Topic: Can seem to figure out how Blacklisting works...

Posted under General

I'm sure I put in the appropriate tags into my list to blacklist, yet for some reason, My Little Pony, scat, vore and other pictures which contain the same tag that I apparently blacklisted still show up.

Am I using this feature wrong?


Well, I did follow the walk through on that page, but I can't seem to get it to work still. My current black list looks like this:

mlp my_little_pony friendship_is_magic vore guro scat

The images containing said tags still show up for me. >_<

Oh, and we have met before. :P
I've been hoping you've seen my apology post on one of my images. Can't remember which it was, but if you didn't see it I would like to apologize for my sudden spiteful retort on that spider girl image. T'was a stressful day for me back then.

Updated by anonymous

It should look like this:


I've been hoping you've seen my apology post on one of my images.

No worries.

P.S. I'm an enormous MLP:FiM fan.

Updated by anonymous

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