Topic: A couple questions from a noob.

Posted under General

Priveleged accounts:

The management decides who gets privileged accounts. I think only Varka can do this, and that he usually gives it to people who make a monetary donation to the site.

I'm not entirely sure about that second part. So don't quote me on that.

Post limit formula:

Basically, your post limit increases when your posts are approved, and decreases when they are unapproved/deleted.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I have the ability to grant people privileged status as well, and we do not give anyone any kind of status at the moment for donating anything (because we're not currently accepting donations).

Updated by anonymous

I want to stab whoever started that monetary donations get privileged accounts crap...

Updated by anonymous

I was going to ask that question too, Blitz. The user help page doesn't disclose much about privileged status. It's perfectly understandable if they don't give out this status freely.

Updated by anonymous

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