Topic: Trunicated URLs

Posted under General

After installing Windows 7, I've noticed that I can see all image thumbnails, but when I try to view them, the URL is truncated to a specific limit. This causes the image page itself to load, oddly enough, but the image itself always comes back as a broken link. The only way to access the image from that point is to use the Original Image link, which lest to say, is quite annoying. Nor does it work on flashes.

Any suggestions? It's doing it on both IE and FF fully updated.


If you mean that post URLs look something like this:

Then that's perfectly normal. Anything after the post ID doesn't matter, so show/12345/icanputanythingiwanthere will still work, or even just show/12345.

If that's not what you're talking about, then I dunno. Try disabling your firewall, antivirus, or any parental filter programs you may have running.

Updated by anonymous

Somewhat. It does answer one question. But it still doesn't explain why images and flash refuse to load normally. I did try reloading the page with firewalls and whatnot disabled, to no effect. The problem it's exhibiting is it looks like it's trying to load the image, it gives the frame for them, which you can right click and check the image properties of, but once the ads finish loading, it immediately collapses back on itself. This makes it impossible to see or click on without having to pass to the side and view the original image, like said previously.

Edit: As an interesting side effect, images with translations, or notes have the notes load correctly in relation to the image, but since the image itself is missing, the note boxes end up all over the comment posts themselves.

Updated by anonymous

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