Topic: final clarification on non-furry material

Posted under General

I would like to hear an up to date decision from current mods on their stance on non-furry related material. I've heard from some that it is perfectly fine and they allow it, some even approved some of the work i have uploaded. Others it seems do not agree on this and have removed the pictures. Can we get a final decisive and conclusive answer?

Updated by Aurali

There's been a large surge in non_furry artwork. The art's only there for one main reason: the user who uploads it is too lazy to visit another website for porn.

Updated by anonymous

Actually, no. this is a good post to make. This comes up as endless debate. It would be nice to get a fresh, updated statement on how the 'bosses' feel on the matter, and might help them present a more unified face on the matter...

that said, be patient in waiting for an answer. this is the sort of thing that ought to be discussed carefully,rather then a first-come-first-answer deal.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
this is the sort of thing that ought to be discussed carefully

I have a feeling this was discussed before, I don't know why.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Actually, no. this is a good post to make.

It was worse before I posted

Updated by anonymous

NOU said:
I would like to hear an up to date decision from current mods[/b] on their stance on non-furry related material.

Landlaw said:
blah blah blah
Level: Member

opinion is null, waiting on real answer, i'll wait patiently

Updated by anonymous

keep up with the times, mellis is no longer a mod, therefore the new owners could have a different standpoint on the subject, just wait till a mod replies, you're just cluttering up space on the thread, thnx.

Updated by anonymous

Basically the same as it's always been. It's furry related, yes, but we do allow things not related to furry at all if it's cool or funny enough, even, occasionally, human-on-human porn. Also, everyone can reply to the topic as they please.

Updated by anonymous

NOU said:
keep up with the times, mellis is no longer a mod, therefore the new owners could have a different standpoint on the subject, just wait till a mod replies, you're just cluttering up space on the thread, thnx.

I do keep up. That doesn't mean mods shouldn't be the only ones posting here, but alright. Just that a stance on off-topic or non_furry upload deletions WAS discussed before.

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
Basically the same as it's always been. It's furry related, yes, but we do allow things not related to furry at all if it's cool or funny enough, even, occasionally, human-on-human porn. Also, everyone can reply to the topic as they please.

alright cool. then i wish to ask another question, is there a reason why my jiggly girls uploads were deleted. if non furry, was there another reason, because i try to look them up and it says post does not exist rather than give reason, thnx

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

NOU said:
alright cool. then i wish to ask another question, is there a reason why my jiggly girls uploads were deleted. if non furry, was there another reason, because i try to look them up and it says post does not exist rather than give reason, thnx

I finally asked for them to be deleted after noticing that they were causing a problem. There was just simply too many of them. I know users are fairly forgiving for letting just a few non-furry porn images slip onto the site, but it was getting to the point where there would be 15 or 20+ submissions a day that weren't furry related. It was just too much, and the result is that we're now having to restate what is allowed in terms of non-furry and what is not.

And the reason why Riversyde completely deleted the posts instead of just doing a normal deletion was because leaving the deleted posts on the site would negatively affect your upload limit. By completely deleting the submissions, it's like they never happened, so your account is not negatively affected.

Updated by anonymous

alright, that sounds like applesauce, thanks for the clarification. i'll keep the non furry jiggly out except for the furry ones

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
we're now having to restate what is allowed in terms of non-furry and what is not.


Updated by anonymous

"furry" and "scaly" art is just what it sounds like.
Foxes are furry. Wolves are furry.
Fucking NEKOS, which are HUMANS with attached animal feature, are not. Elves are not furries. Neither are orcs, trolls, vampires or anything similar.

Art of these shouldn't be posted because guess what. We're furries. We should fap to FURRY porn. Because you know, if you still want to look at humans fucking, get an xtube account or to go eporner . Overcrippling specialization is not an issue - trash art flooding the already bloated database ? That kinda is.

Edit : and as has been said, it's not just "one or two pictures" in a giggly-wiggly fashion. There were entire PAGES of this being uploaded at once for 2-3 days straight.

Updated by anonymous

I need to click every button (even "quote") twice for it to have any effect. As such, I had to click "post" twice, resulting in this doublepost. Sorry -_-;

Updated by anonymous

Blackwingdragon said:
blah blah blah i haven't read anything in this thread

tony311 said:
It's furry related, yes, but we do allow things not related to furry at all

Updated by anonymous

NOU said:

Or, and this is going to blow a troll's mind - I was giving input *gasp* on the question \issue at hand? SHOCKING isn't it . Opinions?in 2011? When asked? O LORDEH.

Updated by anonymous

only problem with your input is that you ignore the fact that this isn't a furry only website, which is the whole basis of your input.

Updated by anonymous

Now that's just confusing...
See, the other conversation in the MLP thread seems to lean more towards removing the memes and caps. Tony311 says that "if it's cool or funny enough" it can stay, but I find this terribly relative. We need a straight dividing rule on this matter.

BTW, I'm not into Nekos or anything but I still think they fall under furry.

Updated by anonymous

Blackwingdragon said:
Or, and this is going to blow a troll's mind - I was giving input *gasp* on the question \issue at hand? SHOCKING isn't it . Opinions?in 2011? When asked? O LORDEH.

Boy you never change, stating input as fact and calling anyone who disagrees with you a troll.

Updated by anonymous

The problem with straight divining lines is exactly what I elaborated on in the other thread. :) this isn't something where you can clearly draw a line in the sand and say "all models must be 18 or older".. as it's kind of impossible to say 'must be this furry to ride'. as there isn't an easy 'furry slider' that lets you detect amounts of furry.

I honestly thing the better option would be to try and emphasize better tagging. for example, include a note on the upload page itself reminding the uploader to please tag gender, species, sexual position, any 'extreme' tags, as well as reminding people about the not-furry tag which would be appreciated as well on images that are not furry.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
The problem with straight divining lines is exactly what I elaborated on in the other thread. :) this isn't something where you can clearly draw a line in the sand and say "all models must be 18 or older".. as it's kind of impossible to say 'must be this furry to ride'. as there isn't an easy 'furry slider' that lets you detect amounts of furry.

I honestly thing the better option would be to try and emphasize better tagging. for example, include a note on the upload page itself reminding the uploader to please tag gender, species, sexual position, any 'extreme' tags, as well as reminding people about the not-furry tag which would be appreciated as well on images that are not furry.

It all goes under moderator discretion. Like it always has been.

Updated by anonymous

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