Topic: SOMEBODY could approve my upload?

Posted under General

Upload Limit

You can currently upload 0 posts. This limit is based on the following formula:

* Approved: 124
* Deleted: 53
* Pending: 9
* Formula: 10 + (124 / 10) - (53 / 4) - 9 = 0

The limit is clamped between a range of 0 and 20. You cannot upload anything within the first week of registration. You can appeal deletions by posting in the appeal topic in the forum.

Updated by Ratty

Ratty said:
53 deletes?

try see what he is trying to post then you will understand

Updated by anonymous

How did you manage to get nearly 30% of your posts deleted...

Updated by anonymous

Kaik said:
How did you manage to get nearly 30% of your posts deleted...

Well, it doesn't take rocket appliances to figure that one out boys.

You upload garbage = you get garbage.

Updated by anonymous

Kaik said:
How did you manage to get nearly 30% of your posts deleted...

When you don't ask the artist if it can be uploaded.

Updated by anonymous

Well yeah, duh I figured that it was from uploading sexyfur etc. But doing so 53 times?

Updated by anonymous

Ratty said:
Well yeah, duh I figured that it was from uploading sexyfur etc. But doing so 53 times?

No. it was from uploading art that an artist found out later and then asked for it to be removed. It hits hard.

Updated by anonymous

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