So I live in the United States, and I am going to assume most other users are from the same nation as well. However, there are a number of other national users here that use the site and other stuff. The only foreign (for me) experiences come mostly in the form of vacation and on the internet, although I did take French language in high school (Parlez-vous francais?). In almost every vacation or internet site I visit, English is present in one manner or another. Other than that, I spend most of my time (obviously) in the US, an English speaking country.
I'm interested in knowing exactly how influential or common is the English language in other nations around the world. Is it spoken vastly in your nation? Does it share another language in your nation's official languages? Is it barely influental at all?
And for user's who live in English-predominant nations, what's your view on the subject? Do you think other nations and cultures are becomming accustmoned to English, or are they not? Is it a good or bad thing?
Updated by Blaziken