Topic: The e621 of stories?

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This may very well have already been talked about, but hey.

I like erotic stories but on SoFurry there is just too much cub and the authors don't tag their own stuff properly. I'd like the use of a blacklist and collaborative tagging for stories the way e621 does for images. Does this exist? Can it exist?

Updated by Varka

What makes you think e621 wouldn't have a similar problem? It's not like we don't have our own tagging issues. I can't tell you how many times I've caught typical blacklist material and extreme fetishes that weren't marked upon upload.

Branching out beyond an image archive would increase costs and server load, and honestly, I think that when a site starts to focus on multiple genres it suffers for it. It's more to maintain, and quality becomes harder to enforce. Moderators would have to read submissions, and create/enforce a method of quality control, adding onto their workload.

Take FA, for example. Artists get allot of attention, but writers, and oftentimes musicians, struggle to get page views. It's even harder for them to get critique and feedback than it is for an artist. People don't visit FA to read stories or listen to music, they go for the visual content, just like people don't come to e621 for the IRC community (even though it has one), they come for teh pronz.

Your best bet is to appeal to the mods/admin of a furry fiction centric site (have you considered Inkbunny?) and ask them to step up their game, enforce their policies, and provide the features you'd like to be implemented. You could even consider volunteering to be a mod to improve on those issues.

Updated by anonymous

I can tell you from experience as a writer that InkBunny isn't as supportive towards writers as one would assume based on the name. The only good story board I've found is sofurry, but the only thing I can suggest is, if you don't particularly want to see cub, message the person who doesn't tag properly when you see it and explain 'hey I don't wanna see this, can you please tag it better'. just be polite and if it doesn't work, either ignore it when you see it, or inform the mods in another 'hey I don't want to see this for (insert reason here)'.

If you're wanting a story dump site however, the best I might suggest to you is save your money and make your own site for it, as I'm not aware of one existing at this point. other than that I don't think there's much aside from modding a site yourself that you can do.

Updated by anonymous

The biggest problem with a story archive is that it is SO easy to take "BobFox's Amazing Day" and turn it into "Sam's Good day" with a few keystrokes.

Now, arguably, there's NO differnece between going to sofurry and grabbing something and then going to FA and posting it also, but when you get into anonymus posting sites, where the 'source' may not always be posted....

well, it gets pretty scary. Visual art is a LOT easier for people to look at and say "no, wait, this is so and so's art"... writers have their own styles too, but it's not as easy to pinpoint out and it takes longer.

Updated by anonymous

SoFurry has always been author centric. Though there is never gonna really be a writer's e621.. not enough support.

Updated by anonymous

I really like SoFurry for stories, but again the quality of the metadata (Tags, specifically) varies wildly based on author. It's still their most powerful thing SoFurry has right now, though.

I agree with the OP that a *Booru for stories would be awesome - just someone would need to take the time and effort to upload everything to it (for example, Toumal who runs SoFurry would not take kindly to a wholesale copying of the entire SF story archive, and individual writers are also likely to have hangups about people 'stealing their stories'). Modifying danbooru/e621 to support stories is not a completely infeasible project - just if we're going to do it, I want to do it RIGHT.

Maybe this would be better suited to a search engine project that bolts on top of e621/sofurry - I know that it's definitely doable to let people tag stories through a search engine / portal bolted on top of these sites, even without the cooperation of the site being indexed (just means the search engine holds onto its own metadata).

Updated by anonymous

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