Topic: How should users react when someone doesn't tag their images?

Posted under General

Isn't it *wonderful* when people don't bother to tag their images with anything other than "tagme"?

Like this happy gem right here:

The uploader didn't even bother to set the rating correctly (Explicit for nudity, erection and touching it -- sexually suggestive).

What should users do when they come across a post where the uploader was too lazy to add any tags or just "tagme" and expect everyone else to expend the modicum of effort to add at least 4 tags? Should users:

A. Contact a mod and tattletale?
B. Curse the uploader out on the post in the comments section for being lazy?
C. Call the uploader out in a forum post? (Oops... already done)
D. Quietly tag the image. The mods have special admin powers and psychically know when an uploader isn't tagging their images. In other words, no additional intervention on the part of the users is necessary. (I need a mod to confirm my suspicion that this last option is correct.)

Updated by Shatari

Actually, upon further investigation, it seems pepe82 (the uploader mentioned above) isn't bothering to tag any of his uploads -- except with "male" OR "tagme". All of his uploads have had tags added by other users.

Updated by anonymous

Personally I think that as long as someone fills in the gender, any fetishes present, and the rating. and if your posting cub porn and fail to label it screw you.

other then that I'm fine if they omit species, or small tags like long_hair, sperm, etc.

personal opinion.

Updated by anonymous

Must be one of those people that slipped through the cracks.

Updated by anonymous

locum said:
Personally I think that as long as someone fills in the gender, any fetishes present, and the rating. and if your posting cub porn and fail to label it screw you.

But this guy oftentimes isn't even doing that much. Oftentimes, he just throws a "tagme" and waits for others to the work for him. He doesn't even try to rate his posts correctly. When he actually DOES decide to tag his work, he just puts "male".

And I just saw this from:

mellis said:
My general rule of thumb is that if your tagged images are under 6 tags, you're lazy. If your tagged images show a pattern at 2 or less tags, it's bannable. I provide for wiggle room either way. Given how many things are in even a basic image, finding 6 tags should not be hard nor time consuming.

So, there you have it from a head moderator. Two tags or less is bannable. I wish I had found that thread before I made this one. Oops. :(

Updated by anonymous

option D. Mellis and the others have psychic abilities are able to kill lazy taggers instantly with their powerfull <a href="//">penis lasers</a>. If you don't believe me just look at the recent records section. They zapp people from time to time. I personally wouldn't worry about it. There are plenty of people willing to tag posts. Also if you want your porn to be tagged to perfection it shouldn't have to be their responsibility to do it. They just want a good source of fap material not some super-sorted repository of porn. Seriously obsession with cataloging porn is actually sign of obsession problems. Question? do you spend more time fapping to the porn on this site or tagging? Because if it's the later get help! Tag obsession will flip your life and turn it upside down and I'd like to take a minute and you can just sit their and read and I'll tell you how I became the princess of tagging. I came from west Philadelphia where I was raised. The Internet is where I spent most of my days chilling out, tagging, relaxing [all cool] and just fapping to furry porn out side of the school time. After a while a couple of trolls who were up to no good started making trouble in my facebook. I got in one little flame war and my mom got scared and said and made me move in with my aunty and uncle upstairs [same apartment block, no Internet connection]. I whined for a hub and when it came near the license plate said fresh and it had a dice in the mirror if anything I can say that this cab was rare, but i thougth naw forget it, yo home to Bellaire. I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 and yelled to the drive yo ho smell ya later I looked at my kingdom I was finally there to sit on my throne as the Prince of Bellaire.

Updated by anonymous

Tag the image if you can, and comment that people should tag more.

Updated by anonymous

Course of action: message a mod preferably with link to profile of shit-tagger, and add some tags if you would be so kind to images you come across without them. Everyone comes out a winner.

Updated by anonymous

The fashion in this period, not to put the artist name in the tags, so it is visible in large on the pics or as the uploader said the artist in source but not on the taglist.

it annooooys me...

Updated by anonymous

if i remember correctly,y 4 tags were minimum for uploads, if you can get past that you're golden. unfortunately for this sap his chunky fingers don't allow him past 2.

Updated by anonymous

I leave shitty uploads untagged, though, hope this helps to doom uploader D:

Updated by anonymous

Jazz said:
I leave shitty uploads untagged, though, hope this helps to doom uploader D:

It doesn't because we check their specific tagging history, not the history of individual images they've tagged =(

Updated by anonymous

Jazz said:
I leave shitty uploads untagged, though, hope this helps to doom uploader D:

No... bad. Leaving an untagged image untagged will just cause it to stay untagged... and no one wants that.

Updated by anonymous

erica_wolf said:
option D. Mellis and the others have psychic abilities are able to kill lazy taggers instantly with their powerfull <a href="//">penis lasers</a>. If you don't believe me just look at the recent records section. They zapp people from time to time. I personally wouldn't worry about it. There are plenty of people willing to tag posts. Also if you want your porn to be tagged to perfection it shouldn't have to be their responsibility to do it. They just want a good source of fap material not some super-sorted repository of porn. Seriously obsession with cataloging porn is actually sign of obsession problems. Question? do you spend more time fapping to the porn on this site or tagging? Because if it's the later get help! Tag obsession will flip your life and turn it upside down and I'd like to take a minute and you can just sit their and read and I'll tell you how I became the princess of tagging. I came from west Philadelphia where I was raised. The Internet is where I spent most of my days chilling out, tagging, relaxing [all cool] and just fapping to furry porn out side of the school time. After a while a couple of trolls who were up to no good started making trouble in my facebook. I got in one little flame war and my mom got scared and said and made me move in with my aunty and uncle upstairs [same apartment block, no Internet connection]. I whined for a hub and when it came near the license plate said fresh and it had a dice in the mirror if anything I can say that this cab was rare, but i thougth naw forget it, yo home to Bellaire. I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 and yelled to the drive yo ho smell ya later I looked at my kingdom I was finally there to sit on my throne as the Prince of Bellaire.

<3 to the 99th power. Uber Fresh Prince Ref!!

Updated by anonymous

At least I have the common decentcy to tag my, an unfortunately , other peoples shitimages

Updated by anonymous

Mario583 said:
yes and he doesnt even give a fuck /users

congrats on raising a year old thread.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
congrats on raising a year old thread.

Yeah, it took me a moment to realize why Mellis was still issuing warnings. XD

Updated by anonymous

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