Topic: Confusion on tagging?

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

According to the rules, you have to tag what you see, correct?

Are there any exceptions to tagging something like Mikhaila female ( Example post #173632 ), which has hardly anything but any sign of it being a female, as it's supposed to be tagged Ambiguous_gender?

Just a curious question, because it seems some are avoiding the subject and not following the rules, or it might be an exception and I don't know about it.

So yeah, that.

Updated by RedOctober

It's supposed to be ambiguous_gender, I think. Anyone worming their way around it is violating the rules as far as I know them.

From the wiki:
"In other words, tags should be directly verifiable from the picture itself wherever possible"

So if you don't see obvious signs of a sex, then it's ambiguous_gender.

Updated by anonymous

In most images, Mikhaila's got a pussy and a fairly womanly figure. Female would be acceptable, as she has both primary and some secondary sexual traits of females.

In the image you linked, however, ambiguous_gender is really the way to go.

Updated by anonymous

Mr.Enigma said:
Maybe, she's in tomboy form?

You said "maybe." That means it's hard to say. Ambiguous it is!

Updated by anonymous

Mellis said:
Yes, tag what you see, but also use a little fucking common sense folks. If there's 30 pics of this character, and they're all drawn exactly in this style and proportions etc. etc. etc., and they are all herms, and all look like this, and the only difference between this one and the others is you can't see the dick, I won't lose any sleep if it's tagged herm. Tag it with ambiguous gender if it makes you feel better.

i know that he isn't an admin anymore, but this is how it used to be. i would like to know if we still follow this guideline, or if it is strictly "tag what you see."

Updated by anonymous

Perhaps we should also require that an image show the long-form birth certificates of characters which are supposedly related before we can give them the incest tag?

Updated by anonymous

Use your best judgment. If you're wrong, you're wrong. If you get corrected, you get corrected. Tag what you see is the current policy, but sensitive cases like Mikhaila are best settled on a case-by-case basis. We're not gonna ban anyone for disagreeing, just be smart about it and don't be drama-llamas.

Updated by anonymous

luvdaporn said:
i know that he isn't an admin anymore, but this is how it used to be. i would like to know if we still follow this guideline, or if it is strictly "tag what you see."

Char said:
On proper gender tagging
I fear we may never finally squash this problem of gender not being properly tagged on images, but let's cover this AGAIN since there seem to be a lot of people still who don't understand why it's NEVER EVER APPROPRIATE to tag gender using information that you can not directly infer from the image itself.

Let me present a scenario to you. Suppose I want to find explicit images of herm wolves. So I search for "rating:e herm wolf". The following image pops up in my list of results: post #84822 (this used to be tagged herm, I'm just using it as an example). This is NOT an image that I want to see if I'm looking for herms, because there is nothing in the image that makes me think it's a herm. Therefore, this image is NOT PROPERLY TAGGED because the tags indicate that there is a herm when, in fact, there is no clear indication of such.

Edit from P.C Any character who "is" a hermaphrodite, shall be tagged as such. There shall be no exceptions to this rule. 1. The character has a Cunt, no dick, and No Boobs shall be tagged Cunt Boy. 2; A character with Boobs, a Dick, and no Vag shall be tagged Dick Girl. 3; Any character shown to have a Dick, Boobs {Or no boobs} and a Vag shall be tagged Hermaphrodite. All three clauses will be tagged Intersex, and there will be no tagging of "Male Herm" or "Female Herm" end edit

The above scenario ALSO creates a problem for users who blacklist "herm". Since there is no indication that there is a herm in that image, it would be NEEDLESSLY blacklisted for those who blacklist "herm". It hides content that they would normally be fine seeing.

So why would that post be tagged "herm" anyways? Because the character "Artica Sparkle" is, typically, a herm. This does not matter. I don't care if a character TYPICALLY has 12 dicks, 30 testicles, and 14 vaginas on their body if I CAN'T SEE THEM. It doesn't matter what the artist says, it doesn't matter what the character owner says, it doesn't matter what ANYONE says. If they look like a female, they get tagged female. If they look like a male, they get tagged male. If they look like a herm, they get tagged herm. Period. You should never, EVER tag a picture according to information that has been gathered from an artist/owner/ANYONE's description of the characters in the picture.

To the artists: Please understand that if you draw a picture of a character in such a way that there is no indication that the character is a herm, then it might as well not be one. This is also like saying "these two characters are brother and sister" when there is no similarity between the characters whatsoever, nor any indication in the picture that they identify themselves as brother and sister (such as text like "Oh sis you feel so good!" or "I hope mom doesn't find us!"). We are not disagreeing that the characters in your pictures are herms or relatives, as that is entirely up to you. HOWEVER, e621 tags on a picture-by-picture basis. A character that is a herm in one image you draw may very well be a male in another image you draw, just because you felt like it one day. So we will ALWAYS use only the information that can be derived from the image itself, and not what you say you intended, because it's irrelevant to what the picture actually depicts.

To the character owners: I understand it might seem like e621 is "wrong" for claiming that your character is a male or female in a particular image, when you personally consider your character to always be a herm. Please understand that e621 is NOT disagreeing that your character is a herm. We are not saying "this character in this picture is definitely a female, not a herm." We're saying that ALL INDICATIONS within the picture itself point to NOTHING MORE than "female". If your character actually has dick/pussy/whatever below the belt, it is IRRELEVANT information if it can not be seen in the image. I don't think we have very many people on e621 that want to see "herms that don't actually look like herms in a particular image".


Times change, as do opinions on how we should do things in order to try to find a better way to do it. It may eventually go back to how it was.

Updated by anonymous

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