Topic: New alias thought

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Idk if moderators usually do these? But I just thought of one that's sort of like the "change alias" things.

Keeling vs. On knees?


Kneeling implies that the character is only touching the ground with his knees.

"On knees" implies the above, but also includes characters on all fours.

If you want to get (perhaps unnecessarily) complicated, you can implicate

kneeling -> on_knees


all_fours -> on_knees.

If we're just picking one over the other, I vote for kneeling.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
"On knees" implies the above, but also includes characters on all fours.

Not necessarily. A character could be bent over such that their hands are touching the ground, and have their legs spread such that their knees don't touch the ground. Or the character could be sufficiently feral that they wouldn't normally have to kneel to go on all fours.

Point in case:
post #118149
post #162251
post #125680

Myself, I would prefer "kneeling" to "on knees", mostly because I prefer verbs describing pose over adverbs. For another example, a character may be "on_feet", but what I'd want to see on the tag list is "standing", "crouching", or "leaning"

Updated by anonymous

Thanks for the input! I like kneeling as an alias, but just for fun I like on knees cuz it sounds sexier ;)

Updated by anonymous

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