Topic: Tag Alias: big_insertion -> large_insertion

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Riversyde said:
Neither of these make any sense.


Updated by anonymous

Gayteensex said:

The tags themselves, not the alias.
Can't we find a better term for these?

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
The tags themselves, not the alias.

The tags are what I was talking about.

Updated by anonymous

Gayteensex said:
The tags are what I was talking about.

You clearly have no concept of grammar then.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
You clearly have no concept of grammar then.

Quit being anal and mean about things. >:(

Updated by anonymous

Gayteensex said:
Quit being anal and mean about things. >:(

no u
So you're saying inunderstandable tags are alright? That's completely wrong.
And try replying more than once a day, thanks.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
no u
So you're saying inunderstandable tags are alright? That's completely wrong.

No, I'm saying you're getting unnecessarily butthurt over tags meanings that are pretty obvious. luls

And try replying more than once a day, thanks.


Updated by anonymous

Gayteensex said:
No, I'm saying you're getting unnecessarily butthurt over tags meanings that are pretty obvious. luls

Arguing with a mod. luls

Updated by anonymous

Gayteensex said:
No, I'm saying you're getting unnecessarily butthurt over tags meanings that are pretty obvious. luls

The grammar is horrible though. Like I said, need a better term for these.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
The grammar is horrible though. Like I said, need a better term for these.

Well fine if you think so, but telling me I have no concept of grammar because you don't know what they mean is just petty.

What other term can you get besides those? Hyper insertion? Macro insertion? Great insertion luls

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
Arguing with a mod. luls

pics or it didn't happen

Updated by anonymous

Gayteensex said:
pics or it didn't happen

Join Date 2010-03-07
Level Admin

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
Join Date 2010-03-07
Level Admin

1. that's not a pic
2. what happen'd to him being a mod
3. that doesn't show us arguing
4. we were never arguing 2 begin with
5. luls

Updated by anonymous

I'm just going to let you derp in peace, 'gay teen sex'.

Updated by anonymous

The fact that I'm an admin doesn't change the validity of my argument. Why would you even need to bring that up?

Updated by anonymous

>quit being anal


Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
I'm just going to let you derp in peace, 'gay teen sex'.


The fact that I'm an admin doesn't change the validity of my argument. Why would you even need to bring that up?

If you are talking to me, then I did not bring up your adminship to begin with.

mosh_grizzly said:
>quit being anal


gay teen scan have oral sex :(

Updated by anonymous

Gayteensex said:
If you are talking to me, then I did not bring up your adminship to begin with.

No, I was talking to ExplosiveBlaziken.
And we are clearly arguing. If we weren't, why does this conversation exist?

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
And we are clearly arguing. If we weren't, why does this conversation exist?

well idunno about u but i was like joking and smiling the whole time, even though i meant what i said

Updated by anonymous

Igonring all the herping and derping in this thread, I agree with Ippiki: tight_fit or something similar would probably be best. if we want to differentiate it from a small orifice accepting a regular-sized object, then perhaps very_tight_fit (For things like John K. Peta's work, or when you see something Gideon drew inserting itself into some poor unlucky soul)

Updated by anonymous

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