), so that "non-criminal" that you're hiring, could just as easily be even less trust worthy than the "criminal" and just not have gotten caught.

Updated by anonymous

Adam Wan, aka Zaush raped multiple (2 or 3) people...but because he is popufur and produces a lot of porn/traffic for the site dragoneer is willing to turn a blind eye and defend the coward.
Just look at some of the stuff the guy says, he's a sociopathic narcissist...

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
Adam Wan, aka Zaush raped multiple (2 or 3) people...but because he is popufur and produces a lot of porn/traffic for the site dragoneer is willing to turn a blind eye and defend the coward.
Just look at some of the stuff the guy says, he's a sociopathic narcissist...

I see, and he was convicted in a court of law for those rapes?

Updated by anonymous

To be honest, people leaving FA because of that stuff aren't loyal at all imo. Which brings me to my next question, what is Weasly aka that new site everyone's going to all of a sudden? (Or however it's spelled)

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
To be honest, people leaving FA because of that stuff aren't loyal at all imo. Which brings me to my next question, what is Weasly aka that new site everyone's going to all of a sudden? (Or however it's spelled)

Apparently it a website similar to FA, but they hate people accused of rape, regardless of convictions or lack thereof.

Seems to be just another one of those "It's the NEW FA" things than happens every couple years.
Funny story, FA still seems to be there.

Updated by anonymous is an art site, pretty new, didn't really look at it.

But besides that, if he was a rapist he would have been convicted for it, if the people he raped didn't go to the police directly afterwards they're damn stupid.

So yes, he is either found guilty by a court or he is no rapist.

And because of "Innocent until proven otherwise" I'd like to remind to not throw baseless accusations around, we're not FA after all.

Updated by anonymous

Oh dear god, just read the little intro post that the admin has on the front page.
I felt it worth sharing some excerpts that gave me some impression of what the site seems to be after reading that: community site, dedicated to our users to provide an open community with which to share, comment on, and critique art...
...friendly and approachable staff of individuals... where artistic expression is fostered...
...the friendly comments you post on each others work...
...You will help foster an environment for learning and growth in the arts...

So, one of 2 things is happening here.
A: This new site is made of puppies, and kittens, and rainbows, and no one even thinks a rude, mean or negative thought.

B: The admins have no clue what they're getting themselves into, and when they find out will probably run screaming.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said: is an art site, pretty new, didn't really look at it.

But besides that, if he was a rapist he would have been convicted for it, if the people he raped didn't go to the police directly afterwards they're damn stupid.

So yes, he is either found guilty by a court or he is no rapist.

And because of "Innocent until proven otherwise" I'd like to remind to not throw baseless accusations around, we're not FA after all.

While he may be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, I would like to remind you that law is not reality. He may very well have raped one or multiple people, but gotten off either through superior legal advice, lack of litigation pressed against him within a timely manner (and fear can quite easily do that to you, no matter how intelligent you might be otherwise).

This is not to say he DID rape someone. Just that saying, "he got found guilty or he didn't do it" is not fact.

Updated by anonymous

Innocent, and "didn't do it" are 2 very different things.
There's a very good reason that until convicted, news outlets have to stick that "alleged" at the beginning of everything.
Until judged guilty in a court of law, by a jury of their peers, everyone is innocent, period.
Anything else is a mockery of our justice system.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Innocent, and "didn't do it" are 2 very different things.
There's a very good reason that until convicted, news outlets have to stick that "alleged" at the beginning of everything.
Until judged guilty in a court of law, by a jury of their peers, everyone is innocent, period.
Anything else is a mockery of our justice system.

Your justice system. ;P Not every country requires a jury, either. Canada actually processes quite a lot of cases where the defendant doesn't have a jury trial but instead a bench trial, mostly for cases where the defendant is likely to see less than five years in prison. Other countries feature similar setups.

This said, legally innocent and actually innocent are still two completely different things.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
While he may be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, I would like to remind you that law is not reality. He may very well have raped one or multiple people, but gotten off either through superior legal advice, lack of litigation pressed against him within a timely manner (and fear can quite easily do that to you, no matter how intelligent you might be otherwise).

This is not to say he DID rape someone. Just that saying, "he got found guilty or he didn't do it" is not fact.

I regret not having lurked the forums more. I didn't see you come back and shit did I miss your discussions.


Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Your justice system. ;P Not every country requires a jury, either. Canada actually processes quite a lot of cases where the defendant doesn't have a jury trial but instead a bench trial, mostly for cases where the defendant is likely to see less than five years in prison. Other countries feature similar setups.

This said, legally innocent and actually innocent are still two completely different things.

Perhaps so, but either way posting here saying "he raped multiple people" when that is not supported by any convictions is uncalled for, and inappropriate.

At that point you are in effect spreading harmful rumors.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah let's just go ahead and lock this now before it gets out of hand (which it will).

Updated by anonymous

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