Ok, so I have had;
- A scar all the way along my shins from Shark fighting falling in a hole in the ground and getting cut up be snapped plant branches.
- A scar from when I was burning bamboo and there was a spark.
- A scar from when I was younger, and my baby sister scratched and bit me, because she is evil.
- I used to look like I cut myself because I spent so much time playing with my cat that I would inevitably get at least a few scratches.
- Just a couple of hours of moving into the only house I've ever lived in with sliding glass doors, I managed to run into one, I was fine although I should really have got a concussion, I only got a lump, I was laughing about it, actually.
- When I learnt to ride a bike, as soon as I got up to some speed I managed to crash head on, flip over, and stop the wheels with my toes and the metal bars, I was fine except for a nasty cut.
- Last Christmas I was playing wii bowling with my seldom-seen but always-welcome relatives from Italy (I also learned that year, that I'm descended from a count on that side) and I smashed the top of my hand into the metal lock bit on the table so hard it briefly lifted the entire table upwards by about three inches and rattling all the plates, I got it on ice right away, and even so, I still hit it hard enough that the top of my hand (especially the veins) actually went black for an hour or two, but otherwise I was fine.
- I fell off a climbing frame as a kid and had a big chunk of my foot taken out and I couldn't walk on it for several days.
- I have several times attempted an overhead squat, lifted the bar up, have sand fall on my head, loose focus and fall over, I usually slam my thumb inbetween the weight plates at least once a month, and once dropped a 160 lb deadlift on my big toe.
- Once I feel asleep with the cover over my mouth and woke up to find I was in fact, not breathing, and I had to start breathing manually.
- I woke up extremely quickly (actually it was more like crashing and rebooting myself into consciousness) Just this morning in fact, since half my body had a stitch and was pulsing spasmodically, and that I had woken up in the exact same position as I had fallen asleep in, which means I had not moved even slightly in 5 hours, which meant I had cut off oxygen to a lot of bodyparts for a long time, and as such I can now draw a diagram of the arteries in my eyes because they hurt so damned much.
- And, just a couple of hours later, I was eating delicious dry salty crackers, when upon cramming it into my facehole, I noticed something peculiar, some of it had flaked off and landed in my eye, yes right on the good ole' whites! Needless to say it really hurt, I had to fish it out carefully this morning.
Yet, I have not had a single bruise in my adult life, and I have never broken a bone, nor suffered any serious injury whatsoever most of these inuries healed within 3 days or less, this leads me to believe that I am in fact, descended from fucking wolverine.
Anyone else want to share?
Updated by Mario583