Hey I was wondering if Aaron the artist on here has a website cause I would love to visit it, not that e621 is bad. But yea does he have one? If so give me link plex
Updated by TheHuskyK9
Posted under Off Topic
Hey I was wondering if Aaron the artist on here has a website cause I would love to visit it, not that e621 is bad. But yea does he have one? If so give me link plex
Updated by TheHuskyK9
Updated by anonymous
I don't think he does... i'm not an expert though...
Updated by anonymous
TheHuskyK9 said:
Besides e621 XD. But thnx
Updated by anonymous
OrcaMan1 said:
Besides e621 XD. But thnx
O WAIT XD soz I didn't click on the link thnx :3
Updated by anonymous
OrcaMan1 said:
O WAIT XD soz I didn't click on the link thnx :3
I knew you were going to do that
Updated by anonymous