Hey people,
First of all, sorry for the bad english, I´m from Brazil.
A couple of days ago I read about the "Yiffleaks": http://bridgeportcat.livejournal.com/96818.html
what I don´t understand is... How come no one is talking about it? The second I read all that (and the leaks, http://fiskie.ng-gaming.net/furileaks/ ), I thought "oh boy, poor Varka must be going crazy with all the "FUR AFFINITY READ ALL MY MESSAGES" and "OMG DRAGONEER AND ZAUSH ARE GOING TO JAIL" and "ARCTURUS IS ILLEGALLY IN THE US? OUR ARCTURUS??" topics.
then I come here, and... Nada.
I mean, this is the furry community for crying out loud, it is made of drama.
There´s a minor topic in FA explaining the invasion, and no one so far wrote any comments regarding the accusations (some of which are kinda serious, I think).
Am I missing something?
Of course, I´m glad people are.. I dunno, behaving (?) instead of going naked on the streets of the internet yelling WOE IS ME IT´S THE END OF FA.
But this is really unexpected I guess.