Topic: Regarding google image search

Posted under General

I've noticed that the google image search seems to have at least a rather substantial indexing of e621 images. Just a thought that it would likely be useful for checking for reposts, even if not foolproof. (Also probably because of my browsing habits, e621 tends to be near to top of the image search listngs, which helps checking for reposts faster, maybe)

Updated by TonyCoon

That's because Google is a closet furry. What a story, Mark.

Updated by anonymous

e621 is a very well known and friendly website, also we have some google proofing in place.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
e621 is a very well known and friendly website, also we have some google proofing in place.

I'm confuzzled.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
e621 is a very well known and friendly website, also we have some google proofing in place.

If you do have google proofing, it's obviously not working well, at least for image searches. Most of the images I test with image search does detect the image in e621. (though granted I don't know how fair that is when I search from e621, but I consider that a non-factor since I don't always get a hit)

Updated by anonymous

Lyokira said:
If you do have google proofing, it's obviously not working well, at least for image searches. Most of the images I test with image search does detect the image in e621. (though granted I don't know how fair that is when I search from e621, but I consider that a non-factor since I don't always get a hit)

We don't block anything from Google searches except for comments and most of the utility pages (upload post, edit wiki, tag history, etc.).

Updated by anonymous

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