Topic: New Mio energy commercials

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It seems perhaps Mio, the water flavoring company, has gone the furry route in their new advertisements... And I think its damn hot! They did a great job with the animation of the characters and designs, making them look like legit anthropomorphic beings. Very cool stuff if you ask me, and they are using more exotic creatures than dogs and cats which is refreshing in itself. Im curious after seeing the commercials if anyone else has found them as appealing as I and if you guys see any possible positive ideas for promoting furry culture in society steming from these commercials.

Updated by SpaceWhale

Could you post a link or two?
Not everyone lives in the United States of Freedom and watches TV all the time, you know :-)

Updated by anonymous

'furry culture' is better off underground. If noone knows anything about us, then we're safe.

Updated by anonymous

After seeing what the French do with furry advertising, Mio's commercials just seem pedestrian.

The animation's really good; I'll give them that. The designs seem alright, very close to uncanny valley for me, though.

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
what the fuck, seriously O.o; the.....faces, can not......unseeeeeee!?
also, DAT CAMEL! D8

Lol I think they are oddly cute

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
After seeing what the French do with furry advertising, Mio's commercials just seem pedestrian.

No fair! The French are cheating by putting TEH GHEY in their commercials! How can honest, hard-working, tax-paying, God-fearing, gun-owning Americans compete with that?

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
No fair! The French are cheating by putting TEH GHEY in their commercials! How can honest, hard-working, tax-paying, God-fearing, gun-owning Americans compete with that?

I'd say the only way to win the furry advertising game is:

Don't play it.

Updated by anonymous

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