Topic: Data Move?: MLP

Posted under General

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I don't know if this has been suggested or if it's outright impossible, but I was wondering if it would be at all feasible to move all of the MLP art to its own section on the site or something along those lines. I ask because I find that when browsing anything to do with horses, equines or any other related tag, the pages are killed off almost entirely ( or entirely... like, literally ) because of MLP being on my blacklist. I'm not sure if anyone else experiences this, but essentially what I'm saying is that it floods ( estimate ) over 300 pages of any of those related tags.

Maybe I'm griping over nothing, and the reason why it hasn't been done already is because no one cares, but quite frankly it is making things fairly difficult in regards to such searches. I can understand that a fandom will obviously breed MANY iterations of fan-based content from the fan userbase, and I suppose that's why E621 and other furry sites even exist. But this is E621, furry haven so to speak, not "MLP everywhere all day because lol MLP621"...

So like, what's the dealio, guys? Is it possible? Is it even feasible? Are there drawbacks to moving it to its own area on the site, or perhaps relegating it to another site entirely?

And no, I didn't check the search for other topics that may have been regarding the same subject, as I'm sure I wouldn't have found anything. Hell, I may be the only non-MLP fan on the site, but I'm taking a freedom dive here. Give me some feed back, preferably flame free, yeah? <3

Updated by EDFDarkAngel1

Searching for horse -my_little_pony might do it. And you'll be fireproof! :P

Though, removing all of MLP related art might be a little bit overkill, imo.

Updated by anonymous

Is MLP the only MLP-related tag you have on your blacklist? If you have friendship_is_magic on your blacklist as well, make sure you have all your blacklisted tags on separate lines, otherwise your blacklist won't recognize it, which would explain why you're still seeing them. Your blacklist should look like this;


I would think that creating a separate section to contain the thousands of MLP images would cause a ton of internal server errors and speed issues.

Updated by anonymous

In regards to Ch3l: I'll definitely try that, hopefully it works! Thank you.

Joe: That's the thing. I do have it on my blacklist, so naturally nothing MLP related shows up. But here's the kicker: if it doesn't show up, the pages are also blank. :/

Updated by anonymous

Shaye said:
In regards to Ch3l: I'll definitely try that, hopefully it works! Thank you.

Joe: That's the thing. I do have it on my blacklist, so naturally nothing MLP related shows up. But here's the kicker: if it doesn't show up, the pages are also blank. :/

I have never heard of that happening. It might be your browser.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
I have never heard of that happening. It might be your browser.

He (or she) refers to the fact on how the blacklist works.

Updated by anonymous

MLP is here to stay, as has been said so many times before already, however, did you try increasing the amount of posts per page to 150? You should never get any pages with less than ~50 images of non-mlp material on it.

Updated by anonymous

We will not be moving mlp anywhere as it is just another franchise like pokemon. I have tried many times to blacklist mlp to see what would happen and see how many posts are hidden per page. At 100 posts per page, about 40 or so were blacklisted. After increasing my posts per page number to about 180, I had 100 posts still show up per page.

The problem is not that bad and totally fixable. If that still doesn't work for some reason, just add -mlp to your search and it won't return any mlp posts, blacklisted or not

Updated by anonymous

This thread's question has been solved. Locking the thread.

If you have continued, separate, issues, please start a new thread.

Updated by anonymous

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