Topic: e6, define what "hater" means to you.

Posted under General

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To me, haters are those that proceed to get in the way of your enjoyment. They are usually recognized for their lack of life-luster. Many hold authoritative power, like your boss. Some dwell in your own house.

Haters: Do we really need them, though? Some of them cause problems:

1. They go out of their way to prevent you from enjoying yourself.
2. They interfere with whatever you have planned.
3. They can't stand you, but want to be you, producing a "Stalker Concept."

//happy, Riversyde?

Updated by Char

So you're picking fights with the moderators. Again. That's cool. How do you think this is going to end?

Updated by anonymous

The mods are only doing their job, but if you really want to see hate, well you are sugarcoating for starters, not all authoritative power are bad in fact some of them are even saints believe it or not but fascism is a whole different story. We all make mistakes sometimes, it's all apart of being human.

Riversyde said:
ilu2 moonray <3

Interesting point their Riversyde

Updated by anonymous

UltravioletMoonRay said:
To me, haters are those that proceed to get in the way of your enjoyment. They are usually recognized for their lack of life-luster. Many hold authoritative power, like your boss. Some dwell in your own house.

Haters: Do we really need them, though? Some of them cause problems:

1. They go out of their way to prevent you from enjoying yourself.
2. They interfere with whatever you have planned.
3. They can't stand you, but want to be you, producing a "Stalker Concept."

//happy, Riversyde?


Not :p

Updated by anonymous

This is hilarious. Another dramapost for the now-one-gigabite 'e621 Drama' folder.

Updated by anonymous

TwilightSparkle said:
Are you saying you want to kill me, go ahead. As long as it's for the greater good I'd rather die this way.

No, he/she's saying "avoid that typo."

Lest the grammar Nazis perform linguistic genocide once more.

Updated by anonymous

Actini said:
No, he/she's saying "avoid that typo."

Lest the grammar Nazis perform linguistic genocide once more.

Why must we hate >.<

Updated by anonymous

TwilightSparkle said:
Why must we hate >.<

Maybe he lost a bet...or scared...

Updated by anonymous

I love haters. They're usually fat and sloppy, which makes it all the funnier to taunt them for hating.

Updated by anonymous

Haters gonna hate...I'm mostly hated on YouTube rather than here...which I find hilarious! X]

Haters make me laugh and say how stupid ur life must be.

Updated by anonymous

Haters gonna hate...I'm mostly hated on YouTube rather than here...which I find hilarious! X]

Haters make me laugh and say how stupid ur life must be.

Raiden_Gekkou said:
I love haters. They're usually fat and sloppy, which makes it all the funnier to taunt them for hating.


Updated by anonymous

Raiden_Gekkou said:
I love haters. They're usually fat and sloppy, which makes it all the funnier to taunt them for hating.

Amen...ragequiters, and haters from any multiplayer games...(MW3, Black Ops, BF3...etc.), they straight up hilarious, EVEN LITTLE KIDS!

Updated by anonymous

Like St.NicholasII once said during captivity "remember that the evil which is now in the world will become yet more powerful, and that it is not evil which conquers evil, but only love"
-Olga's letters

Updated by anonymous

TwilightSparkle said:
Why must we hate >.<

Hate's fun, doncha know! It's also easy and doesn't require such sinful and hard-to-do things like empathy and thinking for oneself. It also comes with a side order of flame-broiled resentment fries and an extra-large Bigotry-Cola!

Updated by anonymous

Clawstripe said:
Hate's fun, doncha know! It's also easy and doesn't require such sinful and hard-to-do things like empathy and thinking for oneself. It also comes with a side order of flame-broiled resentment fries and an extra-large Bigotry-Cola!

It's what society adds up to the point...

Updated by anonymous

Actini said:
No, he/she's saying "avoid that typo."

Lest the grammar Nazis perform linguistic genocide once more.

please refrain from namecalling =/

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
please refrain from namecalling =/


Updated by anonymous

Amen...ragequiters, and haters from any multiplayer games...(MW3, Black Ops, BF3...etc.), they straight up hilarious, EVEN LITTLE KIDS!

I love when little kids rage online because they got molested in CoD. They send the faggest hate mail.

Updated by anonymous

Look, Ultravioletmoonray, wether the mods like you or not nobody is singling you out from the mod crew im sure... If they were just out of spite and without just cause I am positive aurali would strip them of every power and ban them so fast it would make their overinflated egotistical head spin because such singling out by a mod without just cause is power abuse and harassment. From what I see thats not the case here, what ive noticed (and no offense) is some of your posts and behaviors seem a little too immature. Its not that people are hating on you or killing fun, its that some of your fun seems a little too... Childish. Just trying to shine some light on the mess here for you thats all. ^_^

Also, for the record, was not calling the mods names lol. You guys are all pretty cool in my book.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Ivory_Wolf said:
Look, Ultravioletmoonray, wether the mods like you or not nobody is singling you out from the mod crew im sure... If they were just out of spite and without just cause I am positive aurali would strip them of every power and ban them so fast it would make their overinflated egotistical head spin because such singling out by a mod without just cause is power abuse and harassment. From what I see thats not the case here, what ive noticed (and no offense) is some of your posts and behaviors seem a little too immature. Its not that people are hating on you or killing fun, its that some of your fun seems a little too... Childish. Just trying to shine some light on the mess here for you thats all. ^_^

Also, for the record, was not calling the mods names lol. You guys are all pretty cool in my book.

I'm the lead admin of the site fyi, not Aurali. :x Aurali is the coder of Ouroboros, the software that e621 uses for... everything. I mean she has other administrative responsibilities too, but coding is her primary thing.

I guess I should try to make my presence known on the site more often. :|

Updated by anonymous

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