Topic: Drag & Drop not working?

Posted under General

Usually when I dragged a picture from an E621 page to my desktop it would create a file with the image. Now it only creates an empty image file, size 0 Kb. Tried rebooting. It does work when not using firefox (in IE) and on other sites (FA). I think the issue is between E621 and the browser, since this basic feature works with the same browser on other websites. Can you confirm/take a look at this?

More relevant specs:

I'm using Windows 7 Pro, Firefox 3.6.17, Tab Kit and Bazzacuda addons.

Updated by Aurali

Same setup as you.

Dragging and dropping yields an unusable file. "Right-click, save as" works fine, though.

Updated by anonymous

Disable "resize images" in your settings and try again.

Updated by anonymous

"resize images" is already disabled sadly =( but thanks for your replies guys, at least I know I'm not alone :) The weird thing about this is that it started 2 days ago, all of a sudden, and I didn't update the browser, or do some windows updates, or change addons or whatever. My hardware and software set-up is still the same =/

Updated by anonymous

Valion said:
"resize images" is already disabled sadly =( but thanks for your replies guys, at least I know I'm not alone :) The weird thing about this is that it started 2 days ago, all of a sudden, and I didn't update the browser, or do some windows updates, or change addons or whatever. My hardware and software set-up is still the same =/

We changed how links work (relative instead of absolute, it's better on the https system)
I'm sure that's making the difference. if you wanna download, there is a download button on the screen :3

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
We changed how links work (relative instead of absolute, it's better on the https system)
I'm sure that's making the difference. if you wanna download, there is a download button on the screen :3

Thanks for your explaination, that makes sense now :) Being lazy I just found the drag&drop method to be quicker xD The download button always worked, but thanks for your quick reply :3

EDIT: the download button is not working either sadly, at least, the image it opens is not draggable either. Only by right clicking and going for the "save as..." it actually saves it =(

Updated by anonymous

Why would you ever do anything BUT right click, save as?

Updated by anonymous

null0100 said:
Why would you ever do anything BUT right click, save as?

OP is clearly a hipster, I can tell because of their unconventional saving methods and having seen quite a few hipsters in my time.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
OP is clearly a hipster, I can tell because of their unconventional saving methods and having seen quite a few hipsters in my time.

ugh, hipsters.

Updated by anonymous

null0100 said:
Why would you ever do anything BUT right click, save as?

for the same reason I drag and drop images when I upload them. sometimes it's easier.

Updated by anonymous

This thread is about the problems with the drag & drop funcion, any motivation or philosophy regarding why one should drag and drop or right click/save does not belong here =P If you really must ask I personally find it easier to have firefox not @ fullscreen and just drag the picture I like into my furry folder without having to do 3 clicks (right click-save-directory confirm). Anyway I'd be glad if anyone knew any addon or method to regain that funcion. In IE it's still possible to drag & drop. IE Tabs (firefox addon) just sucks and slows the browser. Thanks for your interest :)

EDIT: This bug/setting also renders the addon Bazzacuda unable to work. (Bazzacuda is a firefox addon that allows you to save the biggest image from multiple tabs)

Updated by anonymous

I'm confirming this issue. Images that are drag-dropped only turn out to be file headers -similar- but slightly different from Save Image As...-saved images, which are intact and their MD5s match their file names. I've only encountered this issue as of the late (since about a week ago).

Updated by anonymous

Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you all know, after researching, I have found that this is a firefox bug due to the new gzipping we have (default, saves bandwidth)

firefox freaks out with gzip and doesn't show.

Site works as intended. Sorry. guys.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you all know, after researching, I have found that this is a firefox bug due to the new gzipping we have (default, saves bandwidth)

firefox freaks out with gzip and doesn't show.

Site works as intended. Sorry. guys.

Thanks for spending your time on this :) Since you surely are more expert than me on this matter, do you have any suggestion to avoid/fix the bug in firefox? Like an addon or upgrading/downgrading to some other firefox version. Thanks once again! :3

Updated by anonymous

williewonka said:
I don't see why there isn't a solution for compressing assets in a way that doesn't break in Firefox. Aren't most images on e621 compressed to begin with? I am confuzzled.

This is a bug in firefox, I cannot fix it.

Using gzip to compress assets is VERY common practice, this being broken seems like an oversight, and I have reported it.

My only suggestion is to open up reports in firefox so they can repair the bug.

Updated by anonymous

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