Topic: FurAffinity and the infinite drama

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Hey people,

First of all, sorry for the bad english, I´m from Brazil.
A couple of days ago I read about the "Yiffleaks":

what I don´t understand is... How come no one is talking about it? The second I read all that (and the leaks, ), I thought "oh boy, poor Varka must be going crazy with all the "FUR AFFINITY READ ALL MY MESSAGES" and "OMG DRAGONEER AND ZAUSH ARE GOING TO JAIL" and "ARCTURUS IS ILLEGALLY IN THE US? OUR ARCTURUS??" topics.

then I come here, and... Nada.
I mean, this is the furry community for crying out loud, it is made of drama.

There´s a minor topic in FA explaining the invasion, and no one so far wrote any comments regarding the accusations (some of which are kinda serious, I think).

Am I missing something?
Of course, I´m glad people are.. I dunno, behaving (?) instead of going naked on the streets of the internet yelling WOE IS ME IT´S THE END OF FA.
But this is really unexpected I guess.



lol, look at people getting riled up. (Also, lol, ben.)

Updated by anonymous

FurAffinity is a pretty effective echo chamber (along with other well-known 'drama' sites such as and Livejournal) - drama is compounded by drama over and over until people are either generally sick of it or enjoying it too much to want to stop.

e621 has less of that.

Updated by anonymous

e621 is pretty good at eliminating the sources that would propagate such drama.

Sharkweek did have a purpose you know :-)

Updated by anonymous

Hellacious said:
No one cares. Really. They don't.


Updated by anonymous

99% of furries don't care. they just want to yiff with their friends and look at porn.

a very small percentage will pay any attention to drama outside their little circles.

Updated by anonymous

Stirring shit in mortar

People "behave" because it's an internet drama, nothing special is going to happen anyway

Updated by anonymous

The title of this thread reminds me of an album by The Smashing Pumpkins. Was that intentional? lmao

"Fur Affinity and the Infinite Drama" = "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness"

Updated by anonymous

You got me wolfie.

Well, I´m glad people aren´t going nuts with this stuff..

Updated by anonymous

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