Topic: Tag Implication: butt_grab -> grab

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I don't know if having 8 tags qualifies a tag as being valid. I don't think grab adds anything.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
I don't know if having 8 tags qualifies a tag as being valid. I don't think grab adds anything.

well well well look who got a mod position o.o gratz btw.

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:
Uh...what? Butt_grab has 350, and grab has 94.

I think it's an alright implication.

Oops, I was looking at the wrong thing. Well if it's used that much, then I don't see why not.

luvdaporn said:
well well well look who got a mod position o.o gratz btw.

thanks ^_^

Updated by anonymous

I read this as 'butt_garb'. But I actually support this; to seize someone's derriere thou must be seizing something in the first of places, so a tag of 'grab' would make an increased amount of logical sense.

Updated by anonymous

luvdaporn said:
well well well look who got a mod position o.o gratz btw.


Now I'm scared.

Updated by anonymous

Grab is too ambiguous to be a tag. This implication wouldn't really add any extra searchability to the index. You can already search for when a character is grabbing something by searching *_grab or grabbing_*.

To add to this, the posts that come up under the grab tag should have that grab tag clarified to indicate what it is they are grabbing.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
Grab is too ambiguous to be a tag. This implication wouldn't really add any extra searchability to the index. You can already search for when a character is grabbing something by searching *_grab or grabbing_*.

To add to this, the posts that come up under the grab tag should have that grab tag clarified to indicate what it is they are grabbing.

Fair enough.

Updated by anonymous

It should be used as a metatag to cover all forms of grabbing.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
Grab is too ambiguous to be a tag. This implication wouldn't really add any extra searchability to the index. You can already search for when a character is grabbing something by searching *_grab or grabbing_*.

To add to this, the posts that come up under the grab tag should have that grab tag clarified to indicate what it is they are grabbing.

so uh... is grab being removed?

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
It should be used as a metatag to cover all forms of grabbing.

Grabbing_* will cover all kinds of grabbing,

Gayteensex said:
so uh... is grab being removed?


Updated by anonymous

what ^ said

Riversyde said:
Grabbing_* will cover all kinds of grabbing,Yes.

Butt butgrab can star, right? Please say yes ;_;

Updated by anonymous

Gayteensex said:
what ^ said
Butt butgrab can star, right? Please say yes ;_;

You mean like, in its own show? Maybe in Japan...

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
You mean like, in its own show? Maybe in Japan...

Oh, Japan... *sigh*

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:

Oh, please.

Gayteensex said:
what ^ said
Butt butgrab can star, right? Please say yes ;_;

I never said I would remove it.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
Oh, please.
I never said I would remove it.


Updated by anonymous

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