Topic: Quick question for lulz: What if we tagged pix with things like,

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

"Correct_anatomy," instead? lol

Since "incorrect_anatomy" gains what you ppl call "butthurt," how about we compliment those who know wtf they're doin', huh?

Or, would someone call that "indirect trolling"?

Either way, the truth must be known.~~~


Subjective tagging is generally frowned upon. Sometimes they stick, but not very often.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
Considering we have a tag called anatomically_correct that describes animal genitals, I think that tag would be very confusing.


It just targets dicks and vagoos? Hell, it should renamed, "correct_genitalia" or something like that.

I dunno. I could come up with something.

Anyway, I don't see how a compliment tag could hurt.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Subjective tagging is generally frowned upon. Sometimes they stick, but not very often.

I don't see how a compliment tag could hurt.

Updated by anonymous

It's how the tag currently works. We're discussing alternative tags describing the same thing in another thread, since its current usage is somewhat confusing and counter-intuitive.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
It's how the tag currently works. We're discussing alternative tags describing the same thing in another thread, since its current usage is somewhat confusing and counter-intuitive.

Let me know how that goes, eh? (b owo)b

Updated by anonymous

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