Posted under General

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I'm not here to rant about how I hate My_Little_Pony and how it dominates this site. I'm here to ask why if I blacklist My_Little_Pony it works fine, but if I add anything else to the list then nothing works. Can you only blacklist one thing at a time?

Bla, bla, bla, I know I can use the - but I was asking for example if I blacklisted My_Little_Pony and then 2 other things like this

My_Little_Pony Horn Cuntboy (these are examples not literal)

Then all 3 will appear, it's pretty hard to use the - for multiple things with each search, how exactly does blacklisting work? Am I using it wrong or is it flawed and can only do 1 tag?

[edited] User was using it incorrectly.

Updated by Aurali


Former Staff

Use one line per blacklisted tag.

Updated by anonymous

Kald said:
Use one line per blacklisted tag.

Where is the blacklist button, how do you get there?

Updated by anonymous

Click "My Account" at the top of the page and then click "Settings".

Updated by anonymous

Shatari said:
Click "My Account" at the top of the page and then click "Settings".

I know, but that's not where I went the first time, the first time I clicked post or something and there was a little button that said "blacklist" and when I clicked it a yellow post came up to type in my list and that was it, no other options and now on my front page, the very thing I blacklisted is the only thing I see.

Click Post and then under that you will see Favorites, subscriptions and so on, I saw blacklist there. Or it was in that second bar when I clicked comments or tags or something

Updated by anonymous

Black list works in the following manner

Method 1)
>My_Little_Pony penis
Block only images tagged with both my_little_pony & penis.

Method 2)
blocks ALL images tagged with EITHER my_little_pony or penis.

Also, I believe all cases should be lowercase.

Updated by anonymous

That's weird, just a minute ago there was a small writing labled "blacklist" but now it's gone, when you clicked it it was just a blank yellow page, no options to click through or anything. Hmmm... maybe I wasn't supposed to have had access to that, unless it was a shortcut that is now missing from my server.

Updated by anonymous

xxxFurryFanxxx said:
I know, but that's not where I went the first time, the first time I clicked post or something and there was a little button that said "blacklist" and when I clicked it a yellow post came up to type in my list and that was it, no other options and now on my front page, the very thing I blacklisted is the only thing I see.

Click Post and then under that you will see Favorites, subscriptions and so on, I saw blacklist there. Or it was in that second bar when I clicked comments or tags or something

xxxFurryFanxxx said:
That's weird, just a minute ago there was a small writing labled "blacklist" but now it's gone, when you clicked it it was just a blank yellow page, no options to click through or anything. Hmmm... maybe I wasn't supposed to have had access to that, unless it was a shortcut that is now missing from my server.

You were more than likely not logged in when you did that.

That's the anonymous blacklist feature for people who haven't made an account yet.

The way it works is that you enter what you want to blacklist in, and submit it. It saves it on your computer for a certain amount of time then drops it; making you have to enter it in again. It does that to coerce you into wanting to make an account because with an account your blacklist will never expire.

For more help, see: help:blacklist

Updated by anonymous

skeeter said:
You were more than likely not logged in when you did that.

That's the anonymous blacklist feature for people who haven't made an account yet.

The way it works is that you enter what you want to blacklist in, and submit it. It saves it on your computer for a certain amount of time then drops it; making you have to enter it in again. It does that to coerce you into wanting to make an account because with an account your blacklist will never expire.

For more help, see: help:blacklist

That's stupid, who wouldn't make an account, you literately type in your username, email and password and POOF you are in, no email conformation or anything.
(which is kind of scary)

Updated by anonymous

xxxFurryFanxxx said:
That's stupid, who wouldn't make an account, you literately type in your username, email and password and POOF you are in, no email conformation or anything.
(which is kind of scary)

I don't know, but it's supposed to make them want to make an account.

Are you still having trouble blacklisting stuff?

Updated by anonymous

skeeter said:
I don't know, but it's supposed to make them want to make an account.

Are you still having trouble blacklisting stuff?

No, I got it now. The problem is I wasn't originally logged in when I did it and then everyone started posting my_little_pony all of a sudden making it look like I was only capable of seeing that. I actually think they did it on purpose now that I think of it!

Updated by anonymous

xxxFurryFanxxx said:
??? *lost* ???

Because anonymity.

Also btw lay off the cocaine it makes everypony suspicious.

Updated by anonymous

xxxFurryFanxxx said:
No, I got it now. The problem is I wasn't originally logged in when I did it and then everyone started posting my_little_pony all of a sudden making it look like I was only capable of seeing that. I actually think they did it on purpose now that I think of it!

They were posting it on purpose, but I doubt they were doing it just to make you distraught though. :P

Updated by anonymous

Adrian_Blazevic said:
Because anonymity.

Also btw lay off the cocaine it makes everypony suspicious.

I still don't understand the reference, someone needs to explain this to me! how is "because of furry" relevant to my previous statement!?

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
Because furry.

xxxFurryFanxxx said:
All these sentence fragments, I give up trying to understand this thread

I anything can't do right since because pickles.

Updated by anonymous

Slow down and take a deep breath, Furry Fan. There's no need to imitate a ferret on a caffeine rush. ;p

xxxFurryFanxxx said:
??? *lost* ???

As in furries can be weird that way. Of course, so can anyone else.

People often don't start browsing on this site intending to contribute. If they find that they want to, that's when they sign up. Sometimes that's right off the bat. Other times it can take a while. Until then, why bother making up yet another name and password to remember when there's no reason to?

I actually think they did it on purpose now that I think of it!

It certainly would seem like it sometimes, wouldn't it? However, that's because you were frustrated and trying to keep up with things, but they didn't seem to be cooperating. It's probably for the best that they didn't know you would have appreciated the cooperation or they would have gotten obnoxious.

All these sentence fragments, I give up trying to understand this thread

Welcome to internet forums in general. :\ At least the folks here are pretty nice compared to some forums out there.

Updated by anonymous

Clawstripe said:
Slow down and take a deep breath, Furry Fan. There's no need to imitate a ferret on a caffeine rush. ;p

As in furries can be weird that way. Of course, so can anyone else.

People often don't start browsing on this site intending to contribute. If they find that they want to, that's when they sign up. Sometimes that's right off the bat. Other times it can take a while. Until then, why bother making up yet another name and password to remember when there's no reason to?

It certainly would seem like it sometimes, wouldn't it? However, that's because you were frustrated and trying to keep up with things, but they didn't seem to be cooperating. It's probably for the best that they didn't know you would have appreciated the cooperation or they would have gotten obnoxious.

Welcome to internet forums in general. :\ At least the folks here are pretty nice compared to some forums out there.

Yea, other forums will *SHUN* you for wanting to lick a good stinky smelly pair of dirty sweaty rough bumpy pig scrotum's! (erection)

All male pugs have HYPER balls, why doesn't anyone make pig furries, look at this NUTS!

There are NOT photoshopped, I go on YouTube and get off on many videos of pigs with HYPER HUGE balls, some literately 2 times the size of these, some basketball sized!


My most favorite 10 second pig ball video EVER!


Updated by anonymous

xxxFurryFanxxx said:

There are NOT photoshopped, I go on YouTube and get off on many videos of pigs with HYPER HUGE balls, some literately 2 times the size of these, some basketball sized!

What the fuck dude.
Keep. That. Shit. To. Yourself.
Just because we host furry art on this site doesn't mean we're zoophiles, and we certainly don't want to know about what "gets you off."

Updated by anonymous

Protip: e621 hosts porn, but what you do with it is your business.

Don't tell us about it, because we don't want to know.

Updated by anonymous

'Yea, other forums will *SHUN* you for wanting to lick a good stinky smelly pair of dirty sweaty rough bumpy pig scrotum's!'

What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. I upload scat and even I am disgusted right now.

Updated by anonymous

I've seen tub girl, goatse, and meat spin. Those are far worse than the rear view of raw bacon.

Updated by anonymous

At this point, my only response is to laugh. I have to wonder if that was trolling or if anyone could really think we're remotely interested in reading the graphic specifics of anyone's kink.

There's a pretty awesome page somewhere around here... where was it...

Ah, here we are: howto:comment

Not just good for comments, but for forum posts, too!

Updated by anonymous

You know Ippiki, you could probably have edited out those links and saved some of the more click happy users some eye bleach. Or is this a negative reinforcement thing?

Updated by anonymous

Shatari said:
You know Ippiki, you could probably have edited out those links and saved some of the more click happy users some eye bleach. Or is this a negative reinforcement thing?

I dunno, FurryFan spelled out pretty clearly what was in the links.

If you click on them any discomfort you experience is entirely your fault.

Updated by anonymous

Shatari said:
You know Ippiki, you could probably have edited out those links and saved some of the more click happy users some eye bleach. Or is this a negative reinforcement thing?

I thought about it, but I think it serves as a good example of what not to do here. Hopefully someone learned something.

Updated by anonymous


Those pictures of that piece of shit on that pigs balls is NOT what I posted, either an admin or another person edited my post because those are NOT the pictures that I posted on here! HELL NO! Someone is abusing their power!

Updated by anonymous

Raiden_Gekkou said:
I've seen tub girl, goatse, and meat spin. Those are far worse than the rear view of raw bacon.

Furmillionaire said:
'Yea, other forums will *SHUN* you for wanting to lick a good stinky smelly pair of dirty sweaty rough bumpy pig scrotum's!'

What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. I upload scat and even I am disgusted right now.

Somebody edited my damn post because this is NOT what I had posted. Yes, I did post pictures of pigs balls but they were all separate pictures and one was a video, not this nasty shit! If I were an admin, I would see the last time that post was edited and by whom because now I'm pissed!

Updated by anonymous

Shatari said:
You know Ippiki, you could probably have edited out those links and saved some of the more click happy users some eye bleach. Or is this a negative reinforcement thing?


I can laugh once someone admits they were messing with me but leaving it up in the air is just wrong.

Updated by anonymous


From the point in time that I "supposedly" posted those pictures, there is an entire 7 hour gap between that post and Ikkipi's comment. 7 hours is lots of time for someone to edit my post. Someone tell me, who was messing with me, I love a good joke but never telling anyone it's a joke is just wrong.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
I thought about it, but I think it serves as a good example of what not to do here. Hopefully someone learned something.

ippiki_ookami said:
post #125369

Was it you? Come on... here boy... who edited my post, WHOOOO edited my post (wags tail uncontrollably) yes you dIIId, yes you dIIIIId edit my post. YES YOU DIIIIIIIIID!

Either way, I'm not mad anymore.

Updated by anonymous

xxxFurryFanxxx said:

Those pictures of that piece of shit on that pigs balls is NOT what I posted, either an admin or another person edited my post because those are NOT the pictures that I posted on here! HELL NO! Someone is abusing their power!

Wait what? They weren't always like that?
Not cool, guys.

Updated by anonymous

He's right. I clicked one of those links earlier, and the pig turd one wasn't it. Looks like a scandal is a-brewing.

Updated by anonymous

xxxFurryFanxxx said:
(freak out over new links)

As of my first post 10 hours ago, the links were their originals, so you know what?

That's right. Those people going "what the everloving fuck", "don't tell us about it", "brrbrrdrrs", etc... were talking about you and your original pictures.

And, they're absolutely right. That forum post and its links were creepy and inappropriate from the get-go, man. You still deserve the responses.

Updated by anonymous

No, those posts came over 7 hours later, they were responding to the edited posts because they talk about the shit on the pigs balls and all that. They never responded to the original posts.

Updated by anonymous

titaniachkt said:
What..what did this topic turn into within one day

I can imagine your reaction now! WHAT THE....

Updated by anonymous

xxxFurryFanxxx said:
No, those posts came over 7 hours later, they were responding to the edited posts because they talk about the shit on the pigs balls and all that. They never responded to the original posts.

No, he's right. Everyone was responding to the original links, not the edits.

Updated by anonymous

Murmillos said:

why did I click?!

Furmillionaire said:
I upload scat and even I am disgusted right now.

Then why would they say THAT!?

Updated by anonymous

I didn't even look at the pictures (because you said what was in them and I can resist looking at nasty things), just what you typed.

Updated by anonymous

So you can look at furries balls all day but you can't look at a pigs balls? Not the current pictures on here that the admin edited but regular pig balls. They are interesting, they are LITERATELY the size of butt cheeks!

Updated by anonymous

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