Topic: Dragoneer???

Posted under General

So I'm not looking to start anything at all, I'm just wondering out of pure curiosity..
Um, it seems that every picture of dragoneer on here has a very low score.
I even uploaded a picture of him by quite a nice artist and it went to -14 within a day.
Is there some personal beef going on between e621 and him??
idk, just wondering.

Updated by luvdaporn

Most people only use the rating system when they don't like a particular person.

So basically there are around a dozen people on e621 who actively dislike dragoneer.

The rating system is usually largely pointless, because it's so arbitrary. I've seen a picture that would drop to something like -10 or so, then someone complain about it in a comment, and suddenly have it shoot up to 30 points. Or vice versa.

It's also compounded by the fact that you can vote multiple times on the same picture, so you get your standard internet retards sitting there, refreshing the page over and over so they can keep downvoting it every 30 minutes or however long it takes ot let you vote again.

Updated by anonymous

I just looked up the picture that you uploaded of Dragoneer. It's kinda a weird picture. Weird shit tends to get voted down in general unless it's by Gami, or another popular artist.

As far as I can tell from looking at what got rated up, and what got rated down, is that nobody has a problem with Dragoneer himself, but rather there are people who are like "Eww, weird fetish" and downvote it. Because the ones which aren't weird (for varying definitions of weird), all have a positive rating.

Anal-Vore, suiting, and muscleism (whatever you would call it), all tend to upset people.

But here is a list of all the highly rated pictures with Dragoneer in them... 8 total. (I would have thought this would be downrated) (<3 LGD) (High rating surprised me again)

That's quite a lot, nearly half of the pictures with him in it.

Updated by anonymous

Oh cool, I guess I didn't look at every single picture of him, lol. Oddly all the ones I did look at were like -8 and shit
Meh, whatevs *shrug*

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
I just looked up the picture that you uploaded of Dragoneer. It's kinda a weird picture. Weird shit tends to get voted down in general unless it's by Gami, or another popular artist.

As far as I can tell from looking at what got rated up, and what got rated down, is that nobody has a problem with Dragoneer himself, but rather there are people who are like "Eww, weird fetish" and downvote it. Because the ones which aren't weird (for varying definitions of weird), all have a positive rating.

Anal-Vore, suiting, and muscleism (whatever you would call it), all tend to upset people.

But here is a list of all the highly rated pictures with Dragoneer in them... 8 total. (I would have thought this would be downrated) (<3 LGD) (High rating surprised me again)

That's quite a lot, nearly half of the pictures with him in it.

what about the post i just said that was rated high...
god does everyone ignore me on this site!?!?

Updated by anonymous

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