Topic: Coding.

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Just want people to think about this...

I completed comment hiding in a matter of 4 minutes...
completed name changes in 30.
ticket system? just 15 minutes.

Of course these are just the working prototypes and not brought to standard. but they work all the same. and the full versions were put out in a matter of hours after that.

Now I wanna know why it takes other websites months to do these things? Even when we have a much better looking and running website to maintain. Even though they only do it for one, while I have to maintain 7 working copies of the software.

Updated by Char

Well, I'm not a professional web developer, but as a professional software developer, my guess would be:

  • QA overhead. The larger the organization, the more QA any change undergoes, in an effort to identify flaws before pushing a change to production.
  • But before QA could look at it, the graphic designer had to put in final assets.
  • But before they could do that, the programmer had to write the code in a standards-compliant fashion.
  • And before that, the programmer's time had to be scheduled and approved by upper-management.
  • And before that, the graphic designer had to finish their design.
  • And before that, the customer had to approve the least-useful, most technically challenging design possible.
  • And before that, the graphic designer had to brainstorm a dozen possibilities for the customer to choose from, half of which made the programming team's brains explode and were rejected.
  • And before that, the graphic designer's time needed to be scheduled and approved by upper-management.
  • And before that, focus testing needed to occur to verify the change even needed to be made.
  • And before that, the customer needed to decide a change was necessary and would justify all of the time spent above.
  • And before that, about a thousand forum threads needed to be started whining about why Feature X doesn't exist or is broken.

<sarcasm>I swear, the software development process goes *absolutely nothing like that* where I work.</sarcasm>

Updated by anonymous

It takes other sites months when the programmers are getting paid for it. I was once in the business of this sort of thing and had to quit because it felt like a giant scam.

I've had programming teachers tell me that the average programmer writes 7-10 lines of code a day. I don't have a hard time believing it either.

Updated by anonymous

donttouchthatthing said:
We at Gelbooru would be lucky if we had someone like you.

our software is open <3 I know gelbooru is in php but porting isn't too hard :) (I don't understand peoples boner over php anyway)

ikdind said:
Well, I'm not a professional web developer, but as a professional software developer, my guess would be:

  • QA overhead. The larger the organization, the more QA any change undergoes, in an effort to identify flaws before pushing a change to production.
  • But before QA could look at it, the graphic designer had to put in final assets.
  • But before they could do that, the programmer had to write the code in a standards-compliant fashion.
  • And before that, the programmer's time had to be scheduled and approved by upper-management.
  • And before that, the graphic designer had to finish their design.
  • And before that, the customer had to approve the least-useful, most technically challenging design possible.
  • And before that, the graphic designer had to brainstorm a dozen possibilities for the customer to choose from, half of which made the programming team's brains explode and were rejected.
  • And before that, the graphic designer's time needed to be scheduled and approved by upper-management.
  • And before that, focus testing needed to occur to verify the change even needed to be made.
  • And before that, the customer needed to decide a change was necessary and would justify all of the time spent above.
  • And before that, about a thousand forum threads needed to be started whining about why Feature X doesn't exist or is broken.

<sarcasm>I swear, the software development process goes *absolutely nothing like that* where I work.</sarcasm>

I actually was taking jabs at the other major furry developers out there... but didn't wanna name names cause that is bad.

I do focus testing for ouroboros. as well as extensive code. We just prefer faster releases since we modulized the code so well.

(Also don't get me started on artists... still trying to get paid artists to actually do their jobs..)

Updated by anonymous

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