Topic: Reason NOT to ban the user above you.

Posted under General

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(At the risk this might be a very stupid idea, and I might get laughed at. Since the. "Ban the user above you" Game is so entertaining I thought I might throw up the opposite)

So here's the game. (Speaks for itself I'm sure)

Think of a reason NOT to ban the user posting above you.

Updated by slyroon

Admins have stated no more forum games.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
Admins have stated no more forum games.

Ah I see, I was unaware of that. Thousand apologies.

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
I hate forum games.

I find them rather annoying as well but some people seem to enjoy them so.. Thought I might be able to provide some enjoyment.

Updated by anonymous

Highly doubt that those two forum games are ever going to be forgotten

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Highly doubt that those two forum games are ever going to be forgotten

They've got like nearly 500 pages each you are correct

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Highly doubt that those two forum games are ever going to be forgotten

I own the monopoly on forum games...

thatoneclarinetist said:
They've got like nearly 500 pages each you are correct

...And I'm a very wealthy man.

Updated by anonymous

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