Topic: Quick

Posted under General

seriously, do some users just down vote everything they click on? I never posted on the site due to that damn voting button.. i decided to tonight and what i expected to happen, is happening. had to bring in my mate and a friend to up vote just to keep it from going negative, wtf? i mean im not the best artist, but ive seen worse >:(

swear you guys should replace it with a 0 to 10 voting scale, not an up/down one, makes this artist hesitant to upload anything made by yours truly...

mainly because i'm scared of seeing how many people think my skills suck, and trust me, i lack in the skills department, arts been one of the few things i can do decently... :/

Updated by ippiki ookami

Just ignore ratings. It's the easiest way for trolling. I stopped noticing them when they got reinstated due to massive bitching.

Updated by anonymous

Only two people have voted down your images, and the scores are still positive, so it's really not something you should be upset over in my opinion.

Updated by anonymous

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