Topic: People are being creepy again D:

Posted under General

Please stop it. It's one thing to say you like a picture, but it quite puts you off your stroke when people start getting 'involved' with an image. It always make me think that they are lying on their back stroking themselves with a plush toy and moaning about the same picture I just clicked on, and I lose the last 5-10 minute's work in one go. :(

Updated by Fox2K9

Thanks for a reasonable topic. I fapped.

Updated by anonymous

Fuck. I just dont get it. Why would some one be upset about this?

Updated by anonymous

Welcome to planet Earth jASe. We're not very pleased to make your acquaintance either.

Updated by anonymous

You say it like there is something wrong with fapping plush toy moans!!!

Updated by anonymous

jASe said:
... I lose the last 5-10 minute's work in one go. :(

If you're looking at the comments at all, you're not working efficient!

Ok, to be more serious: It can be creepy, but who cares. If you can't avoid to look at the comments, just save the pic(s) to your HD and close e621.

Updated by anonymous

Alas, I must agree with Morgh, while I do hate the creepy comments too, I try not to get too worked up about them, and either hit the back button, or lead by example and post comments in a way I'd like to see others post comments

Updated by anonymous

Insecure, easily offended, I-think-too-much-getting-worked-up-over-little-things-people don't belong on the Internet.

People need some sort of protection, whether it's humor, douchebag-ness, cockyness, lightheartedness, or just feeling adult enough, whatever it may be. At least if you're new to it all, I reckon.

But hey, it's porn amirite? There's bound to be prepubescent perverts around. Or perhaps middle-aged men fappin' into little girls panties?

What floats your boats. Get used to it.

Updated by anonymous

The people who leave the creepy yiff comments are almost universally sad, sad, possibly mentally damaged individuals who I would not particularly miss if they died of various exotic painful diseases. It's true!

That said, they're really not better than half the other commenters, either, who seem to be made by those who largely revel in flamebaiting, shitting on images with unconstructive crap, bawwing that they don't like a particular genre or subject matter, or blasting out rapid-fire retarded 10 year old internet memes that they think make them seem 'clever'.

What I am getting at here is that I am pretty sure that our userbase just may be - and hear me out on this - socially maladjusted weirdoes who ruin everything they touch. Prove me wrong, I double dog dare you all.

Updated by anonymous

mellis said:
The people who leave the creepy yiff comments are almost universally sad, sad, possibly mentally damaged individuals who I would not particularly miss if they died of various exotic painful diseases. It's true!

That said, they're really not better than half the other commenters, either, who seem to be made by those who largely revel in flamebaiting, shitting on images with unconstructive crap, bawwing that they don't like a particular genre or subject matter, or blasting out rapid-fire retarded 10 year old internet memes that they think make them seem 'clever'.

What I am getting at here is that I am pretty sure that our userbase just may be - and hear me out on this - socially maladjusted weirdoes who ruin everything they touch. Prove me wrong, I double dog dare you all.

Mellis has the highest concentration of imagination i have ever seen! :O

You are my king and i am your homble servent

Updated by anonymous

Jazz said:
Why do you hate our userbase?

My family was raped and eaten by internet memes while I was forced to watch. DUH.

Besides my suspicion that a lot of our users are under the age of 18, and, should I discover this is the case, will ban them for obvious legal reasons, there's the fact that even if they're not, most of them act out on a grade-school level anyways. Changing all the tags on images to 'ummmm' or 'pedophile', flagging things for deletion because 'this is offensive to all furry-kind!' or constant whining that 'this image needs more DICKS HUUUUR' or 'this image needs more VAGINAS HURRRR', well...fuck.

Also, depending on which banned freakout/take down my arts NAO rant you reference, I apparently will also die alone, I will never have friends, I wouldn't be so cocky if I wasn't surrounded by friends, I do this to impress my friends, I do this because I have no friends and think it will get me friends, I work at McDonalds, will never have a job, I will never have a job as prestigious as THEIR job (invariably working 14+ hours a day as a doctor or particle physicist - apparently our medical and science communities are 100% furries who can't spell), will get fired from my job if I keep my attitude up, I probably work as a <job they hate> because I'm obviously out to get them personally, have brain damage, probably hang out with children because they're on my intellectual level, I am wasting my brilliance being a giant asshole, I have the IQ of a 6 year old, I am playing intricate multi-layered mind games with them (that won't work!) because I am some sort of puppet master, I am pathetic because I spend all day on the site blindly enforcing rules with an iron fist, am pathetic because I am never on the site to instantaneously enforce rules, I am Stalin, I am Hitler, I am Barack Obama.

Updated by anonymous

Holy fucking shit! :O
No comment that was just beautiful T_T

Also i agree most of users do act like the are under aged, and probably there some users that are underaged.
I dont personaly care about comments, who give this site a fair share of popularity, but tagging makes me mad!

"I am Stalin, I am Hitler, I am Barack Obama."

No you are Mellis.

Updated by anonymous

Jazz said:
Why do you hate our userbase?

Why not?

mellis said:
Apparently our medical and science communities are 100% furries who can't spell.

Honestly, who the hell knows? I mean, you certainly can't read their handwriting. Maybe they are doing it on purpose so nobody knows that they can't spell.

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
Why not?

Honestly, who the hell knows? I mean, you certainly can't read their handwriting. Maybe they are doing it on purpose so nobody knows that they can't spell.

You raise a fascinating point.

Updated by anonymous



Updated by anonymous

Jazz said:



LIKE "U-N-C-O..." I give up :/

Updated by anonymous

mellis said:
The people who leave the creepy yiff comments are almost universally sad, sad, possibly mentally damaged individuals who I would not particularly miss if they died of various exotic painful diseases. It's true!

That said, they're really not better than half the other commenters, either, who seem to be made by those who largely revel in flamebaiting, shitting on images with unconstructive crap, bawwing that they don't like a particular genre or subject matter, or blasting out rapid-fire retarded 10 year old internet memes that they think make them seem 'clever'.

What I am getting at here is that I am pretty sure that our userbase just may be - and hear me out on this - socially maladjusted weirdoes who ruin everything they touch. Prove me wrong, I double dog dare you all.

Finally! Sane people! \o/

Updated by anonymous

It's ironic; all the people who posted not in favor of this thread are the people who are leaving the creepy ass "mmm I'll take her next!" comments.

Actually it's not ironic at all, it's totally predictable.

Also, quit being a suck-up, Fox. It's disturbing. And not in the good way.

Updated by anonymous

Anonym said:
It's ironic; all the people who posted not in favor of this thread are the people who are leaving the creepy ass "mmm I'll take her next!" comments.

Actually it's not ironic at all, it's totally predictable.

Also, quit being a suck-up, Fox. It's disturbing. And not in the good way.

Woot? Man read that thing. It is apsolutely amazing.
Also i think its time i got a little bit disturbing around here.

Updated by anonymous

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