Topic: Calling all Bronies and Pegasisters to [redacted]

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[link redacted]

Hello there, just recently a couple from England created a facebook page for Bronies and Pegasisters and have been requesting new recruits, especially girls, that's right ladies. b;)d You get points for being freindly and helping out with the community, so come on in and see what all of the freindship is about.

Updated by Riversyde

Finny_Nettle said:
there are no females on the interwebs.

And for the longest time everyone thought I was a female and tried to hit on me. LOL I'm just doing my part for [redacted] ;)

Updated by anonymous

I'm pretty sure e6 doesn't allow ads. I'm also pretty sure the price of actual sanctioned ads is pretty affordable, too, so look into that instead of posting on the forums. ~_^

Updated by anonymous

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