Topic: WTF who is deleting all my FUCKING posts?????

Posted under General

I just uploaded ten pics by James Hardiman, all of which were deleted within half an hour for apparently no fucking reason. Seriously, what gives? I spent like half an hour uploading all those. At least have the decency to send me an email telling me why. The artist himself said he doesn't care if his art is posted, they were NOT duplicates, they weren't even remotely identical to each other. Fucking Christ. How is it that people are able to post bucketloads of shitty pokemon images every day, but anytime I try to post quality art by a respectable artist, it gets rejected?

Updated by foxmajik

Because, as I gave in the deletion reason and as I have TOLD YOU BEFORE, plus as you can read here is because we do not have entire comic rips.

You say that Hardiman doesn't care where his art is posted, but I have seen nothing that says this. If you'd care to link to say, a message on his website that says he doesn't mind his COMICS BEING PUT ONLINE, then fair enough.

But as it stands.. you seem to be flagrantly ignoring the rules and then bitching about 'em.

Updated by anonymous

Hell, it would take me forever to dig that comment up. I think I read it about six months ago on SkunkworksAMA, but he didn't say comics specifically; he mostly just said that he knows that his art floating around everywhere and it doesn't bother him, so I guess it's a matter of interpretation. Whatever, I'll just stop posting comics.

Updated by anonymous

As it's still a recent thing I'd just like to get my understanding of somethings clear.

has the rules just recently changed on not posting full comic rips?
As I see that the last time the avoid posting list was updated was 20 days prior to this message.
Are doujishi and manga considered to be the same as comics?
I seem to remember manga means comic in Japanese.

If that's the case I think that I might have possibly broken a rule somewhere along the line and to avoid doing so again I would like to know if I should post 1 page and comment places to find the rest, post 1 and child the rest, etc.

I'd just like to put in the suggestions pot that the link is added to the upload guidelines in the upload section as it might help prevent future headaches for you with people.

I also did a small bit of research on how Jim Hardiman stands with his work being distributed, he posts his shared work to his mailing list and then uploads it to image boards before other people can (generally fchan).

Sorry to bother you with these questions, but having a clearer picture of things will allow me to carry on lurking in obscurity.


Updated by anonymous

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