Topic: Some artists have vanished?

Posted under General

So, it seems that a while ago, Miu had his stuff taken off. I think it was because he had requested that it be taken off, or something along those lines.

Now, it seems that Jay Naylor has had his stuff removed. Is it because of the same reason?

Updated by Murs Nine

Are they DNP now? If so, I'll tack their names onto the avoid posting list.

Updated by anonymous

Shatari said:
Are they DNP now? If so, I'll tack their names onto the avoid posting list.

An admin will add their name on the avoid posting list, if they request to be added to it. You can still post art by them, for now, but it will most likely be removed.

Updated by anonymous

Doesn't having art removed reduce the number of daily posts that the uploader is allowed to make?

Updated by anonymous

Shatari said:
Doesn't having art removed reduce the number of daily posts that the uploader is allowed to make?

The amount of unapproved posts a user can have at any time is reduced by 1 per 4 deleted posts.

Updated by anonymous

Then shouldn't there be some sort of warning to people that they'll lose posting privileges if they post artwork belonging to those two artists?

Updated by anonymous

Shatari said:
Then shouldn't there be some sort of warning to people that they'll lose posting privileges if they post artwork belonging to those two artists?

Riversyde said:
An admin will add their name on the avoid posting list, if they request to be added to it. You can still post art by them, for now, but it will most likely be removed.


Updated by anonymous

An obscure post in a forum thread that will likely fall off the front page by the end of the week isn't much of a warning.

Updated by anonymous

Oh gosh. I want to upload something. I have found the page to upload thigns! YAY!

Hey, ther'es this HUGE TEXT here that reads 'Before uploading, read the 'how to upload guide'.'

Let me click on that, that might be useful.

Goodness,, the first lines say:

"Fill in the form, If you know the artist, Mark it.
However, avoid posting anyone on the 'avoid posting' list
Posting things on it WILL get you banned.
Posting things on it WILL get you banned."

I wonder what that 'avoid posting' thing is.. let's click on it...

WOW! a long list of artists who I should AVOID POSTING!

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Shatari said:
Then shouldn't there be some sort of warning to people that they'll lose posting privileges if they post artwork belonging to those two artists?

Artists are only added to the Avoid Posting list if they insist on being added to it. They will not automatically be added to it just for asking to have all of their artwork removed.

The rules of the site say to ask for an artist's permission before uploading their artwork. If you fail to do that and assume that they either won't notice or won't care, then you risk having your daily post limit reduced if the artist requests removal of the images.

Also SnowWolf get back on IRC. >:|

Updated by anonymous

Shatari said:
An obscure post in a forum thread that will likely fall off the front page by the end of the week isn't much of a warning.

i know, i just like being an ass

Updated by anonymous

To bad. I love jaynaylor's art. It was nice to get it here for free but I guess that would p8ss me off if people just went other places instead of paying for it.

Updated by anonymous

That sucks.. I understand an artist may want some of the unauthorized material removed (images from a pay site); but it sucks when they request that all their work get deleted - when many of it is free from their personal website, FA or other image hosting websites.

Updated by anonymous

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