Topic: Weird Question For Guys

Posted under Off Topic

An interesting inquiry came to my mind early this morning. It's kind of a weird question and I really don't know where else to ask this. This is a majority porn site after all, so I would think a question like this isn't to out of line so long as it doesn't get creepy. (Which is not my intention BTW) If this thread gets locked, so be it. I just want to find out if I'm in the majority or minority here. Or if someone could redirect me to a better place to ask such a question, that would be great too.

When you have an erection and lie flat on your back, does your dick tend to lean to your left or your right? Use a spoiler tag please. (I know the question was directed at guys, but I don't discriminate. If you have a dick at all, feel free to answer.)

My answer: I lean right

Is there some kind of factor that affects this, like the hand you use to masturbate or something? Perhaps the axial tilt of the earth or geographical location? Just curious. I've never thought about this before.

Updated by 123easy

Well, which is your dominant hand?

My answer to your question:To the left and I'm right handed

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Well, which is your dominant hand?

My answer to your question:To the left and I'm right handed

Hmm so maybe it's an opposite of your dominant hand thing? I guess we will see based on the answers coming in.

Updated by anonymous

I've seen a fair few cocks and of the ones I've seen, most of them including mine don't sway to either side.
My first boyfriend had kinda a banana dick. I think it bent left quite a way. Oral sex was difficult. :<

Updated by anonymous

elad said:
I've seen a fair few cocks and of the ones I've seen, most of them including mine don't sway to either side.
My first boyfriend had kinda a banana dick. I think it bent left quite a way. Oral sex was difficult. :<

I don't mean like a bend. I'm talking a straight erection that just leans at the base one way or the other.

Updated by anonymous

I guess it has to be how "flat" you're lying, your dominant hand and how you do it, like how straight your legs are...

I think I go a bit like a /.

I haven't paid much attention...

elad said:
[...]My first boyfriend had kinda a banana dick.[...]

Did you guys met like this?

post #101632


Updated by anonymous

FatherOfGray said:
I don't mean like a bend. I'm talking a straight erection that just leans at the base one way or the other.

No I get it, but still, they're straight 90% of the time. Probably. Just to make it clear 'a fair few' isn't like hundreds. I ain't no ho. D:

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:

No Patchi, this treehouse is for boys only!

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
No Patchi, this treehouse is for boys only!

thatoneclarinetist said:
No! i'm sorry i'm gonna have to ask you to leave now

Creepy threads instantly attract me. I must watch.

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
Creepy threads instantly attract me. I must watch.

Admit it. You came to browse the penis selection.

Updated by anonymous

Slightly left, it's annoying when I need to piss with a boner, have to aim a bit to the right otherwise piss everywhere.

Also right handed. Perhaps this could've affected its growth through puberty. Dick science.

Updated by anonymous

Ok I have to revile since it appears i'm an oddity... mine leans to the right and i'm right handed course I do have a prince albert piercing... which may or may not have some affect on it :|

Updated by anonymous

So I think we can all come to an agreement right penises suck, left penises ftw :p

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
So I think we can all come to an agreement right penises suck, left penises ftw :p

aww... but i'm a right penis so's my BF :( oh well...

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
As a nazi, everything is obviously tilted to the right.


Updated by anonymous

Spess_Muhreen said:
Perhaps [masturbation] could've affected its growth through puberty. Dick science.

I'm indeed starting to think this is the case among tilters and that it tilts in the direction/angle you masturbate. Most people pull at an angle, even if they aren't aware of it.

As for direction, it seems I'm actually in the majority so far.

Updated by anonymous

Though okay, story time. My avatar is a lie. I never fapped by the usual pulling and still don't. I learned a different way when I was young. You see, I didn't have access to porn at the time and nobody was going to teach me how to do it either...
Spoiler tag time for people who really don't want to know how I do what I do:
I discovered the wonders of penile masturbation in the shower. I don't remember how it happened, but I slid by erect dick between my legs, tucking it like guys who pretend to be girls, and then letting it back up. The friction felt good, so I kept doing it until BAM orgasm. Once I learned the proper way a long while after that experience I tried it, but it was too late. I was so well practiced and adept at my leg slide method that doing any other way just felt wrong and didn't do it for me. Even today I masturbate lying down with my entire crotch and the in betweens of my upper legs lubed up and use the same leg slide method as I learned all those years ago.

Updated by anonymous

FatherOfGray said:
Though okay, story time. My avatar is a lie. I never fapped by the usual pulling and still don't. I learned a different way when I was young. You see, I didn't have access to porn at the time and nobody was going to teach me how to do it either...
Spoiler tag time for people who really don't want to know how I do what I do:
I discovered the wonders of penile masturbation in the shower. I don't remember how it happened, but I slid by erect dick between my legs, tucking it like guys who pretend to be girls, and then letting it back up. The friction felt good, so I kept doing it until BAM orgasm. Once I learned the proper way a long while after that experience I tried it, but it was too late. I was so well practiced and adept at my leg slide method that doing any other way just felt wrong and didn't do it for me. Even today I masturbate lying down with my entire crotch and the in betweens of my upper legs lubed up and use the same leg slide method as I learned all those years ago.

One word: Thighjob

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
One word: Thighjob

So that the term for it? Sensible enough I guess. You guys can keep your pull method. I believe mine is more pleasurable and efficient: no hands required! (if you're doing it right).

Updated by anonymous

FatherOfGray said:
So that the term for it? Sensible enough I guess. You guys can keep your pull method. I believe mine is more pleasurable and efficient: no hands required! (if you're doing it right).

If performing on another person, it's called intercrural sex.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

It must be somewhat common.
My grandfather was a tailor (among other things), and one of the standard questions when taking measurements for mens trousers was about which side should have extra space for the genitals. From what I remember, it was the right side for most customers.

My answer: Left

Updated by anonymous

Seven_Twenty said:
This thread scares me

Funny how it's not locked yet.

If she was a herm...


Updated by anonymous

Left. I use both hands, usually the left one, and I'm right-handed.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Funny how it's not locked yet.

If she was a herm...


We are still keeping it civil and mostly mature. It's just a question for dudes to answer

That reminds me...Who let you in the boys only treehouse!?! >:I

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
We are still keeping it civil and mostly mature. It's just a question for dudes to answer

That reminds me...Who let you in the boys only treehouse!?!

Followed Patchi and Seven Twenty. :P

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Followed Patchi and Seven Twenty. :P

I'm sorry but all the women are gonna need to leave! *gets sword to pop out of Clarinet bell*

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
I'm sorry but all the women are gonna need to leave! *gets sword to pop out of Clarinet bell*

post #375250


Updated by anonymous

huh. men are fascinating creatures. do men often talk about stuff like this?

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
huh. men are fascinating creatures. do men often talk about stuff like this?

Nope. It's one of those oddities that comes from anonymity on the internet; Normally guys are too preoccupied with being "MANLY" to bother with the guy version of girl talk.

Updated by anonymous

mine lead right before cum but after releasing it slowly starts to lend left

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Nope. It's one of those oddities that comes from anonymity on the internet; Normally guys are too preoccupied with being "MANLY" to bother with the guy version of girl talk.

I find that guys aren't all that reserved to talk about these things once someone has the balls to instigate the conversation.

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
What is this thread, I dont even

Damn it, there's too many girls here. ABORT MISSION

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Damn it, there's too many girls here. ABORT MISSION

Behind me fellow man *pulls out clarinet sword* they may take our freedom.... but the'll never take our spirit!!!

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
Behind me fellow man *pulls out clarinet sword* they may take our freedom.... but the'll never take our spirit!!!

That is the german spirit, alcohol > rest of the universe.

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
Behind me fellow man *pulls out clarinet sword* they may take our freedom.... but the'll never take our spirit!!!

We may need reinforcements, I'll alert the President asap!
post #334246

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
huh. men are fascinating creatures. do men often talk about stuff like this?

Oh yes, induibably.
The other day at work, Jim, at lunch, said, " HEY GUYS, WHICH SIDE DOES YOUR BONERS LEAN TO?"
And mike answered " LEFT!"
Ahhhh, life!
Even in first grade my best friend said, " HEY DUDE, HOW WIDE IS THE HOLE ON YOUR BONERS?"
And i said " THREE INCHES!"

Updated by anonymous

Oh yes, induibably.
The other day at work, Jim, at lunch, said, " HEY GUYS, WHICH SIDE DOES YOUR BONERS LEAN TO?"
And mike answered " LEFT!"
Ahhhh, life!
Even in first grade my best friend said, " HEY DUDE, HOW WIDE IS THE HOLE ON YOUR BONERS?"
And i said " THREE INCHES!"

what the fuck am i reading

Updated by anonymous

FatherOfGray said:
I find that guys aren't all that reserved to talk about these things once someone has the balls to instigate the conversation.

Anonymity helps, as does a sense of cameraderie.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Pluto will rise as a planet yet. :3

Look out, we got a bad planet over here

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
Look out, we got a bad planet over here

That or it will act as a non planet and ram us one of these days. :O

Updated by anonymous

Right for me.

I don't thing it has to do with what hand you use, but how you angle it.

Next time you're doing that, look down for a moment, and observe.

Updated by anonymous

I used to use my right and angled it right. I switched to my left because of a natural lean.

Updated by anonymous