Topic: Heh, How Come I'm Not Dead by Now?

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Guess this is my cry for help, huh?

ANyway I've barely slept for 4 (4.5?) months, yes months. This includes not only going to sleep at 2 a.m. regularly, but also not sleeping at all often, (3 times just this week). I'm guessing I've lost the equivalent of 1.5 months sleep total.

I'm so, so, so fucking tired, plus I hae to deal w/ colldege a largely insane family, and moving to another country soon.

I'm in physical pain when moving becaause of fatigue, I can't concentraate, or think straight very well, I'm getting smei-constant headahes, that are as bad as migraines (I get those two, isn't life fun?) I've only adjusted t them bewcause theree more or less constant. My chest hurts a lot too.

Last Friday I didn't sleep and waas ophysicaally shaking.

I'm already on melgyton nin

Although if you can't tell sometihns wrong by the way I;m tgyping...

ANyway, I'll take anything suggestions, sympathy, anything just don't tell me to exercise (do you really think that's a good thing to do when limnping is painful?) don't tell me to go to a doctor (I am ASAP) and yes this isn't the best place for thisb ut I couldn't give much of a fuck,.

Srsly, I'm at the end of my tether, this is hell.

Updated by Princess Celestia

Hahah, my veins just went black again, been lying in the same position for six hours trying to go to sleep,

Updated by anonymous

Holy shit. It's truly a wonder you can function at all, living like that.

Only advice I can give you is to see a doctor, and soon.

Updated by anonymous

Oh dude I'm so sorry! I can't even imagine that. As much as you probably hate to hear it, the doctor WILL tell you what you need to do. Also just try reducing stress, watch your diet, get some exercise (as you might have already done), and just relax. Medicine can be a tricky thing, so I'd ask a pharmacist.

Good luck and I really hope you feel better!!!

Updated by anonymous

I wish I didn't need fucking sleep. My circadian rhythym disorder has my sleep pattern reversed from the norm right now, and it changes every few months or so.

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
I wish I didn't need fucking sleep. My circadian rhythym disorder has my sleep pattern reversed from the norm right now, and it changes every few months or so.

I wish I could JUST sleep, there's nearly nothing I enjoy more. Speaking of which I think I may actually have delayed sleep phase syndrome as it turns out, I only really feel tired at 2:00 am.

What worries me is, I'm falling apart, but I'm seem to be feeling less and less tired.

Updated by anonymous

stop posting on a porn site forum and get yourself to the goddamn emergency room you dumbass

Updated by anonymous

null0100 said:
stop posting on a porn site forum and get yourself to the goddamn emergency room you dumbass

I read this in Milk Chan's voice, so I lost the game.

Updated by anonymous

You could swing by first methodist tuesday nights. See the guys with testicular cancer.

Updated by anonymous

therabbidwanker said:
What worries me is, I'm falling apart, but I'm seem to be feeling less and less tired.

You should be worried. It means that your body and mind are getting used to your lack of sleep so much that it accepts the lacking as normal, even though it still degenerates and destroys your body.

As many other posters here have said, go to the fucking emergency room, man. If you're in bad of shape as you sound, then they'll whisk you away in an instant.

Updated by anonymous

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