Topic: Image

Posted under General

It would be really helpful if a better reason than ".." was given when an image was deleted. I've noticed that several others were nixed with same response.

Updated by anonymous

oh yes i remember those comments....
this is from the terms of service:
"You will make a best faith effort to upload only high quality furry-related images, though this is not a strict requirement and leeway can and will be given in certain circumstances."
but there are other images like that, that still get approved. like an admin or mod said a while ago, it depends on their point of view. one mod might disapprove while another might approve. just depends on who gets there first. for example one mod might have liked post #56983 , which is why it was approved.

Updated by anonymous

Maybe the mods didn't like humans? I guess they thought it could be considered "underage"?

Updated by anonymous

im guessing the mod/admin that disapproved it didn't know what it was, and just thought it was a bunch of random crap. could happen if you are in a hurry. looks like riversyde fixed it for us though =D

Updated by anonymous

luvdaporn said:
im guessing the mod/admin that disapproved it didn't know what it was, and just thought it was a bunch of random crap. could happen if you are in a hurry. looks like riversyde fixed it for us though =D

yeah it just looked like a bunch of random lines to me

Updated by anonymous

i recently posted an image and it got deleted. can a mod tell me why it got deleted as i can't click on my deleted posts and i have no way of knowing. thanks =P

Updated by anonymous

at a guess, art that makes someone go "...gosh I'm not sure this should be here" ... extreme cub, RL imagery, 'is-this-photo-legal?' etc, if I had to guess.

Updated by anonymous

I like how this wasn't deleted:
and yet things that I've uploaded in the past that are totally on par with rules have, and yes, please, someone ask deadjackel why hes on such a shitty power trip.

SnowWolf said:
at a guess, art that makes someone go "...gosh I'm not sure this should be here" ... extreme cub, RL imagery, 'is-this-photo-legal?' etc, if I had to guess.

"Extreme cub" uuhhh, why was Zorro Re's whole gallery approved then? (along with tons of other "extreme" work)
And the only real photos I ever upload are high quality fursuit pictures that have all been approved by other mods, but nope, seems like deadjackel needs to answer for some things man...

Updated by anonymous

baracudaboy said:
seems like deadjackel needs to answer for some things man...

He's a mod, and doesn't have to answer to shit. Also, if you don't like the way the mods do their job, you can leave. E6 is not a pay site, nor are you investing anything but a few mouse clicks to upload. all they're doing is taking the internet far too seriously, and if one does that, you don't need to be on the site.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

baracudaboy said:
And the only real photos I ever upload are high quality fursuit pictures

And yet you've never uploaded any of mine :(

Updated by anonymous

You have to realize that its a mods/admins preference weather an image gets approved or not. If the mod/admin does not like an image It will probably get deleted. Plus, why is it such a big deal if your image gets deleted? Its not the end of the world.

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
He's a mod, and doesn't have to answer to shit. Also, if you don't like the way the mods do their job, you can leave. E6 is not a pay site, nor are you investing anything but a few mouse clicks to upload. all they're doing is taking the internet far too seriously, and if one does that, you don't need to be on the site.

uuuuuh, so mods are gods now and can do no wrong? WAT

ugh, sounds like furaffinity up in here more and more everyday.

Updated by anonymous

baracudaboy said:
uuuuuh, so mods are gods now and can do no wrong? WAT

ugh, sounds like furaffinity up in here more and more everyday.

I don't think it can ever get that bad Baracuda. And yes, mods are accountable and we bite the shit out of each other when we do something wrong... ask Tony.. he knows waaay too well. There is just no transparency... however.. I'll be sure to nom on whoever is not leaving valid reasons... and discretionary deletion is just a fail safe so that way someone can't complain when they try to circumvent the rules... which is what happens waay too often.

Updated by anonymous

baracudaboy said:
uuuuuh, so mods are gods now and can do no wrong? WAT

ugh, sounds like furaffinity up in here more and more everyday.

If this was FA you'd have already been banned for disagreeing with my decisions and calling me out on it. However, if you would like some clarification as to why I use the term "discretionary removal" I will be happy to oblige.

I agree that the .. is a poor reason for marking deleted posts. I was originally using it as a way to quickly progress through a list of deletions; some of which I did not think were acceptable submissions, some of which were against the posting guidelines, some of which were subpar quality, and some of which I just plain did not like.

As mods, we are given personal discretion as to what images are accepted and which are not. Utilizing this discretion has resulted in my adoption of the "discretionary removal" tag in lieu of the .. I am not required to explain every image I delete, nor am I going to. All you need to know is that I chose to delete it. If you disagree with my decision, then I recommend appealing to Char. It's ultimately his choice as to whether or not my deletion stands or gets reapproved.

Hope this helps.

Updated by anonymous

deadjackal said:
I am not required to explain every image I delete, nor am I going to. All you need to know is that I chose to delete it.

Now this, I feel, is a very silly policy. It's frustrating for uploaders to have an image deleted and not know why. I understand there is a very large body of images to be moderated every day but it seems like it really can't take that much time to type out 5 or 6 words explaining why image number whatever was deleted. That way we don't get threads like there every other day wailing about "why poast delet why," user-mod transparency is increased, and clearer rules are established (these are still important even if you have "discretionary" powers, which I agree are a good idea.)

Updated by anonymous

baracudaboy said: I like how this wasn't deleted:
and yet things that I've uploaded in the past that are totally on par with rules have, and yes, please, someone ask deadjackel why hes on such a shitty power trip.

*clicks* ... .... I see... nothing objectional? All characters look like adults. I don't see any water marksm or author names, or even a source to indicate that this might be 'bad matierial' .. this is just a funny post.

As for the posts I've seen of yours deleted... I see a fursuit, a SL screenshot, and two cub posts... (and I'm not going back further then that -- 30 pages is more then enough.)

... that said... the fursuit looked pretty cool, and SL screen shot was actually decent and the two cub art... ...well, they looked like the oldest age was 5.

So, my guess... wait, let me get one more quote in here..

"Extreme cub" uuhhh, why was Zorro Re's whole gallery approved then? (along with tons of other "extreme" work)

So my guess is that 'extreme cub' would be anything here the cub involved is, say, less then 5 yeras of age. Some people are particualrly antsy about cub art, and I could see the logic of deleting anything where the cubs involved looked to be TOO young, given what e621 has gotten in trouble for in the past.

I don't AGREE with this, though, but I can see a logic to it.

But, no, I meant extreme CUB, as opposed to extreme fetishes in general.

null0100 said:
Now this, I feel, is a very silly policy. It's frustrating for uploaders to have an image deleted and not know why. I understand there is a very large body of images to be moderated every day but it seems like it really can't take that much time to type out 5 or 6 words explaining why image number whatever was deleted. That way we don't get threads like there every other day wailing about "why poast delet why," user-mod transparency is increased, and clearer rules are established (these are still important even if you have "discretionary" powers, which I agree are a good idea.)

And I agree with this!
Right now, we can 'cheat' and view deleted images and try to figure out WHY something was deleted, but this is a bug and not intended to be. When this error is fixed, we'll have nothing but the tags to go off of --tags which may be incomplete or poorly done depending on how soon it was deleted. 'tagme female solo' doesn't say much, after all.

From a mechanical standpoint, maybe mods could have a dropdown or something that they can select reasons from in addition to the blank text box... with some 'common' reasons like: low quality, repost of, artist's removal request, real porn, Extreme cub, controversial content, Go Read The Rules, etc.. plus the blank for filling in further info, or filling in one's own reason etc.

Of course, that takes time, and effort. :(

Updated by anonymous

A menu of sorts with easily clickable/selectable takedown notes sounds like a great idea. It could make deletion a much quicker process for the mods, and provide better information for the userbase.

+1 to SnowWolf

Updated by anonymous


Or you can all stop whining. That's a definite solution.

Updated by anonymous

Thanks Hellacious ^//^

ExplosiveBlaziken - Sure. That is a solution. but it results in a smaller community, and less happy community members. I don't think requesting clarification about why someone deleted an upload is too bad of a thing, though. Deleted upload basically says "hey, your upload, it violated a rule" and if the only reason given is '.' then it doesn't really explain what's been violated, and thus, the user cannot avoid making that same mistake again. Leaving them to guess, or try again, and hope that they've figured out what they did wrong... or... give up entirely and stop uploading. Which, uplaoders like me? no big loss. Baracudaboy, on the other hand, has uploaded over a 1000 images and it'd be sad to lose his contributions.

enough people leave to 'stop whining', and soon no one is uploading anything.

Updated by anonymous

null0100 said:
Now this, I feel, is a very silly policy. It's frustrating for uploaders to have an image deleted and not know why. I understand there is a very large body of images to be moderated every day but it seems like it really can't take that much time to type out 5 or 6 words explaining why image number whatever was deleted. That way we don't get threads like there every other day wailing about "why poast delet why," user-mod transparency is increased, and clearer rules are established (these are still important even if you have "discretionary" powers, which I agree are a good idea.)

Perhaps so, but when there are multiple images to delete I'm not going to type out a unique message for every single one. Can I expect everyone to be happy with the way it's done? No. If it's a big enough deal that people leave over it, I'm sorry to see them go. There are far more important things to get upset over. A brief deletion description shouldn't be one of them.

SnowWolf said:
Thanks Hellacious ^//^

ExplosiveBlaziken - Sure. That is a solution. but it results in a smaller community, and less happy community members. I don't think requesting clarification about why someone deleted an upload is too bad of a thing, though. Deleted upload basically says "hey, your upload, it violated a rule" and if the only reason given is '.' then it doesn't really explain what's been violated, and thus, the user cannot avoid making that same mistake again. Leaving them to guess, or try again, and hope that they've figured out what they did wrong... or... give up entirely and stop uploading. Which, uplaoders like me? no big loss. Baracudaboy, on the other hand, has uploaded over a 1000 images and it'd be sad to lose his contributions.

enough people leave to 'stop whining', and soon no one is uploading anything.

If a rule has been violated, the user gets a record update along with the deletion. This tends to be a more successful deterrent than the deletion reason.

Updated by anonymous

deadjackal said:
If a rule has been violated, the user gets a record update along with the deletion. This tends to be a more successful deterrent than the deletion reason.

Fair enough, (though I'd still argue that not everyone who's violating rules is getting a record update (like the gentleman who was posting images of himself in panties a few days ago) )... but if this is the case, and there's a LOT of stuff being deleted without directly violating a rule, maybe the 'what's acceptable' rules need to be revised and/or posted more clearly.

I couldn't find reference to second life screenshots, or real life porn (except involving children and animals) outside of 'best faith effort to upload only high quality furry-related images'...

Just a thought.

Updated by anonymous

Hm, additionally, it's a deterrent to the poster, but not to much to the other people. I don't know without exploring, if the poster of an image was -1'd or not..

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Hm, additionally, it's a deterrent to the poster, but not to much to the other people. I don't know without exploring, if the poster of an image was -1'd or not..

I didn't handle that one. I don't recall if he was or not. I would have docked him for it. :-D

Updated by anonymous

deadjackal said:
Perhaps so, but when there are multiple images to delete I'm not going to type out a unique message for every single one. Can I expect everyone to be happy with the way it's done? No. If it's a big enough deal that people leave over it, I'm sorry to see them go. There are far more important things to get upset over. A brief deletion description shouldn't be one of them.

I don't mean to be flippant or disrespectful, but this is not a tremendous effort. You can use copy and paste. You can take a few seconds out of your day to type 5-6 words. It is not difficult, and there is no reason to be stubborn about it and say "well that's their problem" because this is a community based website; without the community, there is no site content. That's the way "web 2.0" works. Proper documentation of deletion reasons can only help the community and make it stronger and better educated about matters of site policy and rules.

Updated by anonymous

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