Topic: didnt know were to put this....

Posted under Off Topic

SpikeDarkWing said:
i didnt know were to put this and i tried to pm someone and couldnt figure out how to :/ im having some problems with the site i was hoping someone could help me. its causing a few problems. ill post a link picture of whats wrong.

any ideas on whats wrong?


You're using IE.

Updated by anonymous

I'd second the 'get another browser' statement. I REALLY recommend chrome It's a lot faster then firefox is.. or at least, it was when I gave up on firefox a year or three ago.

Anything, though, is better then IE.

and it'll probably fix your problem there :)

Updated by anonymous

If nothing else, get IE8 or IE9.

IE6 is just plain out of date.

Updated by anonymous

oh thats an awsome responce let me add to my post. im on windows 98 -_- im not stupied enough to use IE6n on a vista or something >_< im very computer smart people i really am im just poor as hell so im stuck on windows 98 -_-. thanks for the inletagance thing. >_< i dont even think IE is compatable with anything over 2000 tbh >_<

*just ate all of his words* opera worked on my system O_O holy f***ing s***..... thank you soooo much i can view all my websites now! i knew i could count on the fur's :D thank guys and gales. it means a lot :) now me and my mate can surf the web easier.

Updated by anonymous

SpikeDarkWing said:
oh thats an awsome responce let me add to my post. im on windows 98 -_- im not stupied enough to use IE6n on a vista or something >_< im very computer smart people i really am im just poor as hell so im stuck on windows 98 -_-. thanks for the inletagance thing. >_< i dont even think IE is compatable with anything over 2000 tbh >_<

*just ate all of his words* opera worked on my system O_O holy f***ing s***..... thank you soooo much i can view all my websites now! i knew i could count on the fur's :D thank guys and gales. it means a lot :) now me and my mate can surf the web easier.

SpikeDarkWing said:
windows 98

lol wut

Updated by anonymous

asdfzxc said:
lol wut

Not all of us need the latest and greatest operating systems. And if the PC still works, why worry?If he doesn't need it for gaming etc and jsut browses the web... does it matter if he uses XP or vista or 7? :p

I know that some of you out there didn't start using computers until XP was commonly used but it's not that rediculous... :P

Updated by anonymous

SpikeDarkWing said:
windows 98


SnowWolf said:
If he doesn't need it for gaming etc and jsut browses the web... does it matter if he uses XP or vista or 7? :p

Actually, yes. He can't get any of the sercurity updates, so he better not have any personal information on his computer.

Updated by anonymous

arc said:
EDIT: Actually, yes. He can't get any of the sercurity updates, so he better not have any personal information on his computer.

Yes, but it's still no reason to mock him for it o.O He obviously has more important things to spend his money on... and has his priories at least slightly in order. Can't tell you how many people I know who have AWESOME pcs and are eating nothing but ramen because they can't afford more :p personally, I'd rather eat then have an uber shiney PC.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
I know that some of you out there didn't start using computers until XP was commonly used but it's not that rediculous... :P

Damn you children with your GUIs. Back in my day we had two colors. Black and green.

Updated by anonymous

i had a 98 till vista came out, you don't really need anything else unless you're powerhousing. only reason i upgraded to xp was for gaming, and to win 7 for dx 11

Updated by anonymous

Taking from your recent experience with Opera browser,

Even if you can't afford a new PC, make sure that your software is up to date, your drivers are up to date, and make sure to get all the patches for Windows 98.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Can't tell you how many people I know who have AWESOME pcs and are eating nothing but ramen because they can't afford more :p

And it's absolutely worth it β)

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Can't tell you how many people I know who have AWESOME pcs and are eating nothing but ramen because they can't afford more :p personally, I'd rather eat then have an uber shiney PC.

You could also try to get a good education and go to colledge. :/ Or, just try harder to get a better job and make more money.

Updated by anonymous

I had Vista but the stupid operating system craped out on me, so I upgrated to Win 7

Updated by anonymous

skeeter said:
You could also try to get a good education and go to colledge. :/ Or, just try harder to get a better job and make more money.

Me? I'm set. My friends on the other hands, are the ones spending their paychecks as they land in their pockets. I've got my awesome PC, and good food. :P

Updated by anonymous

Oh how I remember my first was a '97 Mac, and it couldn't even run IE (it froze the computer). That, and it didn't have a right click.

Updated by anonymous

i got a semi good computer, only cost me 800 and it can run crysis easy peasy, and i still have food on my table. BEAT THAT LOGIC

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
If it matters to you so much, buy him a new one Arc.

I don't really care, but he might. I wouldn't make any purchases on that computer, at the very least.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Me? I'm set. My friends on the other hands, are the ones spending their paychecks as they land in their pockets. I've got my awesome PC, and good food. :P

No, I'm speaking to everyone that my previous message applied to.

Updated by anonymous

Win98 is fail because:

  • It's substantially less stable than Win7
  • It doesn't run a LOT of useful software
  • It's much less secure than XP
  • Bare minimum, you can upgrade to XP for a low price (probably below $50, I'm not sure right now)

Also you can build a decent gaming computer with Win7 included for under $600 if you know what you're doing.

Updated by anonymous

win 98 was and still is pretty pro, you just have to manual most of it. only problem is some software is incompatible, but thats it

Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
win 98 was and still is pretty pro, you just have to manual most of it. only problem is some software is incompatible, but thats it


Updated by anonymous

If windows 98 is "pro" then why should you have to manual it? I'd rather upgrade then do more unnecessary work. :/

Updated by anonymous

I'm not usually a Linux advocate, but if you're really still running Windows 98, then in your case you might consider switching to Ubuntu Linux or some other user-friendliness-oriented version of Linux. It is:

  • Free.
  • More stable than Windows 98.
  • More secure than Windows 98.
  • Most likely able to run almost all Windows 98 software through tools like WINE.

And it will have a much more robust software library available for it, because many modern Windows applications require Windows XP.

It's worth considering.

Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
because that's easy mode

Just because something is more difficult or challenging doesn't mean that it's automatically better than something else. Especially if it's something bringing your efficiency down.

I think we can all agree that a 12 year old software has serious disadvantages and ideally, ought to be upgraded to something that is still being supported, can eliminate compatibility issues, and protect you from the latest viruses and what have you.

Updated by anonymous

hey, if it works for him, and he's had no problems with it so far, he must be doing something right

Updated by anonymous

ikdind said:
I'm not usually a Linux advocate, but if you're really still running Windows 98, then in your case you might consider switching to Ubuntu Linux or some other user-friendliness-oriented version of Linux. It is:

  • Free.
  • More stable than Windows 98.
  • More secure than Windows 98.
  • Most likely able to run almost all Windows 98 software through tools like WINE.

And it will have a much more robust software library available for it, because many modern Windows applications require Windows XP.

It's worth considering.

This is really a good idea. I understand if ya don't really care about being top of the line, that's fine. But using Windows 98 is really putting yourself at risk. If it's about money reasons, there is no reason not to switch to Linux. While it's debatable that Linux is better than Windows 7, it is uncontestedly better than Windows 98.

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
This is really a good idea. I understand if ya don't really care about being top of the line, that's fine. But using Windows 98 is really putting yourself at risk. If it's about money reasons, there is no reason not to switch to Linux. While it's debatable that Linux is better than Windows 7, it is uncontestedly better than Windows 98.

if all i did was browse the web, then by all means i'd love to switch to linux. but since i do alot of downloading, use a bunch of programs not compatible with linux, and i just barely got a new laptop with windows 7, im gonna stick with it. anyone know anything about partioning (i think that's what it's called) your hard drive so you can run two operating systems on it? i would like to try linux ._.

Updated by anonymous

luvdaporn said:
if all i did was browse the web, then by all means i'd love to switch to linux. but since i do alot of downloading, use a bunch of programs not compatible with linux, and i just barely got a new laptop with windows 7, im gonna stick with it. anyone know anything about partioning (i think that's what it's called) your hard drive so you can run two operating systems on it? i would like to try linux ._.

There are a ton of guides on partitioning your harddrive to duel-boot, and even shrinking existing installs. But I highly recommend that you back-up your personal files, and reinstall Windows instead of shrinking an existing partition. You can also try Linux with a livecd. It's not as fast as it would be installed, but you won't have to touch your Windows partition to try it.

Updated by anonymous

Ehhh if you need some specific Windows applications, I don't see a reason for you to switch to Linux.

Though, in SpikeDarkWing's case he should consider either switching onto Linux, but it would be really time consuming, though, I'm not sure that you'll be able to run Ubuntu -default setup- on really old hardware. Or doing some single slipshod job and scavenge for almost free no-so-old hardware, which is way easier.

Updated by anonymous

the computer isn't his problem, he has a good one like he mentioned, he just has that for casual things like browsing

Updated by anonymous

SpikeDarkWing said:
i cant run ubuntu my computers not compatable it'll fry it.

I.. I honestly didn't know that was possible o.O Not work, sure, bu I'd love to know more information about this concept. (I love learning stuff... but know this isn't hte right place for an indepth discussion, so, feel free to PM anyone with info for a hardware-dense/nonwindowsdumb user :D)

Updated by anonymous

Hey, did you guys hear about this virus going around? They call it the "Y2K bug"'s said to cause panic and that we need to BE PREPARED!

If the polls are true, 15% of Americans will strip their bank accounts in December 1999. This equals a full blown banking panic. Probably about the same number will hit the grocery and hardware stores and strip them bare. This equals a full blown supply and distribution breakdown. The American government will then institute emergency measures that will then cause the other 85% of the population to panic. Terrorists will view the increasing chaos with the eye of an predator. A few selective strikes will cause a general feeling of hysteria in the land and across the globe-assuming we aren't already at war in the Mid-East or over Kosovo by then. This will equal a full blown social crisis. And then we will enter the millennium, subject to solar flares disrupting our technology, Y2k disrupting our technology and terrorists disrupting our technology. Sure looks like a lot of technology will be disrupted to me!

The end is near! We must act now! And prepare, my brothers and sisters!

Updated by anonymous

SpikeDarkWing said:
i cant run ubuntu my computers not compatable it'll fry it.

How is it not compatible?

Updated by anonymous

arc said:
How is it not compatible?

..installing Linux on old hardware is possible, but it's time consuming as it requires some more computer literacy.

I think SpikeDarkWing should just pay some time finding some cheap old used hardware. Something on P4-based Celeron will be able to run Windows XP well.

Updated by anonymous

SpikeDarkWing said:
i cant run ubuntu my computers not compatable it'll fry it.

This is an extraordinary claim requiring extraordinary evidence. I think what you meant to say was "I'm afraid of trying something new, so I'm not going to."

Updated by anonymous

Jazz said:
run Windows XP well.

He would still need to purchase (or torrent) a copy of XP. I recently helped a relative find a cheap copy of XP, which is still relatively expensive, if you're on a budget.

Updated by anonymous

arc said:

He would still need to purchase (or torrent) a copy of XP. I recently helped a relative find a cheap copy of XP, which is still relatively expensive, if you're on a budget.

Or, Or... buy a PC with a copy of windows attached to it.. We found one for a friend who lost his Mac for 80 dollars with everything he needed to be up and running within the day.

Updated by anonymous

he DOES have a windows computer with a recent os on it, he was just asking for an old computer he has lying around.

Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
he DOES have a windows computer with a recent os on it, he was just asking for an old computer he has lying around.

Where did he say this? Outside the thread, or did I skip over something?

Aurali said:
Or, Or... buy a PC with a copy of windows attached to it.. We found one for a friend who lost his Mac for 80 dollars with everything he needed to be up and running within the day.

If he can spend that much, he could just get a new computer. When you buy used PC's, they almost never come with the install disk (people usually lose them), and refurbished PC's are often overpriced. I suppose he could check for deals at local computer shops, but he'd be better off buying a new computer if he can spend that much.

Updated by anonymous sometimes has some good deals, after rebates though. thats where i got my refurbished laptop from. also, i can almost always get a year of norton 360 for like $20-$30.

Updated by anonymous

arc said:
Where did he say this? Outside the thread, or did I skip over something?

If he can spend that much, he could just get a new computer. When you buy used PC's, they almost never come with the install disk (people usually lose them), and refurbished PC's are often overpriced. I suppose he could check for deals at local computer shops, but he'd be better off buying a new computer if he can spend that much.

A new computer is a lot more than 80 bucks o.o and a lot of people actually DON'T lose the install disk.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
A new computer is a lot more than 80 bucks o.o and a lot of people actually DON'T lose the install disk.

Are you kidding? The computer I'm on right now was originally a hundred bucks (I've since upgraded some of the components), and I had ordered it new straight from the manufacturer. You're obviously paying way too much. Granted these are low-grade computers, but they do everything I need them to do.

Aurali said:
a lot of people actually DON'T lose the install disk.

If you go to garage sales, or get an old computer from a friend, they usually don't have the install disk anymore, at least in my experience.

Updated by anonymous

arc said:
Are you kidding? The computer I'm on right now was originally a hundred bucks (I've since upgraded some of the components), and I had ordered it new straight from the manufacturer. You're obviously paying way too much. Granted these are low-grade computers, but they do everything I need them to do.

Where the heck are you buying your computers from? and when you say low grade, what do you mean exactly? c_c I'm having a lot of trouble beliving this.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Where the heck are you buying your computers from?

Search around before buying. A lot of times places overstock, so they lower the price significantly in order to sell off their left-over stock. When the Asus Eeepc 700 came out, I searched around until I found someone selling it new for a little less than $200.

SnowWolf said:
and when you say low grade, what do you mean exactly?

The parts are new (as in they haven't been used already), but they are on the low end of the hardware spectrum (e.g. integrated graphics/sound).

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, too much work/risk in that.. besides.. I got a computer that shouldn't be outdated for another few years :)

Updated by anonymous

Low grade has a rather broad spectrum. you could be talking low grade like a pentium running at 200mhz, with 32 mb ram, and a 2 gig hard drive, or something like a P4 with 3.2GHz, 2 gigs of ddr ram, and 80gigs of HD space. :P

so, I"d love to know how you separate spam websites, and websites that may not actually ever send you what you ordered because they over sold and their inventory is kept up with by an 50 year old balding man named charles who knows nothing about computers but he really needed the job, (but he's family, so..... from websites that'll actually send you product.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Low grade has a rather broad spectrum. you could be talking low grade like a pentium running at 200mhz, with 32 mb ram, and a 2 gig hard drive, or something like a P4 with 3.2GHz, 2 gigs of ddr ram, and 80gigs of HD space. :P

The $100 computer I bought came with 512 MB of DDR RAM, a Celeron D, and an 80GB Sata hardrive. I later added another 512 MB of RAM, replaced the Celeron with a Pentium D I already had (arguably not an upgraded, but I lost the Celeron), and another 80GB harddrive from my previous computer.

SnowWolf said:
so, I"d love to know how you separate spam websites, and websites that may not actually ever send you what you ordered because they over sold and their inventory is kept up with by an 50 year old balding man named charles who knows nothing about computers but he really needed the job, (but he's family, so..... from websites that'll actually send you product.

I bought it on tigerdirect. Just search around on sites like tigerdirect, newegg, and for places like google shopping that list deals on stores around the web, just use your own discretion.

Updated by anonymous

from a simple web browser fix to change your whole computer. i would NOT call you guys to help me fix my computer.

Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
from a simple web browser fix to change your whole computer. i would NOT call you guys to help me fix my computer.

but think of the commission

Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
from a simple web browser fix to change your whole computer. i would NOT call you guys to help me fix my computer.

Eh, the original issue was "solved", which means it's time to go off-topic.

That, and it really does strike me as a problem that someone out there is running Windows 98, when there is an option out there that seems like an extremely good alternative.

I mean, it's like seeing someone drive a rusted out '76 Yugo, which leaves a trail of oil in its wake and is literally being held together by wrappings of duct tape, when someone out there is giving away Saturn SLs.

You don't even have to trade, you just need the courage to burn yourself a CD-ROM.

Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
from a simple web browser fix to change your whole computer. i would NOT call you guys to help me fix my computer.

You would rather call the guy who just installs Opera, and doesn't let you know that your computer is insecure.

Updated by anonymous

arc said:
You would rather call the guy who just installs Opera, and doesn't let you know that your computer is insecure.

i'd rather get the guy that would get straight to the point instead of changing my whole car for a busted hose

Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
i'd rather get the guy that would get straight to the point instead of changing my whole car for a busted hose

Your brakes are shot, your airbags don't function properly, your leaking oil, and I have a free/inexpensive replacement, but I guess you're fine with me just fixing the hose.

Updated by anonymous

seeing as how he has another car to get aroudn i don't think fixing this one is his problem

Updated by anonymous

arc said:
Your brakes are shot, your airbags don't function properly, your leaking oil, and I have a free/inexpensive replacement, but I guess you're fine with me just fixing the hose.

But I don't want your clunker..

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
But I don't want your clunker..

You'll take it and you'll like it!

Updated by anonymous

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