Topic: My Little Pony Play

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I thought it would be better if everypony came to this thread... s-so that nopony gets bothered by us anymore...

... I really hope somepony comes...

Updated by Aurali

Man Princess Luna you are more shy then fluttershy, and that's really shy. I mean, fluttershy is so shy she'd shy away from a shyguy, and those things aren't really shy anyway. And what's up with birdo, is she a male, or is he a girl?

Updated by anonymous

*glomps Princess Luna*somepony did. and being that i'm fast...i got here first. woo!*sees Pinkie Pie beat her*

Updated by anonymous

Oh! I thought you all would be off having fun with my Sister instead!
W-Welcome to the Pony Play Palace!

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
We're all on the IRC dear sister, now get your scrawny night-owl butt in there.

But sister, isn't Roleplay against the rules in the IRC?

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Luna said:
But sister, isn't Roleplay against the rules in the IRC?

Hey now if I say it's okay then it's okay. Tony is too scared to touch me, he thinks I'm gonna slit his throat. That's just silly, why would I touch a hair on any pony, I'm not some mad everfree forest loving crazy pony.

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
We're all on the IRC dear sister, now get your scrawny night-owl butt in there.

Gorramkidsanconfundedtekobubble. Ayearesee. TaintnutinshordoWIZARY!

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
Who said we're "Roleplaying"?

Oh.. Well if you say so, Sister! I'll be right there!

PinkiePie said:
Hey now if I say it's okay then it's okay. Tony is too scared to touch me, he thinks I'm gonna slit his throat. That's just silly, why would I touch a hair on any pony, I'm not some mad everfree forest loving crazy pony.

Oh, I know how you feel... People just don't understand do they?

Updated by anonymous