Topic: Furries hating on themselfs

Posted under General

Have you ever come across a picture on here and you read the comments and see people saying that they think that the person who created it should be reported just because they don't like it? I for one and tired of having furs like that come on and hate on others bcause they don't like the picture there looking at or a curtain type of pictures they dont like. If they don't like it, why don't they just blacklist it and get it over with so they don't have to deal with it. When I think that they wouldnt like it in the first place but they still click on it because there cureous and want to look at it. it is there fualt isnt it?

Updated by Pinecones

i dont see how op has anything to do with furries hating on themselves. i was lied to and demand a refound.

Updated by anonymous

Because being a furry means you must accept, if not like, child pornography if the child is in a fursuit!

...or something like that.

Updated by anonymous

Mmmk, this would be much easier to understand if you don't look at furries as such a narrow category. "Furry" is a very, very broad sexual fetish that pretty much encompasses all other fetishes. Anything you can think of, from bondage, to footplay, to more uncommon fetishes, such as cockvore, are all encompassed under the category of "furry." We are all human, and thus have different opinions on what is appealing. Just as non-furries heckle each other for having "obscure" fetishes, we will undoubtedly do the same. We are no different from anyone else, and as such holds true, furries will not be an all loving community, however wonderful that would be.

Updated by anonymous

C_c Furry isn't a sexual fetish.... you're still keeping it too narrow ;)

Furry is more of... hmm.. Ah... it's more like a college, but without the learning part. While you can assume that by being a furry/at this college, you have an interest in some things, and enjoy some activities, there will always be a few exceptions. Not everyone at the ritzy expensive college has rich parents, some really want to get the best education, and not everyone at the expensive college is as serious about their education as you might be. It's a fair assumption that most furries are fans of anthro animals, find the characters visually entertaining and unique, and possibly find them sexually entertaining, but that's a big brush to paint everyone with. And within the college there are subgroupings of the artsy kids, the goths, the party animals, the emos, the i-have-no-life-but-to-study, and so forth, and it's the same for furries too...

I have a few friends who LOVE furries. They have several furry characters.. but.. they absolutely hate when you bring anything sexual into it.

but. what pinecones says is pretty accurate... just.. furry isn't a fetish in and of itself. I'd say that it's closer to being open to the idea of sexual fantasties about redheads, but that would make it a little too mainstream :p

Updated by anonymous

I do however kind of wish there was a reddit-esque rating system. Thumbs up, thumbs down. There honestly is some pretty obviously trolling crap on here whose only purpose is to upset the experience of honest users. A basic Thumbs Up/Down system would enable the community to purge items that it comes to a consensus in disliking.

Updated by anonymous

Stonehawk said:
I do however kind of wish there was a reddit-esque rating system. Thumbs up, thumbs down. There honestly is some pretty obviously trolling crap on here whose only purpose is to upset the experience of honest users. A basic Thumbs Up/Down system would enable the community to purge items that it comes to a consensus in disliking.

or you know.. REPORT it. it really isn't that hard.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
C_c Furry isn't a sexual fetish.... you're still keeping it too narrow ;)

Furry is more of... hmm.. Ah... it's more like a college, but without the learning part. While you can assume that by being a furry/at this college, you have an interest in some things, and enjoy some activities, there will always be a few exceptions. Not everyone at the ritzy expensive college has rich parents, some really want to get the best education, and not everyone at the expensive college is as serious about their education as you might be. It's a fair assumption that most furries are fans of anthro animals, find the characters visually entertaining and unique, and possibly find them sexually entertaining, but that's a big brush to paint everyone with. And within the college there are subgroupings of the artsy kids, the goths, the party animals, the emos, the i-have-no-life-but-to-study, and so forth, and it's the same for furries too...

I have a few friends who LOVE furries. They have several furry characters.. but.. they absolutely hate when you bring anything sexual into it.

but. what pinecones says is pretty accurate... just.. furry isn't a fetish in and of itself. I'd say that it's closer to being open to the idea of sexual fantasties about redheads, but that would make it a little too mainstream :p

I'm in it for the art... man!

Updated by anonymous

Stonehawk said:
I do however kind of wish there was a reddit-esque rating system. Thumbs up, thumbs down. There honestly is some pretty obviously trolling crap on here whose only purpose is to upset the experience of honest users. A basic Thumbs Up/Down system would enable the community to purge items that it comes to a consensus in disliking.

it was here before, still hasn't been fixed from the update

Updated by anonymous

Furries who go around flaunting their furriness like it's something to be proud of deserve to be hated on.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
C_c Furry isn't a sexual fetish.... you're still keeping it too narrow ;)

I am glad that we have an agreement on the premisses of this issue, however, I would still uphold that "Furry" is word which denotes the actual fetish associated with anthropomorphic creatures. Unless you mean by "furry" that they are covered in fur, then that is completely different. But when people are described as Furries or embrace themselves as Furries, I believe this comes with the implication that they have a physical attraction to anthropomorphic creatures to some degree.

I do not believe that someone can really call them self a furry just because they find anthro art appealing in a purely creative/artistic way. I just feel that the title "Furry" carries more of a physical desire or lust.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

My own personal definition of what a furry is, because I know you all care to hear it:

A "furry" is someone who expresses a unique and passionate interest in anthropomorphics, just the same as Trekkies express a passionate interest in Star Trek.

I guess you could say that you may have to take it a step further by saying that someone isn't a furry unless they've come up with their own anthropomorphic character/identity, but I dunno. It's not a perfect definition.

Updated by anonymous

Pinecones said: I just feel that the title "Furry" carries more of a physical desire or lust.

well.. you could be right... but only if you 'loosen' the definition of desire or lust. I lust after a new car, but don't want to have sex with it, in it, on it or around it. I desire after a new computer, but have no desire to achieve gratification with it's USB ports. I an passionate about Star Wars, but do not masturbate to thoughts of Twi'lek... or Wookies.

Likewise, some people can like, enjoy, and enjoy "being" furry without the sexual aspect. Some people, it IS purely spiritual, and some people, it IS just that they find the character types to be more interesting to explore, or more interesting to draw.

while a measure of sexual interest or attraction may actually be true in the majority of cases, it'd be foolish to assume that EVERYONE agrees.

It reminds me of, how, many eons ago, I had 'furry' listed as one of my interests in my IRC profile. I got... numerous messages from strangers asking me to tell them how to have sexual fun with their pet dog. Every time I explained that furry didn't mean that I was into zoo. Most of them accepted it and probably harassed someone else. Several expressed bafflement--You're furry, of course you fuck your dog. To which I explained no, I don't even have or want a dog, much less, want to screw it.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
well.. you could be right... but only if you 'loosen' the definition of desire or lust.

I qualified the statement by putting the word "Physical" before it. You may desire to have a new computer, but you don't "Physically desire" a new computer. That is why I felt it important to include the word "Physical" in my previous post.

That aside, I do no believe enjoying or liking "Furry" makes someone a furry. For instance, that would be the same as going up to a girl who likes m/m pairings, stories, and artwork of men having sex, and then insisting that she herself was Gay (in terms of two men having sex).

Now we all know this can't be true because she is, in fact, a woman and thus cannot be a gay man. However, she is very interested in the gay culture and many forms of art surround the gay male community. Likewise, someone who is not a "Furry" cannot consider themselves a furry just by associating themselves with the furry community.

People who enjoy anthropomorphic art are not considered to be furries because they do not delve into the sexual aspects of the subculture. Now I of course am not saying that furries zoophiles, because that is just not true. It would be similar to accusing People in general of wanting to have sex with monkeys, it is just not true.

I mean, I suppose this is a fruitless back-and-forth we have here because "furry" is in many cases loosely defined and varies from person to person. We are essentially just picking apart the definition of words. I however feel, because of the reasons depicted above, that Furry, as a noun, describes someone who enjoys the sexual acts of anthropomorphic creatures.

I need to head off to class now, but I do enjoy our discussion =]

Updated by anonymous

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