Topic: Question, Im a new artist here.

Posted under General

Ive been an artist on several other sites and finally decided to come here, How do I register as an Artist? Or does it automatically do so when I upload? I dont get online a whole lot so it may be best to respond in a message or on my face book (Im the only Jericho Hanley on there). Also Id like to say that this site is friggin amazing and its great that art like mine and many others is actually appreciated here. Thanks a lot ^^

-:Jericho Darius McCune Hanley (Grungiestmocha)

Updated by user 11193

Grungiestmocha said:
Ive been an artist on several other sites and finally decided to come here, How do I register as an Artist? Or does it automatically do so when I upload? I dont get online a whole lot so it may be best to respond in a message or on my face book (Im the only Jericho Hanley on there). Also Id like to say that this site is friggin amazing and its great that art like mine and many others is actually appreciated here. Thanks a lot ^^

-:Jericho Darius McCune Hanley (Grungiestmocha)

You'll need to poek one of the mods and or admins with a stick. Char is the Pokemon that handles all that stuff I believe.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah the big part is uploading images, and tag yourself to them. I'm planning on expanding the artist section for more artist-centric things. But for now.. all you can do is post.

Updated by anonymous

Well thats a bit of a downer but at least ill get my name out. So whats with all the ponies?

Updated by anonymous

Grungiestmocha said:
Well thats a bit of a downer but at least ill get my name out. So whats with all the ponies?

We love equines.
No,site has lot of those,mainly due popularity of the show.
Also,welcome to ... :p

Updated by anonymous

Grungiestmocha said:
Well thats a bit of a downer but at least ill get my name out. So whats with all the ponies?

Poniesrmaiduhallagudthins. Youshadupboutaponiesngeroffmalon.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Tag one of your works something like artist:grungiestmocha.

Updated by anonymous

Upload images.
make sure you tag.
Tag your name also, like Artist:snowwolf. You only need to say 'artist:' once. It'll remmeber after. If you have a character who shares a name as you, either tag it as character:snowwolf_(character) or yourself artist:snowwolf_(artist) to differentiate.

Also, be sure to use the 'source' image and link to your furaffinity page or whatever.

after you do this, you can click on the ? next to the bright orange 'grungiestmocha' tag that indicates your name and you'll be taken to the artist page wiki where you can edit some basic info about you. :)

Updated by anonymous

Anything thats not ABSOLUTELY perfect, will get bashed the fuck up on this website.
Anything traditional, ferget it. They'll all hate it.

Updated by anonymous

NeeChee said:
Anything thats not ABSOLUTELY perfect, will get bashed the fuck up on this website.
Anything traditional, ferget it. They'll all hate it.

Let's see... "I like :3 Keep practicin', I see some real potential here." ":D" "I thikn it looks rather nice"

yep, you totally havn't gotten any good replies.

NeeChee, your problem is that your art isn't very polished yet. If your problem is that you don't have any digital art tools (as you complained in one post) then go download and start practicing. yes it's hard without a tablet, but I know people who make drop dead awesome art with a mouse.

Also, we love traditional art here. Just there's a difference between, say,water colors and oil paintings and *crayons*.

the only way you're going to get better is to keep practicing and keep at it. If your'e afraid of someone saying something harsh, then don't post *anywhere* on the internet. e621 is hardly the only place where mean things would be said.

That said, I've seen a number of artists who post here and ask for constructive critism, and they often get well thought out replies. the ONLY way to get better is through practice and critism will help you see where you need to work on improving.

Updated by anonymous

NeeChee said:
Anything thats not ABSOLUTELY perfect, will get bashed the fuck up on this website.
Anything traditional, ferget it. They'll all hate it.

This isn't some giant hive mind collective. Each of us has our own likes and dislikes. Everyone here isn't bashing you. Some people ARE jerks over the internet though, as hard as that may be to believe. Just don't feed the trolls or they will keep coming back.

I actually went and looked at your work. The first pic I noticed had one comment and a very positive one at that. (Post # 128834)
I then looked through the other pics you posted and to be honest, the comments aren't that bad. Sure, you may have a few people with bad comments but overall the commentary is good. I'd like to see more sometime as you do have talent.

Updated by anonymous

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