Topic: Are there more homosexual/bisexual furs than there are heterosexual?

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I mean this in the kindest way possible. Even though I'm relatively new to the furry culture, it seems that there is far more homosexual and bisexual (by themselves) art than there is heterosexual art. I just find it curious how a certain broad fetish can attract more people of a certain sexuality. I would link to that one psychological attraction thread but I can't remember any keywords to search for it; maybe that's a part of it?

Updated by Neitsuke

ZigguratVertigo said:
I mean this in the kindest way possible. Even though I'm relatively new to the furry culture, it seems that there is far more homosexual and bisexual (by themselves) art than there is heterosexual art. I just find it curious how a certain broad fetish can attract more people of a certain sexuality. I would link to that one psychological attraction thread but I can't remember any keywords to search for it; maybe that's a part of it?

There's something about being a furry that loosens one's sexual proclivity from the biological standard. I wonder why that is... ;P

Updated by anonymous

There is a higher % of homosexuals than the 10% estimated in the general population.
That being said, no, it's not more than heterosexuals.

Updated by anonymous

1% hetero, 3% homo, 6% bi, 90% herm creature with all the genitalia (joke)

Updated by anonymous

But remember this is the furry community where being gay for horses, but straight for everything else is a thing.

That being said the most vocal furries are usually buttpirates, autists, and/or trolls. Kinda like people who are very vocal about their political opinions irl.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
There's something about being a furry that loosens one's sexual proclivity from the biological standard. I wonder why that is... ;P

That's so true. I guess some people figure since they're already attracted to animals with human-like bodies, it's okay to like the same sex while they're at it.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
straight 55179
gay 43126

It is roughly 50-50.
It may have something to do with the fact that shemales, hermaphrodites and other combinations are very common in the fandom. Once you've glanced at a feminine character that just happens to have a dick, the step ain't that big to males.

Trying to answer this question on the basis of the number of straight versus gay pics on e621 is really retarded, actually.

The main thing I find funny about the fandom though is the abundance of supposedly 'heterosexual' males who just happen to have an affinity for getting boners from looking at giant gay orgies ala Sylus art.

Updated by anonymous

JustFrame said:
Trying to answer this question on the basis of the number of straight versus gay pics on e621 is really retarded, actually.

That was a bit rude. You could've worded that a little better

Updated by anonymous

I dunno, certainly seems like there is more homosexual/bisexual people than heterosexual people. Just from looking around on FA and such. Either that, or the straight people are very quiet about it

Updated by anonymous

AmericanExistence said:
I dunno, certainly seems like there is more homosexual/bisexual people than heterosexual people. Just from looking around on FA and such. Either that, or the straight people are very quiet about it

It's actually seen as a stigma against you to be straight in some places. God forbid you don't like homosexual artwork, especially as an artist- you will never be left alone for it.

Updated by anonymous

JustFrame said:
my bad

Off-topic, love your avatar. He's sooo cute & rapeable.

On-topic, I'm straight, but I'm very curious about having a sexual encounter with someone of the same sex. Which raises a question: What defines bisexuals? What if you'd have sex with the same sex, but you can't see yourself having a romantic relationship with them? Can you still be considered bi?

Updated by anonymous

Wolfpool said:
Off-topic, love your avatar. He's sooo cute & rapeable.

On-topic, I'm straight, but I'm very curious about having a sexual encounter with someone of the same sex. Which raises a question: What defines bisexuals? What if you'd have sex with the same sex, but you can't see yourself having a romantic relationship with them? Can you still be considered bi?

You're bi-curious....I think

Updated by anonymous

Wolfpool said:
Off-topic, love your avatar. He's sooo cute & rapeable.

On-topic, I'm straight, but I'm very curious about having a sexual encounter with someone of the same sex. Which raises a question: What defines bisexuals? What if you'd have sex with the same sex, but you can't see yourself having a romantic relationship with them? Can you still be considered bi?

Depends on who you ask.
Ask someone around here, you don't need to define your sexuality in definite terms.

Ask an Republican asshole, you're a fag.

Updated by anonymous

Wolfpool said:
On-topic, I'm straight, but I'm very curious about having a sexual encounter with someone of the same sex. Which raises a question: What defines bisexuals? What if you'd have sex with the same sex, but you can't see yourself having a romantic relationship with them? Can you still be considered bi?

You're just in the closet. And you're probs gay.

Halite said:
Ask an asshole, you're a fag.

Well then pinch my donut, and call me Shirley.

Updated by anonymous

ZigguratVertigo said:
I mean this in the kindest way possible. Even though I'm relatively new to the furry culture, it seems that there is far more homosexual and bisexual (by themselves) art than there is heterosexual art. I just find it curious how a certain broad fetish can attract more people of a certain sexuality. I would link to that one psychological attraction thread but I can't remember any keywords to search for it; maybe that's a part of it?

You forgot about pansexual as well, _most_ pansexual I know are furries or related. May be you put them into bi cathegory but they are different: it's "gender, physical appearance doesn't matter much" attitude.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
straight 55179
gay 43126

It is roughly 50-50.
It may have something to do with the fact that shemales, hermaphrodites and other combinations are very common in the fandom. Once you've glanced at a feminine character that just happens to have a dick, the step ain't that big to males.

And how many with herm and ambiguous gender?

That isn't related to orientation, as straight people often have opposite gender or mixed gender characters. E.g. I know two girls (rl gender) like that.

It might be related to RP style preference, visual preference, self-esteem, some kinks (autogynephilia and autoandrophilia), trans-sexual preferences, design practice interests.. with many factors as you see. Example of RP style preference: "I'd like to roleplay actions that I'd liked to be done to myself".

P.S. majority players of RPG games use female characters, female players prefer male ones.

Updated by anonymous

Swiftkill said:
P.S. majority players of RPG games use female characters, female players prefer male ones.

Are you talking video games, or pen and paper?

Updated by anonymous

Swiftkill said:

P.S. majority players of RPG games use female characters, female players prefer male ones.

That's why they're called "Role Playing Games", one usually plays as the opposite gender

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
Are you talking video games, or pen and paper?

Probably MMOs.
It's the most prevalent example of cross-gender characters I've seen.
I don't think I'd say that it's a general preference though, just reasonably common.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Probably MMOs.
It's the most prevalent example of cross-gender characters I've seen.
I don't think I'd say that it's a general preference though, just reasonably common.

both.. though by my personal experience tabletop players do that less often.. probably due to confusion between actual person's look and character. It might be specific for my area though.

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
But remember this is the furry community where being gay for horses, but straight for everything else is a thing.

That being said the most vocal furries are usually buttpirates, autists, and/or trolls. Kinda like people who are very vocal about their political opinions irl.

That sounds highly insulting.
Er, did you meant furry haters? Also how come that you mix up sexual orientation, one of rare mental disorders and socially awkward behavior into one category?

Well, you may say that many of them _claim_ being autist or ADHD. 9 of 10 who claim being autist are just self-entitled kids who never had assessed or had it in form where doc would agree with anything for payment.
Firstly, ADHD was once a popular fake "diagnosis" in 90s doctors were giving to mis-fostered or hyperactive kids, proscribing expensive and harmful (in perspective of development) drugs. there is chemical ADHD which rare, and first sign of it is that stimulant work as sleep drug on them, while sleep drugs cause them to be active. It's rare

Updated by anonymous

Swiftkill said:
You forgot about pansexual as well, _most_ pansexual I know are furries or related. May be you put them into bi cathegory but they are different: it's "gender, physical appearance doesn't matter much" attitude.

I forgot how many orientations there are. But no, I didn't lump them in with bisexual people. Also, I don't understand the last sentence. Did you mean "gender and physical appearance doesn't matter much"?

Updated by anonymous

Zedee said:
So basically bisexual with loose standards?

I hate this misconception. >.< Just because pansexuals don't discriminate based on gender or physical appearance doesn't mean that they have loose standards- they just value the personality of the person- who they are inside- far more.

Updated by anonymous

Zedee said:
I was just being snarky there with the "loose standards", but I'm still not sure how it's different from being bi - I mean, valuing personality more is great, but how does that make it an orientation by itself?

I really always found it to be the same as being bisexual, or able to be attracted to either gender. What if a bisexual person values personality more than gender or doesn't even have a concept of gender? Are they still no longer considered bisexual?

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
I really always found it to be the same as being bisexual, or able to be attracted to either gender. What if a bisexual person values personality more than gender or doesn't even have a concept of gender? Are they still no longer considered bisexual?

[sarcasm]Clearly bisexuals are image obsessed people.[/sarcasm]

See, this is why any specific label regarding sexuality is not just a farce, but it is inherently prejudicial.
Labeling someone as "homosexual" or "bisexual" or even "heterosexual" puts specific assumptions about that person onto them.
They aren't always, or even usually true.
As far as I'm concerned, we're all just people, and leave it at that.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
[sarcasm]Clearly bisexuals are image obsessed people.[/sarcasm]

See, this is why any specific label regarding sexuality is not just a farce, but it is inherently prejudicial.
Labeling someone as "homosexual" or "bisexual" or even "heterosexual" puts specific assumptions about that person onto them.
They aren't always, or even usually true.
As far as I'm concerned, we're all just people, and leave it at that.

I'm literally just going by biological terms here. Hetero = different sex attraction, homo = same sex attraction, both sex attractions. I fail to see why we need to bring personal habit or preference in personality into it and split it up more based on that when it still is being attracted to either sex

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
I'm literally just going by biological terms here. Hetero = different sex attraction, homo = same sex attraction, both sex attractions. I fail to see why we need to bring personal habit or preference in personality into it and split it up more based on that when it still is being attracted to either sex

Because it's not being attracted to both sexes as is conventionally defined; They could be genderless, trans pre or post op, herm, some alien gender, whatever- if they were the same person inside all those forms, you'd love them all equally.

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
I'm literally just going by biological terms here. Hetero = different sex attraction, homo = same sex attraction, both sex attractions. I fail to see why we need to bring personal habit or preference in personality into it and split it up more based on that when it still is being attracted to either sex

Biologically speaking, the vast majority of people are "bisexual".
And there is no "pansexual" in a purely biological context.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Because it's not being attracted to both sexes as is conventionally defined; They could be genderless, trans pre or post op, herm, some alien gender, whatever- if they were the same person inside all those forms, you'd love them all equally.

It really still seems that the term bisexual means both (all) genders

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
pencil me down as one of the MANY gay men in the fandom LOL...

Pretty sure you have it embedded into everyone's minds that you are gay.

We all know.

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
Pretty sure you have it embedded into everyone's minds that you are gay.

We all know.

yup. penises are are pretty rad

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
yup. penises are are pretty rad

Everybody loves a good penis.

Except lesbians, and they still seem mostly ok with them as long as they're rubber and not attached to a man.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Everybody loves a good penis.

Except lesbians, and they still seem mostly ok with them as long as they're rubber and not attached to a man.

I'm saving this forever XDD

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Everybody loves a good penis.

Except lesbians, and they still seem mostly ok with them as long as they're rubber and not attached to a man.

But penises are a symbol of the PATRIARCHY!

Updated by anonymous

Zedee said:
So basically bisexual with loose standards?

Nah, they'll just fuck anything that moves.

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
It really still seems that the term bisexual means both (all) genders

Only if you only accept the binary state of being, which we both know isn't the case with people in various transitive states between them as well. Bisexual by definition likes ONLY full males or full females, not any point between.

Updated by anonymous

My good theory about how pretty much everyone who's a minimum into the fandom is gay/bi, is pretty much due to the fact that the good majority of the people are male, and males are pretty much horny all the time *cough*wannaRPplz*cough*, and because there are pretty much only males on the Interwebz, they progressively and slowly turn out gay/bi over time, resulting by a big amount of fakegay/fakebi (You know, the "lol I'm only gay for furries" people) flooding the statistics.

And to some extend, it is "better" not to be hetero because you look way2cooler compared to be the plain old heterosexual person, social pressure of some sort

Updated by anonymous

Neitsuke said:
...because there are pretty much only males on the Interwebz

Factually false. Over 50% of people on the internet have been female since 2001.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Factually false. Over 50% of people on the internet have been female since 2001.


Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Factually false. Over 50% of people on the internet have been female since 2001.

What is this "internet" you speak of?

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Only if you only accept the binary state of being, which we both know isn't the case with people in various transitive states between them as well. Bisexual by definition likes ONLY full males or full females, not any point between.

Bisexual likes both sexes, like that's what the very word means. So bisexual can apply to liking both sex organs, regardless of frequency on one person. That's why I find pansexual to be an unneeded term and a word my spell correct doesn't even know

Regarding the females on the internet thing, it really, seriously is like 90% male and 9% lesbians. The one percent being true females

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:

I think that's somewhere along the lines of "legitimate rape"

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
Bisexual likes both sexes, like that's what the very word means. So bisexual can apply to liking both sex organs, regardless of frequency on one person. That's why I find pansexual to be an unneeded term and a word my spell correct doesn't even know

Regarding the females on the internet thing, it really, seriously is like 90% male and 9% lesbians. The one percent being true females

You're misusing the classification termed 'bisexual' if you think it means just liking both organs. As for females on the internet, it really, seriously isn't such a small percentage. Women already outnumber men slightly in the world, and back in 2001 the amount of women on the internet, compared to men, was the same percentage of women as there are in the world, compared to men.

Updated by anonymous

However what I mean by "No girls on the Internet" is everywhere but Facebook and Youtube (And even that I'm pretty sure that males are still much higher in number, well maybe not for Facebook) and where I meant are places like FA and the likes. Also that's not because I have a phobia of females, but since 6-7 years I had a lot of MSN/Skype buddies and 95% of them were males.

And again as I said before, the people who tend to be horny pretty much all the time are males from years of "observations", I rarely saw females on public chats, and even rarer to see them behaving like a male in rut for the rest of the day. It's mostly for that single reason that I would think that males slowly converts to gay/bi, because they need moar of that horny mood and they only have males at their disposition, but that's just a theory

Updated by anonymous