Topic: Allowing two versions of every pic (best lossy + best lossless)

Posted under General

This file has a .png extension, but it's actually a 1011x1280 JPG:
(154,559 bytes)

This version really is a PNG, but it's only 789x1000:
(1,395,042 bytes)

e621 has a policy of keeping the best version of a pic.
In cases like this, it can be hard to decide which version that is.

Updated by CamKitty

So... Instead of flipping a coin and picking one, you suggest seeing two of everything? I'm not a fan of drinking, I'm afraid.

Updated by anonymous

I usually just keep the older one or the PNG, but I'd rather we didn't keep both

Updated by anonymous

I've seen this problem before, and I'm inclined to keep the one that hasn't been compressed, even if it is smaller. The difference in size is relatively small compared to the compression. The automatic resize is why I tend to be wary of FA or tumblr uploads.

Updated by anonymous

I can't access FA to compare the two images, but if there's no noticeable change in quality of the higher resolution JPEG I'd probably think it might be better to go with that. Or maybe ask the artist for the highest res PNG.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

The JPG has compression artifacts. So I think the other one should be kept, even though the resolution is smaller.

Updated by anonymous

Quality > size, every time, unless the image is for ants.

Updated by anonymous

I'd rather just see the better one, as my computer is not a potato :o

Updated by anonymous

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