Topic: My Good people, I need help

Posted under General

This Whole My little Pony thing is getting out of hand. I just uploaded a ton of new, fappable content to the site and just as soon as i had whipped it out i saw 3 my little pony pictures that had been uploaded in the space of literally 10 seconds. Now I Know Blacklisting the words would most likely filter out perfectly legitimate content, but isn't there a way for the mods to say no to a new upload that isn't any good? or to delete it?

Updated by RedOctober

Princess_Luna said:
Blacklisting is exactly what you're supposed to be doing.

ok thanks

Updated by anonymous

See, here's the thing. You're stating arbitrarily that it's not good. And that in and of itself isn't good. just because you don't like something, doesn't make it bad. I'm personally of the opinion that the ponies stuff is getting out of hand (and all the stupid new tags they try to create just to be unique, like attaching pony to EVERYTHING), but that doesn't mean that the art is bad. Most of it is rather good- just not fap material. If you want just fap material, do a rating:e search or something. E621 is an art archive, even if it's mostly used for porn.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

rev86 said:
but isn't there a way for the mods to say no to a new upload that isn't any good? or to delete it?

That's exactly what we do. Everyone is going to have a different idea of what they consider "good" art though. We do have picture-quality standards on e621, believe it or not. :P

Updated by anonymous

rev86 said: but isn't there a way for the mods to say no to a new upload that isn't any good? or to delete it?

There is. We hand approve every single image posted to the site. Just, to keep new content flowing to the site 24/7, we allow images to be displayed as soon as they're uploaded. the content control comes within a few hours to a day later.

Now I Know Blacklisting the words would most likely filter out perfectly legitimate content,

I assume you mean "I know blacklisting "my_little_pony" would filter out all but the mistagged images, while still allowing more fappable content through"?

Updated by anonymous

rev86 said:
This Whole My little Pony thing is getting out of hand. I just uploaded a ton of new, fappable content to the site and just as soon as i had whipped it out i saw 3 my little pony pictures that had been uploaded in the space of literally 10 seconds. Now I Know Blacklisting the words would most likely filter out perfectly legitimate content, but isn't there a way for the mods to say no to a new upload that isn't any good? or to delete it?

Three mediocre (at best) flash games and four animations is a "ton" of material?

Anywho. It's generally a good idea to do a quick search on the forum to make sure your topic hasn't already been discussed before making a new one. Stick to your blacklist and all will be well.

Updated by anonymous

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