Topic: RE: Orgainizing Furry Art - WOuld Like Some Advice Please...

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I decided to organize all my 20-something gigabytes of furry artwork and whatnot. Here's how my organizing method works:

Main "Furry" folder>
"Artwork" folder>"
"Artist name here)" folder>
"year artwork released" folder (if applicable)
image files

But I have run into a situation, and I am stuck on what to do; I have artwork that was drawn by one artist, and then colored by another different artist. So the art was technically by two different artists. However, my reasoning was that I should file the artwork under the name of the artist that drew the line art. Since, if the line art was not drawn by the first artist to begin with, then the second artist would have not been able to color it.

Does this sound like a good idea?

PS: My apologies if this may be interpreted as a junk or spam question, I surely did not intend it to be.


Updated by ktkr

File it under who ever drew the line art.

Either that, or file it under both/all artists who participated in the making of the final image.

Updated by anonymous

skeeter said:
File it under who ever drew the line art.

Either that, or file it under both/all artists who participated in the making of the final image.

Yea, that was my original idea I was swaying towards.
I don't want to file it under all artists, as then I would have multiple copies of the same image littering my PC...and I don't want that.

Thanks for the help, skeeter!

Updated by anonymous

You've already got 20 gigs of the stuff, are a handful of dupes really that big a deal?

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:
You've already got 20 gigs of the stuff, are a handful of dupes really that big a deal?

Every MB counts. LOL
I've got an OCD. I hate duplicate images with an unbridled passion!

Updated by anonymous

You could always learn to program, grab the tags from the e621 Web API by searching by the images' MD5 hashes, and maintain a searchable database locally. Then you'd get both artists and a whole lot more.

Actually, I had joined such a project because I'd gotten bored. Then another programmer went and code-bombed the project with buggy code, I realized it was stupid anyways because e621 already maintains all that information like magic, and I don't need in-depth tagging on the few images I actually care about.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Maybe host imageboard software on own computer.
Of course the choices are a bit limited and it eats resources a bit.

PHP: gelbooru, shimmie, naranai
gelbooru is limited(v0.2.* is witheld by developers using shitty excuses, v0.1.* is available but is limited), shimmie is a buggy piece of crap, naranai... I dunno. I haven't had success in running it, but it looks promising.

Ruby: Danbooru
danbooru is best choice feature-wise. Ruby is claimed to eat more resources than PHP though.

Updated by anonymous

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