Topic: Next Word

Posted under Off Topic

This topic has been locked.

Rules: post one word that continues an ongoing story from the post above you. No double-posting (in a row), if you wish to express your amusement or otherwise critical comments, use brackets or asterisks~ :3 ill go first;


Updated by slyroon

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
No more forum games. The admins have said so multiple times.

That's... Utterly stupid.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
How so?

"Off topic" <-----
It shouldn't matter about what's posted here, in fact, it almost seems like if it doesnt have anything to do with Admins, it gets locked. What are these posts? Spam? What exactly are you waiting on in off-topic? News about someones newborn? Condom advertisment posts? One titled "I farted"? These games can cause small chuckles at best, (most are by accidents). I just think it's a dumb rule. Theres a category filter for a reason.

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
Bloody anus ;P

how was I suposed to reist?

Resistance is futile when it comes to anus.

Updated by anonymous

Hanbei said:
"Off topic" <-----
It shouldn't matter about what's posted here, in fact, it almost seems like if it doesnt have anything to do with Admins, it gets locked. What are these posts? Spam? What exactly are you waiting on in off-topic? News about someones newborn? Condom advertisment posts? One titled "I farted"? These games can cause small chuckles at best, (most are by accidents). I just think it's a dumb rule. Theres a category filter for a reason.

It's not about what category it is, it's the fact that we don't need anymore forum games. We already have two that are never going to end, and if we allowed more, it will eventually spam up the threads and prevent actual important threads (like tag fixing, rule updates, users needing help, etc.) from showing up.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
It's not about what category it is, it's the fact that we don't need anymore forum games. We already have two that are never going to end, and if we allowed more, it will eventually spam up the threads and prevent actual important threads (like tag fixing, rule updates, users needing help, etc.) from showing up.

And those show up in "off topic"? Thats queer.Weirdly speaking.

Updated by anonymous

Hanbei said:
And those show up in "off topic"? Thats queer.Weirdly speaking.

TheHuskyK9 said:
It's not about what category it is, it's the fact that we don't need anymore forum games. We already have two that are never going to end, and if we allowed more, it will eventually spam up the threads and prevent actual important threads (like tag fixing, rule updates, users needing help, etc.) from showing up.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:

Mk. When I look for important changes or other topics that are important or otherwise anticipated, I use the filter, mostly the General section or something. Just saying. I use what's there, not ignore the optional.

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
No more forum games. The admins have said so multiple times.


Updated by anonymous

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