Topic: New Status Vote

Posted under General

I'm doing a mock vote on creating a new type of user. Currently, we have members, privileged, contributors, test janitors, mods, and admins. I have some choices for you dudes to vote on. Remember, this is a mock vote and please stay on topic.

Artist: Below contributor but above privileged users. They can receive the tools they need to uploading their art as easy as possible.

Tagger: Below privileged but above member users. They can receive the tools they need to make tagging easier and efficient.

Blogger: Below privileged but above member users. They can receive the tools they need to make forum posts, blips, and comments faster and easier.

Vote on which do you think is a more helpful idea to organize users.


Tagger seems the most important I guess. The artist thing is good if the artist knows how tagging works here.

But tagger seems the most important

Updated by anonymous

Stagger and artist. I used to be a contributor then got knocked down by null for being cranky. Now I cant even upload my art quickly, cant lock ratings, and if someone has their way, wount be able to even edit or add my own descriptions to the posts.

Tagger n artist (heck even priv and contrib) would/should have a "probation" time limit before being given the upgrade. Say we get some anti furry who joined in 2011 thinking 'hay cuul some furfags to harrass!' Proceeds make an account only to relize needs to wait x amount of days, they leave, forget about the site only to show up, request an upgrade gets it and then proceeds to wreak havoc. While any damage done can be easily still means it takes time better spent on more important things.
Even worse would be if the newly made account was granted contributor level access the day they joined. Basicly if you guys upgrade you need to keep an eye on them tor ahwhile, power goes to peoples heads.

But all in all I wouldn't mind getting the tagger or artist lvls. I'm both Lol and if I can get my current crisis over with and come out unscathed I think my production will probably increase meaning te need for fast approval.

((Speaking of which, that guy who takes care of take downs still hasn't reverted my take down request...wonder how many Pms I'm going to need to bug them with before it happens..))

Updated by anonymous

In my personal opinion, Artists and generally helpful people should get a accountlevel each, Artists don't really need the access to mass-tag edit and tag scripts if the purpose of the upgrade is to remove the need for approving their posts, for normal users is the 6 term search restriction probably the most annoying, giving them a small boost there to 8 and maybe slightly higher Tagedits/comments/blips per hour would make a few people happy.

And I don't see the reason to make a distinction between tagger and blogger.

Updated by anonymous

I don't see any reason to. Artists currently get contributor, and useful people get priv. Unless this has changed without someone telling me.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
I don't see any reason to. Artists currently get contributor, and useful people get priv. Unless this has changed without someone telling me.

I agree with second part, I don't see major difference between what is now privileged status, and suggested tagger status. What would be difference between those two?

And I don't see a reason why there should be blogger status. I'm not even sure whether showing score of comments was good decision - I don't want this site to become Youtube.

However, as I said somewhere else, it would be useful to have artist status without giving mass tag edit tools just because user is an artist.

Updated by anonymous

I don't see much reason to change the current system personally.

Updated by anonymous

From powerless to almighty:

tagger + blogger
test janitor

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
I don't see any reason to. Artists currently get contributor, and useful people get priv. Unless this has changed without someone telling me.

except most artists are members who arnt expecting to have to lead in the spotlight as i was told contributors are expected to do shortly before, and shortly 'after' i was demoted. artists are normal users who expect to be 'normal' not special, but should have access to tagging tools used for their trade. take this for example, if you had it your way for descriptions, i wouldn't be able to edit any of mine until i got my contributor lvl back because you stated you'd prefer it to be just admin and contributors. and god knows when ill be back to contrib due to its need for the users to be squeaky clean role models, which its glaringly obvious im not.

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
I don't see much reason to change the current system personally.

Aurali said:
I don't see any reason to. Artists currently get contributor, and useful people get priv. Unless this has changed without someone telling me.

Just a mock vote of ideas to think about.

Updated by anonymous

Isn't blocked technically a role as well? Since it appears where the role usually does...and they have the power to do absolutely nothing besides looking at the pictures...

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
Isn't blocked technically a role as well? Since it appears where the role usually does...and they have the power to do absolutely nothing besides looking at the pictures...

Blocked status seems to be independent of other statuses. You can be blocked janitor, for example. At least on

Updated by anonymous

should rename blocked to restricted. since as in other forums and ive found out myself. you can be blocked, but still view the sites content, which is more along the lines of being restricted to just viewing.

Updated by anonymous

Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
Blocked status seems to be independent of other statuses. You can be blocked janitor, for example. At least on

not really, blocked status is level 0, the system just keeps a record of old status in case someone wants to return them to what they are.

Esme_Belles said:
should rename blocked to restricted. since as in other forums and ive found out myself. you can be blocked, but still view the sites content, which is more along the lines of being restricted to just viewing.

that would require major changes to the code I really don't feel like doing. (Adding a new status in is easy, changing it though..)

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
that would require major changes to the code I really don't feel like doing. (Adding a new status in is easy, changing it though..)

So creating new code is easy but editing the current code is hard? I don't think I follow you...

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
So creating new code is easy but editing the current code is hard? I don't think I follow you...

I think because it would require edits to the 1,203 "banned" users *shrugs* I haven't seen the code or how it works so that's pure speculation.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
So creating new code is easy but editing the current code is hard? I don't think I follow you...

it's simple if you understand dynamic functions. :3 I can make a new user by giving it a name and a title, then ruby automatically generates the functions for the levels, and gives them meaning. We then can easily add those functions to calls, by name.

However, if we want to change the name, we got to Remember where we made those calls (and for banned users.. it's a lot) Edit the name, then edit the calls that are now invalid.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
it's simple if you understand dynamic functions. :3 I can make a new user by giving it a name and a title, then ruby automatically generates the functions for the levels, and gives them meaning. We then can easily add those functions to calls, by name.

However, if we want to change the name, we got to Remember where we made those calls (and for banned users.. it's a lot) Edit the name, then edit the calls that are now invalid.

DAYUM @.@ that...would take a long time...

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
it's simple if you understand dynamic functions. :3 I can make a new user by giving it a name and a title, then ruby automatically generates the functions for the levels, and gives them meaning. We then can easily add those functions to calls, by name.

However, if we want to change the name, we got to Remember where we made those calls (and for banned users.. it's a lot) Edit the name, then edit the calls that are now invalid.

Ah, I understand now

Updated by anonymous

Can there be an admin status where people can't send you annoying and frivolous PM's?

Updated by anonymous

What about a lifeguard who organizes and is in charge of the pools?

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
What about a lifeguard who organizes and is in charge of the pools?

I see what you did there

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Can there be an admin status where people can't send you annoying and frivolous PM's?

You just made yourself the target of more annoying frivolous PMs.
Not from me, but there's silly people out there.

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
You just made yourself the target of more annoying frivolous PMs.
Not from me, but there's silly people out there.

Got any grapes?

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
Got any grapes?

I don't usually buy fresh fruit, it tends to spoil before I eat it.
Except for limes, I like to put lime wedges in my water bottle.
They don't spoil very quickly though, as long as they aren't already cut up.

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
I don't usually buy fresh fruit, it tends to spoil before I eat it.
Except for limes, I like to put lime wedges in my water bottle.
They don't spoil very quickly though, as long as they aren't already cut up.

Fruit doesn't spoil quickly. Just look at my apples or my strawberries!

As for status, would'nt Blogger be the same as Member or User? Tagger seems useful, but specific levels would make some stuff a bit harder. Just add mass tag edit (available for all users with at least 10 posts or who have joined since a month) and call it a day :V

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Just add mass tag edit (available for all users with at least 10 posts or who have joined since a month) and call it a day :V

NO!!! If we do that, all hell will break loose. I can see it now...tag warring to a whole new level.....users removing valid tags and then we have to add dem tags on thousands of images....(shudders)

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
NO!!! If we do that, all hell will break loose. I can see it now...tag warring to a whole new level.....users removing valid tags and then we have to add dem tags on thousands of images....(shudders)

Ok then, for users with a trustable tag editing history *nudge nudge*

Updated by anonymous

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