Topic: Clarification of "lesbian"

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

originally posted in tags and wiki, but it was scary there...

The current tag description is as follows.

A sublabel of homosexual, sexual behaviour or attraction between two or more individuals of the same gender. The tag "lesbian" specifically refers to images or animations depicting female homosexuality. Images depicting male homosexuality should be tagged "gay".

The issue lies in sexual attraction; whether or not something actually depicts sexual attraction is way too subjective.

They are both stripping, looking at the other with their tongues out...looks lesbian to me.

I think this is an acceptable argument as it is right now, but I know that many only consider concrete examples such as sexual acts or utterances of sexual intent as lesbian.

My suggestion is to limit the tag to sexual activity (see naughty activity in the wiki) and clear examples of sexual interest depicted in the image EG verbal expression, physical activity or thoughts, dreams et cetera of sexual activity with another female.

if this is in the wrong place, just move/remove it I guess...

Updated by Rainbow Dash

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