Topic: Appealing a takedown?

Posted under General

I recently had an image taken down for being a "reupload" when it was actually an improved version. How can I appeal its removal?

Updated by corgi bread

My best bet would be asking the one who deleted it

Updated by anonymous

You'd proabably be better off posting the url code here and stating your case, the mods are around.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
I fail to see the improvement.

The vagina no longer looks like a razor blade cut, and the pubes are cleaned up.

Updated by anonymous

What about posting a link to where you found your deleted image, so us non admins can see it

Updated by anonymous

Mr.smartass said:
The vagina no longer looks like a razor blade cut, and the pubes are cleaned up.

So it's an unauthorized edit?

Updated by anonymous

There's gotta be a cutoff point with 'edits'. It's annoying to see the same thing uploaded multiple times with extremely minor edits to it.

Updated by anonymous

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