Topic: searching problems?

Posted under General

this happened to me a couple of times all with the same tag. i just type in "pokemon" and sometimes only 3 pages show up. i have to search again for all the pages to show up. not a major problem but still, anyone else going through this?

Updated by Fox2K9

Pokemon is not the right tag, there is that little ' on e.

Pokémon is right.

You are mistyping ;)

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Shouldn't the fact that those two tags are alliased prevent such thing from happening in the first place?

Updated by anonymous

ktkr said:
Shouldn't the fact that those two tags are alliased prevent such thing from happening in the first place?

No they are not. Try it your self.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Funny thing is that I can go further than 3 pages just by editing the url and the results are the same as with the pokémon tag.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

The number of available pages depends on the amount of pics the tag you typed is present in, IE the pics in which the tag hasn't been properly replaced (it should be mainly deleted pics).

Fastest way to get the search correctly is to click on the proper alias in the list of apparented tags (below the search box).

Updated by anonymous

ok i still don't get it
if i type in pokémon, i get all the pages but if i type in pokemon, i get the same first three pages that i would get with pokémon so...

Updated by anonymous

I think it was just an issue with e621's cache, I added and then removed the pokemon tag from a post and now everything seems to be okay.

Updated by anonymous

Kitsu~ said:
I think it was just an issue with e621's cache, I added and then removed the pokemon tag from a post and now everything seems to be okay.

Say thanks to Mr. Kitsu kids :D

Updated by anonymous

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